...Computer ethics Computer ethics is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct. The term "computer ethics" was first coined by Walter Maner in the mid-1970s, but only since the 1990s has it started being integrated into professional development programs in academic settings. The conceptual foundations of computer ethics are investigated by information ethics, a branch of philosophical ethics established by Luciano Floridi. Computer ethics is a very important topic in computer applications. The importance of computer ethics increased through the 1990s. With the growth of the Internet, privacy issues as well as concerns regarding computing technologies such as spyware and web browser cookies have called into question ethical behavior in technology. Identifying issues Identifying ethical issues as they arise, as well as defining how to deal with them, has traditionally been problematic in computer ethics. Some have argued against the idea of computer ethics as a whole. However, Collins and Miller proposed a method of identifying issues in computer ethics in their Paramedic Ethics model. The model is a data-centered view of judging ethical issues, involving the gathering, analysis, negotiation, and judging of data about the issue. In solving problems relating to ethical issues, Davis proposed a unique problem-solving method. In Davis's model, the ethical problem is stated, facts...
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...Journal (Week 5-due on 26.06.2016). Topic: “Ethics in Management Decision.”-Ethical Decision Making. Done By Student Name: Khalid Bin Hossain Student ID# c3267875. Done For Lecturer: Nimay K. As we have to write an annotated bibliography on the topic “Ethics in management decision”, I along with my other group members (Poonam and Hilda) arranged a successful group meeting for week 5. On this meeting, we discussed about the topic that we have selected. We have decided to have a meeting at least once a week at the university library group discussion room and also decided to communicate with each other regularly by our cellular phone and with the electronic mails. On the meeting, we searched for the articles relevant to our topic and we found one article each. We read all three articles and discussed about the articles and about our topic briefly. The articles that we have found are- 1) “Management Ethics making the right choice” by Richard B. Secord. 2) “The personal selling and sales management Ethics Research, managerial implications and research directions from a comprehensive review of the empirical literature” by Nicholas McClaren. 3) “How ethical are manager’s goodwill impairment decisions in Spanish listed firms? By Giner and Pardo. According to Secord (2016), leadership derived from various components. These elements can be 1) observation 2) training, 3) practice, 4) experience and 5) a good mentor. ‘Ethics’ can be defined as an area of study...
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...The concerns of ethics and computer is a constant balancing act. Technology will continue to advance and it’s our job to make sure that we always keep ourselves and our neighbors in mind when it comes to ethical behavior and computer technology. In this paper three article that touch on ethical concerns in computing in their own way. One will discuss how the concerns that we all may be very easily find ourselves in on a daily basis. One will look into more specific areas where ethics and computers intertwine, using cell phones to track pedestrians and home monitoring for the elderly. The other will hit on the risk and rewards of cloud computing and the ethics behind law firms and their move into the 21st century. Ethics surrounding computer technology are currently an ever evolving conversation. As technology advance so must the ethics and rules of how we handle our personal information and how others can and cannot used that information. With this evolution in technology there are many topics of concern that raise red flags and force people to reevaluate what needs to change in order to make sure that the very principals we hold as a country are not bent to meet the demands of changing technologies. Concerns over personal and private data who can see what and at what point is personal data no longer private. Identity theft is another issue as people become more and more willing to use computers to bank and pay bills they are more at risk of another person electronically stealing...
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...IFSM 304 – Ethics in the Information Age Learning Portfolio Assignment Descriptions Here are the detailed Assignment Requirements and Summary (Reflection Paper) that comprise activities for a Learning Portfolio for IFSM 304. These activities, along with class discussion and any other assignments your professor may require will enable you to achieve the course objectives and demonstrate knowledge of key concepts and apply this understanding to real-world digital ethics topics and situations. Understand that your work will comprise a Learning Portfolio for the course and these assignments are linked! You will be faced with work that advances with a progression from a general basic framework for decision making to more specific analysis and critical thinking about more complex ethical issues. Current Events 5% Conference Posting of articles on IT-related Ethical Global issues (multi-national corporation) The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a current event article on global ethical issues from a multi-national corporation perspective. This assignment is designed to increase your knowledge from a corporate viewpoint and enable you to analyze ethical issues from a current GLOBAL situation or event. This will also enhance your research and writing skills and your critical-thinking abilities. Select a current topic (2010 source or later) and find an appropriate article on the topic. Provide the persistent URL (one that anyone can click on to read the...
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...will find and frame legal and ethical issues presented by past, contemporary and emerging technology. Cases and events will be examined. At the conclusion of the semester, students will be able identify and discuss legal and ethical issues presented by technology. Instructor: Office Hours: Leslie Dixon 9 am – 11:30 am M W and by Office: 202B Houser Hall; 205-348-1663 appointment Email: Ldixon@cs.ua.edu (please include a subject) Course Websites: http://cs340.cs.ua.edu & https://ualearn.blackboard.com/ Twitter: cs340 Required Text: Ethics in a Computing Culture Binkman ISBN: 1-111-53110-2 Required Access: Global Technology Watch ISBN: 1-111-37635-2 Grading: Writings, quizzes, in-class work, participation: Project: Exams (3 @ 15% each): 30% 25% 45% Writings: Approximately 3 times this semester, students will write an essay or reflection on a current event in technology. Material for these will be provided through the Global Technology Watch website. Project: This semester students will work in teams of approximately 4-5 students on a project concerning ethics and popular culture or legal issues and popular culture. Each team and topic is student selected, but instructor approved. For the projects, each team will craft a presentation for the class. Presentations will have a script and use multimedia. We will begin forming teams after the first test. Tentative Project Deadlines: th Topic and team finalization, due in class, Tuesday, September 25 th Script Rough Draft, due in...
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...Ethical Concerns in Computing: Robot Ethics Ashley Ramos INF 103: Computer Literacy Cathy Johnson November 26, 2013 From a cash register to driverless cars, technology is all around us whether we like it or not, and it is only going to continue to grow. The more technology advances, the more we can do or use it for, and the more concerns it raises. When a computer was first introduced, we weren't thinking about if it could tell right from wrong, we were thrilled that we had a machine that could do somewhat complex calculations. As technology advanced these issues of morals came into play. The first person to look into ethics and the issues that go along with it was James Moor (Bowles, 2013). Since then it has been a highly debated topic that continues to grow. There are many different ethical issues involving information technology, some of which are mentioned in our textbook. Just like with any personal data (Social Security Numbers, bank account information, etc), we expect this information to be kept private and only give it out to who we believe to be trusted people. "Privacy of that data and the importance of ensuring that only authorized people know certain things about other people's lives." (Bowles, 2013). Another issue mentioned in the textbook is the accuracy of our personal information that is entered into the various systems. This information is only as accurate as the human typing it in makes it. Because digital information is so much easier...
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...Marks: 50 Q. 1 (a) Discuss the impact of digital technologies on marketing strategies. (b) Describe the consumer research process in detail. (10+10) Q. 2 Discuss the motivation as a psychological force. Also explain the measurement of motives. (20) Q. 3 What is the concept of personality? Discuss the concept of brand personality in detail. (20) Q. 4 What is meant by attitude? Describe different strategies for attitude change. (20) Q. 5 Explain the elements of consumer learning. Also discuss the cognitive theory of learning (20) ASSIGNMENT No. 2 (Total Marks: 100) This assignment is a research-oriented activity. You are required to submit a term paper and present the same in the classroom prior to the final examination. Presentation component is compulsory for all students. You will have to participate in the activity fully and prepare a paper of about 15 to 20 pages on the topic allotted to you. The students are required to prepare two copies of Assignment No. 2. Submit one copy to your teacher for evaluation and the second copy for presentation in the classrooms in the presence of your resource persons and classmates, which will be held at the end of the semester prior to final examination. Include the following main headings in your report:- a) Introduction to the topic b) Important sub-topics c) Practical aspects with respect to the topic d) Review of theoretical and practical situations e)...
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...Topic Tar sands oil spill in arkansas Name Nadya Sanjaya SID 1412251 DELETE THIS PAGE WHEN YOU HAND IN THE EXAM Objective: This take home exam is designed to test your understanding and interpretation of engineering ethics principles and social science issues as related to contemporary engineering problems. Procedure: Select a current engineering topic that is not the Dreamliner. Follow the questions on the subsequent pages. Writing format: Times new roman font, 12 pt. Single-spaced with justified margins. Just like on this page here. One space in between each paragraph. Email the final copy to r.angelo.borrelli@gmail.com. Points will be deducted for incorrect format. Citations: Please cite all sources you use. In the text of the paper, please use a superscript when you make a citation, like this.1 Then, in the REFERENCES section, list your sources in order. Length: ‘Sufficient.’ I am not going to give a set page limit. Be concise but show depth. Writing style: You will be writing in some form, whether technical writing or essays, and then when you get jobs in the real world. There is no time to start practicing like now. Grammar and spelling are part of the grade! Proof-read your paper several times! 1. Introduction [10] Please introduce your topic and explain why it is important to you. The topic I’m writing is about the tar sands oil spill in Mayflower, Arkansas. ExxonMobil, the company that runs the pipeline was in charge of the...
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...Chapter 11 Law and Ethics Chapter Overview Chapter 11 covers the topics of law and ethics. In this chapter readers will learn to identify major national and international laws that relate to the practice of information security as well as come to understand the role of culture as it applies to ethics in information security. Chapter Objectives When you complete this chapter, you will be able to: Differentiate between law and ethics Identify major national and international laws that relate to the practice of information security Understand the role of culture as it applies to ethics in information security Access current information on laws, regulations, and relevant professional organizations Set-up Notes This chapter could be completed in a single class session, if there is sufficient time to cover the material. Unless the students have not had the opportunity to read the material in advance (in some settings, the textbooks are not made available until the first class meeting), it may be prudent to have a general discussion of the topic, with detailed lecture to follow at the next class meeting. The subject matter can be covered in 1.25 to 2.5 hours. Lecture Notes and Teaching Tips with Quick Quizzes Introduction As a future information security professional, it is vital that you understand the scope of an organization’s legal and ethical responsibilities. To minimize the organization’s liabilities the information security practitioner must understand...
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...Is Sales Ethics an Oxymoron? Introduction It has been said that sales ethics is an oxymoron. In this paper, this topic will be discussed. First, what is an oxymoron? It can be explained as the bringing together of two apparently contradictory concepts such as 'a great defeat' or 'humiliating honor'. From this topic, it is saying that sales ethics is an oxymoron which indicates that there is no ethic in sales. It is suggesting that sales are in some degree unethical. For example, it may believe that ales or business is integrally harmful. Or we can say it is at best amoral and it is beyond the normal moral considerations. In order to better discuss the statement of the question, it is necessary for us to define the meaning 'sales ethics'. Sales or business ethics is the application of ethical values to business behaviour or sales function. When the first trade happened the argument of sales ethics (business ethics) has had drown a great attention (i.e. the Code of Hammurabi, created nearly 4,000 years ago, records that Mesopotamian rulers attempted to create honest prices. In the fourth century BCE, Aristotle discussed the vices and virtues of tradesmen and merchants. The Old Testament and the Jewish Talmud discuss the proper way to conduct business and even includes topics such as fraud, theft, misleading advertisements, environmental issues and just prices. ) Throughout the history of commerce to today, the issues of business ethics is a continuous source of debate as it...
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...The inability of organizational leader's to effectively analyze the impact that information technology brings can be detrimental. Organizational communication in the 21st century can present unique ethical issues that require the development of new policies to address these issues. The use of email and the growth of the Internet is having a profound affect on organizational ethics. However, this is not a new problem for organizations but it is a problem that can't be overlooked. As far back as 1998, a study documented that nearly half of the organizations polled said they had engaged in some sort of unethical action related to new technology within the last year (McDonald, 1998). The rapid changes in technology has also made it difficult, and often unclear to define ethical behavior. The ability to capture and store large amounts of personal data has led to a greater reliance on information systems in all aspects of life, which as increased the chances that information technology will be used unethically. Many employees have their email and Internet access monitored while at work in order for their employer to manage important company assets, but employees desire privacy. In addition, hackers have the ability to break into databases and steal customer information and use it for identity theft if organizational files are not properly safeguarded. Further, the importance of ethics and human values has been long under emphasized – with a variety of consequences for organizations...
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...The presence of qualities showing high ethics in a person is often termed as morality. Most of the times the term moral are associated with the lesson one learns from the society. The beliefs which he adheres to in his day to day professional as well as personal dealings are morals while ethics are the codes or standards of conduct expected by the group to which the individual belongs. These principles and values provide a correct evaluation of his ideas and the way he looks towards the problems of the society as a whole. Nowadays, with the advancement in technology and modernization in a society like India ethics and morals have become buzz words with many educational institutes starting their own courses in ethics development. WAT Topic for MBA Admission 2014 | WAT Topic for MBA: Indo-US relations; how much beneficial for India WAT Topic for MBA: FDI in multi brand retail is a boon or bane WAT Topic for MBA: Is ASEAN a defunct Group WAT Topic for MBA: 12 days left for XAT Essay writing; fasten your belts XAT 2014 Essay Writing and WAT in IIMs: Role, Importance and Weightage XAT 2014 & WAT: Know 10 Important Don'ts for Essay writing XAT 2014: 8 key points for effective Essay Writing Click for more WAT topics for MBA Society: The best teacher of ethics and morality The set of values that a society always keeps in mind are morals and ethics which are always supposed to be adhered to. They include a prescriptive code of conduct and don’t merely describe a state...
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...sells to countries all around the world and their products are well known in many countries. The first subject will cover information on environmental factors that affect global and domestic marketing decisions. The second subject will analyze the influence of global economic interdependence also the effect of trade practices and agreements. The third subject will cover the importance of demographics and physical infrastructure; also this section will analyze the influence of cultural differences. The fourth subject will cover the importance of social responsibility and ethics versus legal obligations. The fifth subject will analyze the effect of political systems and the influence of international relations; also the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 will be analyzed, also the influence of local, national, and international legislation will be analyzed. The final subject will cover the effect of technology. Environmental Factors Every company has environmental factors that affect their global and domestic decision making. The Apple store has three environmental factors that affect their global and domestic decision making. The first environmental factor is technological, the second is competitive, and the third is social. The three factors are important and can be maintained so the company can gain success. The first factor technological factors affect decision making in terms of coming up with new unused products or ideas for improvements on existing products. The...
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...GEN 300 Entire Course (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A+ GEN 300 Ethics in an Academic Environment Assignment POWERPOINT ONLY GEN 300 Team Dynamics Instructions GEN 300 Effects of Technology Essay GEN 300 Research,Summary, and Paraphrase Activity GEN 300 Ethics in an Academic Environment Assignment PAPER ONLY GEN 300 Final Paper on Team Dynamics GEN 300 Student Web Scavenger Hunt GEN 300 Week 1 DQs GEN 300 Week 2 DQs GEN 300 Week 3 DQs GEN 300 Week 4 DQs GEN 300 Week 5 DQs ............................................................................................................................................................... GEN 300 Effects of Technology Essay (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A+ Technology and the changes it brings can have a very big effect on our lives. Which technological change has had the largest effect on life in this country? Why? Prepare at least a 350-word essay explaining the technology you have chosen and how it has affected our lives. As you write your paper, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you address the following: Develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your controlling idea to the audience. Support your controlling idea with meaningful examples, reasons, and information based upon your research or...
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...Topics include: audit and other reports, statistical sampling in auditing, attestation standards, reporting on future-oriented information, accountant's legal liability, Securities & Exchange Commission practice, professional ethics and using technology in auditing. Catalog Description Prerequisites: Sophomore standing; minimum grade of "C-" in ACCT 311. Topics include: audit and other reports, statistical sampling in auditing, attestation standards, reporting on future-oriented information, accountant's legal liability, Securities & Exchange Commission practice, professional ethics and using technology in auditing. Course Overview Students will become familiar with issues under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, pronouncements of the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board, the Sarbanes Oxley Act, federal securities laws, and cases relating to CPA malpractice. Students will have a thorough professional knowledge of CPA reports on financial statements and special reports. Students will also learn how to apply statistical sampling and technology in auditing. Course Overview Students will become familiar with issues under the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, pronouncements of the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board, the Sarbanes Oxley Act, federal securities laws, and cases relating to CPA malpractice. Students will have a thorough professional knowledge of CPA reports on financial statements and special reports. Students will also learn...
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