...DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS (Advanced) - LEVEL 7 ------------------------------------------------- Strategic Management – SM 701 ------------------------------------------------- Lecturer – Armin Wartanian Strategic Management Report for Toshiba GROUP 9 Group members: ID # Mozammel Hossain Forhad 1405047 Jaskaranvir Singh 1404037 Moni Abraham 1412202 Moti Chambakattil preman 1406018 Ravi Teja Erukula 1405026 Issue Date: 13 January 2015 Hand in Date: 19 February 2015 Word count: Executive Summary The importance of this research is to find and evaluate SWOT analysis of Toshiba and can plan on how to improve its current market situation and how to increase the sales of current products compare to competitors. Company is still struggling for selling their Mobile and Storage device and some other products. Our research is based on their financial sector, Sales and distribution, technological sector, Marketing Department and Management department. Most of the cases they are doing well specially LCD TV and Home Appliance sector. And they have a huge opportunity to do well in health care product. Still they have some problems of after sales services. In SWOT...
Words: 5911 - Pages: 24