Premium Essay



Submitted By smcclure08
Words 1612
Pages 7

The Company I have chosen to do this assignment is a technology company Toshiba, a world leader in high technology it is a diversified manufacturer and marketer of advanced electronic and electrical products. Toshiba dates back as far as 1875 which was the establishment of Tanaka Engineering Works Japans first manufacturer of telegraphic equipment. In 1890 Hakunetsu-Sha & Co. Ltd was established which was Japans first plant for electric incandescent lamps. However, the company soon evolved into a manufacturer of consumer products and in 1899 changed its name to Tokyo Denki. In 1939, these two companies merged with Toshiba becoming the official name for the company in 1978. As of 2010, Toshiba had 204,000 employees and a total of 473,230 shareholders and the company is valued at $58,615 million (, 2011) and was the fifth largest personal computer vendor in the world. Now Toshiba is a diversified manufacturer and a marketer of electrical products, spanning information & communications equipment and systems, Internet-based solutions and services, electronic components and materials, power systems, industrial and social infrastructure systems, and household appliances (Toshiba, 2012).
Capabilities and Resources This report identifies and analyzes Toshiba's resources and capabilities. This report will use various analytical models to explain the competitive advantage Toshiba has over its competitors, finally this report will try to explain how the management at Toshiba tries to further develop and manage these capabilities.

Gerry Johnson believes that a resource based view is the idea that a company’s main area of competitive advantage over their competition is through the company’s capabilities and resources. He explains that organizations are not all the same, and each organization has different capabilities and that

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