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Tom Bartel Body

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The physical realism, relatability, and the push for interaction that ceramic figures carry with them can be used to create a more interactive process with a piece of portraiture, further bring the piece to life. Springing into the contemporary world we fill find Tom Bartel and his figurative sculptures, specifically his piece “Things that get you up/Things that get you down.” (Figure ) Bartel created a standing figure with outstretched arms with little bumps for hands, polka dot overalls with an erection showing through them, a skull in place of a head, and the figures are displayed standing in heart-shaped piles of dirt. Looking just at the figure, different sections of the body appear to be referencing different ages. The midsection of the body is more round, and with the outstretched arms seems to be referencing a small child wanting to be held. The size of the sculpture also re-enforces the feeling of being approached by a child, as it stands 40 inches tall, which is the height of an average 4 year old. The longer legs and erect penis suggests adulthood and fertilization. It also acts as a reference to the cynical humor and intense sexual drive of early adulthood. The head …show more content…
It can symbolize fertility, planting, and growth. The dirt becomes a place of birth and development for the figure to exist and grow in. It also serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death and being buried. The symbol of the heart is used for the shape of the dirt as a way to reference love and loss. The way that the dirt extends past the figure almost acts as a barrier around the piece, further separating the viewer from the interactive pull of the figure. The viewer’s interaction with this piece is similar to how we interact with and respond to the aging process. Bartel’s piece elicits the feelings of our familiarity to life and living, as well as our timidness towards the concept of

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