...To what extent is security a necessary precondition for development? Introduction It is put forward that security is not necessarily a precondition for development, but rather, both concepts of security and development are inextricably linked. With neither one being predominant over the other; rather the influence of both oscillate, dependent upon the individual circumstances within the State or region. In essence, what this answer will aim to illustrate, is the extent of this link, the theories which explain it, and whether or not security underpins development. Before we begin however, it would be prudent to first, define the concepts of ‘security’ and ‘development’. From the obvious, national security dimension, to the more human-centred, holistic definitions, finding a simple definition for the concept of security is a complex task, due to the variety of ways in which it can be defined. For the purposes of this essay however, the definition provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as security being “the prevention of any threat to individual or national security irrespective of that threat being political or economic in its nature, as such threats would threaten the process of development”[1] would be an appropriate fit, as it incorporates both the traditional State-centric element, and also the more holistic, human security definition.. Traditionally, the definition of development has been one that has been predicated upon a mainly economic...
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...To what Extent is Security a Necessary Precondition for Development? 1 Introduction The understanding of the relationship between security and development that drivesdevelopment policies of donor agencies and countries has varied throughout the past 60 years.During the Cold War, western donors had widely focussed on assisting their third World partners with aid to repel the communist threat. In the post Cold War period, while assistancehad sharply dropped, it was mostly disconnected from security interests. However, with theoccurrence of the 9/11 events, development assistance has rocketed once more as manyimportant players within the donor community have focussed their peace and statebuildingefforts on promoting security in the name of development in 'failed' and 'fragile states' (Beallet al. 2006). This logic presumes that before development can unfold, a secure environmenthas to be established, making security a necessary precondition for development. This is alsodescribed as a 'security first' approach to development. However, the human security (HS)concept contests this logic. While a 'security first' approach focuses mainly on the security ofWestern countries, human security emphasizes the security needs of the people living indeveloping countries, depicting daily threats as a critical source of insecurity. Therefore,human security clearly focuses on the improvement of long-term development, emphasizingthat development and security have to be equally promoted. Therefore...
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...SRI LANKA INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Software Requirement Specication (SRS) for Distributed Lecturing and Examination System (DLES) PROJECT MEMBERS M.F.F. Faraj - DCN/07/C3/0619 Y.L.A Weerasinghe - DCN/07/C3/0642 T.I. Senevirathna - DCN/07/C4/0816 R.M.A.I.K. Amunugama - DCN/07/C4/0752 D.U Edirisooriya - DCN/07/C3/0582 DLES Project Title : Distributed Lecturing and Examination System (DLES) Project ID: PDCN-27 Group Members: Student ID Student Name Signature DCN/07/C3/0619 M.F.F. Faraj DCN/07/C3/0642 Y.L.A Weerasinghe DCN/07/C4/0816 T.I. Senevirathna DCN/07/C4/0752 R.M.A.I.K. Amunugama DCN/07/C3/0582 D.U Edirisooriya Date of Submission: 05.04.2010 Project Sponsor: Not Applicable. Supervised by: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dr. Malitha Wijesundara SLIIT i DLES Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 Overview of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Overall Descriptions 8 2.1 Product perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.1.1 System interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.1.2 User interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.1.3 Hardware interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
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...CHAPTER 1 1. DEFINITION INTERNAL CONTROL is a process effected by people at every level of an organization, designed to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of objectives in the – effectiveness and efficiency of operations, - reliability of financial reporting, - compliance with applicable laws and regulations. A PROCESS: it is a multiplicity of processes, a series of actions, that is integrated with the basic management processes of planning, executing and monitoring in order to enable their function and in order to monitor them. It is not added on to an entity’s activity, but it should rather be “built-in” in order to be most effective. It is also critical to the success of quality programmes and to cost containment and response time (i.e. not adding new procedures but focusing on existing one and building internal control into them). PEOPLE: internal control is effected by the BoD, management and other personnel. People establish objectives, responsibilities, limits of authority and then put control mechanisms in place. Internal control recognizes that every individual brings in different abilities, needs, priorities, which affect internal control and are in turn affected by internal control itself. The BoD does not only oversee, but it also provides directions and approves transactions and policies, so it is an important element of internal control. REASONABLE ASSURANCE: internal control does not provide absolute assurance. Limitations regard faults in human...
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...There are a number of ways in which economic policy could influence the success of the tourism industry. First, there are ways that economic policies a government takes can have a direct impact on tourism. This type of impact would occur when a government makes policies explicitly aimed at the tourism industry. For example, if a local government subsidises the building of a resort in a beach town, the tourist industry in that town will, presumably, benefit. Second, there are ways economic policy can indirectly affect tourism. For example, government monetary policies are most likely not aimed at tourism. However, if a government's monetary policies cause the exchange rate for its currency to fall, tourism will likely benefit. This is because the country's currency will become cheaper and vacations in that country will become less expensive for people in other countries. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS, SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS - SEMINAR ON TOURISM POLICY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Introduction 1. This note presents the record of a seminar held on 6 and 7 March 2001 in Berlin, aimed at exploring the relationships between economic growth and tourism policy. The Seminar was organised by the OECD in partnership with the Canadian Tourism Commission, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany, the Secretariat of State for Tourism of Mexico and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland. 2. The objectives of the seminar were: * To learn more about...
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...www.studyguide.pk UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS GCE Advanced Level MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2009 question paper for the guidance of teachers 9084 LAW 9084/03 Paper 3, maximum raw mark 75 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination. • CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes. CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2009 question papers for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses. www.xtremepapers.net www.studyguide.pk Page 2 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE A LEVEL – May/June 2009 Syllabus 9084 Paper 03 Assessment Objectives Candidates are expected to demonstrate: Knowledge and Understanding – recall, select, use and develop knowledge and understanding of legal principles and rules by means of example and citation Analysis, Evaluation and Application – analyse and evaluate legal materials, situations and issues and accurately apply appropriate principles and rules Communication and Presentation...
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...Guidelines for Programme Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Table of contents KEY TERMS 1. BASIC PRINCIPLES 1.1. Development cooperation as part of foreign policy • • • • • 1.1.1 Increasing coordination and coherence 1.1.2 Strategic planning sets the framework 1.1.3 Cooperation has various forms 1.1.4 Policies require action 1.1.5 Finland as a partner 1.2. Towards a common language • • • 1.2.1 An integrated approach improves learning 1.2.2 Project cycle - the life of a development intervention 1.2.3 Level of participation varies 1. 3. Achieving sustainable development • • • • • • • • 1.3.1 Policies must match 1.3.2 Better value for money 1.3.3 Institutional capacity makes a difference 1.3.4 People-centered development emphasises socio-cultural aspects 1.3.5 Participation enhances ownership 1.3.6 Gender equality and participatory development 1.3.7 Environment - not only ecology 1.3.8 Technology must meet the needs 2. PROJECT DESIGN 2. Situation analysis - the cornerstone of project planning • • • • 2.1.1 Background studies and the analysis of stakeholders 2.1.2 Problem analysis - key to the project’s framework 2.1.3 Objectives reflect an ideal future 2.1.4 Strategic choices begin by fixing the project purpose 2.2. Planning with logic • • • • • • • • 2.2.1 Logical framework is a practical tool 2.2.2 Intervention logic states the strategy 2.2.3 Assumptions must hold 2.2.4 Indicators make the plan concrete 2.2.5 Approach describes how 2.2.6 Organisation determines roles...
Words: 26009 - Pages: 105
...because if members do pursue their own ideal way of life they would be “forced to try to execute their chosen life-styles in an alien culture” (Kymlicka 188) These minority cultures are thusly envious of the majority culture as they “get for free what aboriginal people have to pay for: secure cultural membership.” (Kymlicka 190) A primary characteristic of a culture is the language. Language has been identified as “the symbolic representation of a people, since it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.” (Brown cited by Jiang) The importance of language therefore suggests the significance of preserving the cultural language to better protect the minority cultures.; Hhowever the insignificant number of users for the minority language oftentimes leads the majority culture to overlook the language, thereby undermining the culture’s security. In Given Rawls’ theory on justice, unequal product contingencies or morally arbitrary conditions, including minority cultures, are not justified. Explain why minority culture is morally arbitrary. He also “claims that we should have the social conditions needed to intelligently decide for ourselves what is valuable in life.” (Kymlicka 164) These decisions however are made from examining “definite ideals and forms of life that have been developed and tested...
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...E-Governance for Rural Development Swati Bhatt Sr. Lecturer (Marketing Area), Dept of Management Studies India is a land of diversity. This diversity spans across culture, tradition, language, geography and the economic condition of the people. It is a nation that has a significant number of people who are below the minimal socio-economic benchmarks. This includes rural and urban poor, women in rural areas, street children, people belonging to historically disadvantaged castes and people living in less developed areas. The vulnerability of these sections of society has increased with globalization and this section is prone to become even more marginalized - economically and socially. Successive governments have committed themselves to addressing these divides, but effective implementation of various economic development programmes aimed at individuals belonging to these sections of society has proved an elusive goal. During the 1980s and early 1990s, initial attempts towards e-Governance were made with a focus on networking government departments and developing in-house government applications in the areas of defence, economic monitoring, planning and the deployment of IT to manage data-intensive functions related to elections, census, tax administration etc.80 These applications focused on automation of internal government functions rather than on improving service delivery to citizens. Over the past decade or so, there have been islands of e-Governance initiatives...
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...The implications of the diminution in union forms of representation for the efficiency of employee voice within the workplace In the first decade of the 21st century, HR has been set a large significant number of issues and many subjects such as employee relationship, strategic HR approaches, employee rewarding, people resourcing, management ethics and so forth have attracted great deal of attention, concern and study to analysis their role, effect and contributions in organizations. Even though there are wide ranges of subjects playing different roles in human resource practices, an appreciation of operating the relationship between employees and employers has become an essential position of business and management recently. Traditionally, employers in employee relationship tried to maintain the control of the workforce with the goal of enhancing business performance. Clearly, if workers are treated fairly and respectively, in addition, they have appropriate influence on managerial decision-making, it could better for them perform improvably. Managers prefer grater work outcomes, nevertheless, it could bring employees’ requirements being disregarded or undermined (Budd, 2004). Therefore, employees bond to express their voice appropriately and their interests should be respected. The main way in which workers tend to voice their interests and representations in the workplace is to participate in collective unions so that they could in a position of greater strength; trade unionism...
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...COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS DISCUSS THE VARIOUS ECONOMIC GROWTH THEORIES AND DEVELOPMENT THEORIES HOW CAN SUCH THEORIES BE USED IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA. COURSE TITLE THEORY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COURSE CODE;ECO 2911 INTRODUCTION According to Dennis Goulet in The Cruel Choice, “it matters little how much information we possess about development if we have not grasped its inner meaning”. Development is not purely an economic phenomenon. In an ultimate sense, it must encompass more than the material and financial sides of people’s lives, to expand human freedom. Every nation strives after development. Development and growth should therefore be perceived as a multidimensional process involving the reorganization and reorientation of the entire economic and social systems. The sources of economic progress can be traced to a variety of factors, but by and large, investments that improve the quality of existing physical and human resources, increase the quantity of these same productive resources, and raise the productivity of all or specific resources through invention , innovation and technological progress have been and will continue to be primary factors in stimulating economic growth in any society. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THEORIES Definition of economic development It can be defined as the increase in the standard of living of a nation's population with sustained growth from a simple, low-income economy...
Words: 6595 - Pages: 27
...Carrefour Europe vs. Carrefour China V. Chapter – Food Safety problematic and CSR 5.1 Food Safety 5.2 International Food Standards and Initiatives 5.3 Food Safety in China 5.4 Carrefour Europe vs. Carrefour China Literature Internet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Executive summary China is one of the countries where globalisation has led to a significant change of the economical as well as the social frameworks. Multinational corporations are expending in a very dynamic way in order to participate in this new market environment. In countries like China, where the jurisdictional framework is not as evolved as in most of the western states, the pace of economical development can exceeds legal regulations. This has increased the expectations from the part of the civil societies that multinational corporations do not only focus on profit...
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...Viciani nd Alberto Zezza are consultants, and Kostas G. Stamoulis is a Senior Economist, Agriculture and Economic Development Analysis Division (ESA), FAO, Rome. | 1. Introduction 2. Poverty, Inequality and Food Insecurity 3. Policy Reforms Affecting Agriculture and Rural Development, and Changes in the Role of the State 4. Globalization and International Trade Liberalization 5. Increasing Agricultural Production: Sustainability and Technology Changes 1. INTRODUCTION The first step in the CUREMIS exercise was a survey conducted among all the regional and sub-regional policy officers and outposted staff of the Economic and Social Department of FAO. The survey was based on a questionnaire which was distributed to them and was structured around "major trends affecting food, agriculture and rural development" as identified in the process of preparing the FAO Strategic Framework, namely: * changes in the role and functions of the state and implication for food, agriculture and rural development * trade liberalization, globalization and increased reliance on regional blocks * persistence of poverty, mounting inequality, food insecurity and continuing risks of emergencies * population growth, urbanization and related changes in demand on agriculture; increasing pressure on natural resources and the environment * research and technology development and inequality of access. A consolidated synthesis of the responses to the questionnaire was then reviewed and...
Words: 14312 - Pages: 58
...the cooling tower at the Yongbyon nuclear facility. Secondly, and based on the findings of my empirical case study in Chapters Four and Five, I comparatively examine the strength of offensive realism, defensive realism and constructivism in explaining the extent to which US-North Korean security competition was mitigated from 1993 to 2000. The third section considers the implications of this research project’s findings for the ability of policymakers to exercise security dilemma sensibility. The fourth section concludes this PhD thesis by laying out a proposed research agenda that builds on the findings of this research project. 1. Postscript: Transition to George W. Bush George W. Bush succeeded to the US presidency in early 2001 on a political platform that pointed to elements of ideological fundamentalism and assumptions of inherent bad faith in Pyongyang. Robert Woodward argued that the Bush Administration’s outlook was based on moral absolutism that cast the US as a crusader against the ‘evil’ North Korean leadership. Similarly, Charles L. Pritchard, who served as National Security Council Director for Asian Affairs under the Clinton Administration, and the US Representative to Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) under the Bush Administration, reflected that the transition to Bush marked a hundred percent fundamental change. The Bush Administration brought with it a whole different set of assumptions on North Korean intentions and how to deal...
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...police office in law enforcement. Introduction The use of force presents one of the most controversial sectors of law enforcement in any given society. Recent developments have escalated concern about police use of force. These ranges from properly publicized occurrences involving accusations of excessive force to the inception of violent policing whose frequent emphasis is on zero tolerance law enforcement. The kind of police actions that most provoke public concern include fatal shootings, severe beatings with fists or batons that result in hospitalization of the victims, choke holds that cause oblivion or even death. The use of force by law enforcement personnel is permitted by law under certain circumstances such as in self-defense or in defense of another individual or group of persons (Barrett 2008). Law enforcement officers receive direction from their respective agencies on when to apply force during law enforcement, but there exists no universal set of regulations that govern when law enforcers should use force and how much force should be inflicted in the line of duty. Additionally, situational consciousness is vital, and law enforcement officers are trained to evaluate when a crisis demands usage of force to regain control of the situation at hand. Officers should at all times apply the amount of force necessary to moderate an incident, make an arrest,...
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