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To Kill a Mockingbird


Submitted By FrozenExistence
Words 27548
Pages 111
Essential Essays
Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus

Also by The Minimalists
Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life

Also by Joshua Fields Millburn
Falling While Sitting Down: Stories
As a Decade Fades: A Novel

More Info

Published in 2011 by Mins Publishing
Copyright © 2011 by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus
All rights reserved, though it would be appreciated if youʼd tell other people about this book if you enjoy it, whether you paid for it or not. Let it be known that any profits from this book will most likely be spent on coffee and/or burritos.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Minimalism: essential essays / Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus. — 1st ed.
ISBN-10: 1-936-53945-1 ISBN-13: 978-1-9365394-5-1
1. Title. 2. Minimalism. 3. The Minimalists. 4. Simplicity. 5. Self-improvement.
Feel free to take pieces of these essays and replicate them online, but please give a link back to along with it. If you want to use more than a few paragraphs, it would be great if you’d email and let us know what youʼre up to.
Contact Information:
Joshua Fields Millburn
Ryan Nicodemus email: web:
Cover photo by Mick Evans and Hillary Hopkins
Cover design by Colleen McCulla
Formatting by Chris O’Byrne at
Special thanks to four people who helped make this collection appreciably better with their editing and proof-reading efforts: Will Peach, Lee Knowlton, Cynthia Schrage, and Miles Price.
Also: a big thank you to our readers. We appreciate you. We write these words for you.

For —— and ——


Part One | Introduction
About The Minimalists




What Is Minimalism?


Part Two | Living in the Moment
Be On the Mountain


Clear Your Damn Plate


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To Kill a Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird

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