...Perfect Position Vanessa Collins Perfect Position This perfect position paper will convey about my leadership style as a respected experienced employee. Because of my company’s expansion, and restructuring, I am given the opportunity to determine my position that will best suit me and will benefit the company’s’ success. In doing so I must define my leadership style, its strengths, and weaknesses through the use of the self- assessments that will aid in my identification. In addition, I will compare my method to leadership with the applicable leadership theories to identify occupations within my organization that best fit my style of leadership. Leadership style is an important commodity to or success, whether we are supervising team members on- the- job or providing guidance to a big cooperation. We each have our own style of leadership whether it is subconsciously or deliberately we will use a form or leadership in the workplace and in life. I believe that an effective leader is one who has the capability to recognize the characteristics that could assistance in influencing the group to achieve the company’s vision. Applying my leadership style to best suit my organization I must first my first clarify the organization’s mission, values, and ethical accountabilities. As leader, I will need to create an environment that is positive, motivating, creative and also professional one, so employees will be able to thrive, and grow as the company grows. The Prentice Hall...
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...Determining your perfect position A Team Leader would be my perfect position. Team Leader has to be able to lead employees and guide employees, have knowledge of the department, read engineering prints and understand them. A Team Leader also needs to have knowledge of processes and procedures of the organization. The position requires knowledge in qualifying customers for DSL and cable services and an understanding of how this process works. Since I worked in Mesa de Control Department previously I gained important knowledge that is needed to perform your duties as Team Leader. Going into this position with no knowledge could make it extremely difficult to succeed and the person may become discouraged and not understand. Evaluating my leadership style and the strengths and weaknesses has been important in discovering if I could be a successful Team Leader. Leadership Style Model Leadership can be broken down into five different approaches such as traits, behaviors, integrative, situational, and power of influence. Each of these approaches help to determine how well a leader can influence his or her followers. To understand how leaders become powerful and why people follow a particular leader we first have to understand the leadership approach. Three types of variables are relevant to understanding how effective a leader will be. These variables are as follows: characteristic of the leader, the followers and the situation. In think that the leadership style I posses would...
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...Determining my Perfect Leadership Position In this paper, I will first attempt to outline my personal leadership style according to the results of leadership and team skills self-assessment test and will also list what jobs would best suit me. Second, I will compare and contrast my leadership style with some of the other theories for leadership styles. In this regard, I will provide some examples and will explain how I would act under specific circumstances. Third, I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of my personal leadership and will also identify jobs within my organization that would fit well with my style. Outline of the results of the leadership and team skills self-assessments According to the results of the leadership and team skills self-assessments (Pfeiffer & Jones,1974), my score for concern for people was 6 whereas my score for concern for task was 10. Therefore, my leadership style would be task-oriented since my score was high. Task-oriented leaders are concerned with getting the job done, whereas people-oriented leaders focus mainly on group interactions and the needs of individual members. Similarly, the results of the self-assessments for charismatic leader behavior and my total score of 95 classify me as a charismatic leader. On the team skills self-assessments test, my score for trusting others is 4, my score for others trusting me is 54, my score for disciplining others is 20, and my score for building and leading a team is 89. My high score of...
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...Perfect Position Paper: Edu-Tech University Of Phoenix LDR 561 Professor Townsend Jordan Week No 5 July 16, 2012 Introduction My name is Tamiko Jackson and I am a teacher at a Catholic school in the Los Angeles area. I am a full time, specialized one-subject teacher. I teach computers and technology to students from kindergarten to eighth grade. When I first started working in the private school sector I noticed that all of the teachers had a textbook that went with all of their subjects. Give or take all the subjects had at least a framework to start the school year and a base to map their curriculum. For me the nightmare began when the only material I was given was the Mavis Beacon typing software. After 2 weeks my students were nonetheless bored and unhappy. I started my search and to no disdain the only book that was out and worth purchasing was the Microsoft Office book that associated the software; however it was only suited for adult use and gave me no tools and foundation to build a lesson plans for the class room. The need to reconstruct My boss was very eager to revamp what was done over the past 3 years. My task was to evaluate the effectiveness of the current system and to write a proposal for the new technology program. The proposal was to include a new curriculum, classroom integration strategy, a student learning expectation research, a wish list of what we need to bring the lab up to standard and documentation...
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...Finding a Perfect Position Finding a perfect position requires an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a person’s leadership style. The Leadership Assessment from Pearson/Prentice Hall was conducted within the framework of the University of Phoenix assessment site. Results from this regimen reveal that the author is task oriented (Robbins, 2009). Recognition of weakness in one’s style should be considered positively since it would be contrary to the best interests of an individual or an organization to employ the services of that person based on attributes which could eventually lessen effectiveness. The assessment clearly revealed that my weakness from a leadership style perspective is that I am not people or relationship oriented. This should not mean that I have anti-social tendencies but is closely aligned to my perception or attitude concerning particular tasks. When given an assignment I develop expectations which will formulate my approach to that task. The task must be efficiently carried to completion. My expectations would include that the people assigned to this task are capable and if proven otherwise, they should be replaced or given the opportunity for correction. The assessment may correctly indicate that I have a lower concern for people and do not necessarily trust people. This bears a strong relationship to my task orientation in which that particular strength causes or requires me to maintain a focus on the vision of the involvement of...
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...Determining the Perfect Position Sammie R. Sanders LDR/531 Ricardo Camacho November 26, 2012 Determining the Perfect Position In today’s workforce it is hard to determine what will be an individual’s perfect position. Because when an individual is hired, he or she has to know how to perform every position in the office and be willing to multitask at the same time. The organization that the student works for is expanding and restructuring. This provides the student the perfect opportunity to determine the position that best suits her. This position will define her role so that she will most benefit the organization and be most successful. The following paragraphs will discuss the most effective position for the student, the strengths, and weaknesses of that student’s leadership style, a compare, and contrast of leadership theories, and a personal leadership style model. Position Most Effective for Student The student made the decision that the most effective position for her in this new restructuring is in the human resources department as the Payroll Manager. The student has extensive knowledge concerning payroll issues, child support orders, garnishments, and her computer skills allows her to enter necessary information into spreadsheets or personnel records. She is also familiar with taking deductions from employees’ checks for clinic fees or other activities in the organization that requires the employee to pay a fee. This position allows her to interact with the...
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...Determining My Perfect Position As a valued and experienced employee in my expanding and growing organization, I was presented with the opportunity of determining a leadership position, where I can utilize my expertise and my knowledge of the vision and mission of the organization, daily operations and processes of almost every department and the qualities and values that I possess, and determine the best suitable position that benefits of such experience and qualities, as well as benefits the organization in whole and the department I will be working for. By knowing one’s qualities, ethics and capabilities this should enable this one to better define the responsibilities, challenges, strengths and weaknesses and the accurate leadership style that can be practiced in the best manner to benefit both the employee and the organization. So, by analyzing the Leadership and Team Skills self- assessments one can discover individual strengths and weakness that will assist in determining his or her leadership style, and abilities to lead others. Employee-oriented leaders are “described as emphasizing interpersonal relations; they took a personal interest in the needs of their employees and accepted individual differences among members. The production-oriented leaders, in contrast, tended to emphasize the technical or task aspects of the job” (Robbins & Judge, 2007 pg. 406) By taking a number of self-assessment tests provided by the University of Phoenix student’s portal, such as...
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...My Perfect Position at Good Shepherd Inc. Chuks P. Ihezue LDR/531 October 30, 2011 Shari Lane Introduction (Yukl, 2010), puts it this way, “Leading change is one of the most important and difficult leadership responsibilities…it is the essence of leadership and everything else is secondary”, and insists that for a leader to be effective, s/he needs to resuscitate the organization and be quick to adapt to this ever changing socio-economic environment we’re living in. As the founder of Good Shepherd Internationale, Inc. (GSI), I am committed more than anybody to see that the organization gets to the pinnacle of the Non-profit organizations. For the purpose of this paper, I will focus on the expansion and restructuring of this organization since an opportunity has been presented to me to determine the position that best suits me. From the perspective of my leadership style, this serves as a self assessment time which aims to benefit my organization immensely. Based on that, I will explore the strengths and weaknesses of my leadership style. Further, I am expected to compare and contrast my leadership approach with the leadership theories in our textbooks to enable me have a better understanding of the relevance of the theories to my leadership style. Robbins and Judge, 2011, states that no company operating in this present time would claim to be sailing on a stable business environment, not even for those that dominate their industry’s market share- all must dance to...
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...Herbalife Inc, business is globally growing rapidly and management has been tasked with performing different leadership self-assessment’s to determine what position within the organization compliments my personality, talents and abilities to in order to be a asset to the company in helping them achieve their strategic goals. My weakness, strengths and different theories will be discussed in detail on what characteristics determine great leaders, and how it relates to my leadership style. After reviewing my leadership abilities a conclusion will be made on which position within the organization is a better fit for and the company. Ethics and My leadership Style Based on the results of the assessment tool called Ethical Choices in the Work Place, the majority of my scores landed in the blended category section for equity and obligation. I am almost always concerned about the emotional health of the employees I manage. Another leadership assessment I took revealed that I work well with people and task completions are some of my strong traits. The assessment confirmed that I can multi-task and complete projects on time, while at the same time still able to focus and successfully lead the individuals on my team. After taking into account on both assessments, I recognize that my leadership method is mainly geared towards task completions for the company. Although, it also determined my drive and dedication as an hard working employee; with a balanced leadership style...
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...Determining Your Perfect Position Imagine that the company you work for is expanding and restructuring. As a valued and veteran employee, you are presented with the unique opportunity of determining the type of leadership position that best suits you. Essentially, you are able to define the role in which you can most benefit the company and be the most successful. To determine your position, you must identify the strengths and weaknesses of your personal leadership style by applying what you learned about yourself through the self assessments. Here is my management Style he goal that motivates The Producer (or Ds) is accomplishing bigger and better goals according to an internal timetable. You prefer to be involved in your chosen activities from start to finish, and you resist people who are obstacles to your achievements. Your ability to produce makes you highly valued in situations in which an efficient, dependable, or incrementally improving rate of production is desired THE DOMINANCE STYLE'S TYPICAL BUSINESS CHARACTERISTICS * Prefer time frames * Seek personal control * Get to the point * Strive to feel important and be noteworthy in their job * Demonstrate persistence and single-mindedness to reach a goal * Express high ego strength * Prefer to downplay feelings and relationships * Focus on task actions that lead to achieving tangible outcomes * Implement changes in the workplace * Tend to freely delegate duties, enabling them to take on more projects THE...
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...Determining Your Perfect Position Workshop # 4 University of Phoenix LDR/531: Organizational Leadership MBAY0W8YR1 Instructor: Chris Lewis April 4, 2011 Someone once said “Money makes the world go round.” I believe that is an apt description. In order to earn money, a source of income must be had, but the quality of that job is another story all together. Most children imagine having their dream job when they grow up and having lots of money. That is a great dream, and one worth striving for, but the truth is, the majority of people are not lucky enough to have a perfect job and they do not tend to make the amount of money they are worth. Imagine if it was possible to create your dream position within your current organization. What would it be, Chief Marketing Advisor, Reports Analyst, or Client Liaison, the possibilities are endless. Anyone would agree that they would be happy in the perfect position in their career. But what would it take to achieve such a scenario? Starting a journey to anywhere worth going requires an understanding of why one wants to go there, some planning to get there, and some realization of whether what you really want to do is awaiting you when you arrive. This paper will analyze strengths and weaknesses of Shantel’s leadership style, compare and contrast leadership theories, and identify jobs that will fit her leadership style. Strengths and Weaknesses Leadership, according to Stephen P. Robbins, is the ability to guide a team...
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...Determining Your Perfect Position Brian Watson University of Phoenix LDR/531 Matt Hazlett Good leaders inspire the individuals who work for or follow them, and this relationship sets the stage for the purpose of what management is supposed to do. Leadership the one of the premier qualities of a manager and it is the vehicle through which they drive those who follow towards the achievement of organizational goals. Moreover, management in the upper levels of organizations, along with board members, although considered leaders and have considerable influence over employees, may not be leaders at all. A leader, according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, is defined as one who is in charge of or in command of others. Thus, leaders have followers. The organization I work for is going through an expansion process and a restructuring. They are offering me a leadership role. I consider this to be an opportunity because they propose to allow me to determine the capacity of the role that I feel will fit my style of leadership. Therefore, I must take care to analyze my personal strengths and weaknesses, consider my personal leadership style based on the leadership theories that I have knowledge of, and be able to describe my perfect position. These elements will assist in arriving to an effective decision. The self-assessment tests concerning leadership aided...
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...Determining Your Perfect Position LDR/531 Robyn Dugger 10/24/2011 Leo Maganares Introduction To all employees, Lamb Weston is going to be going through major changes with the shutting down of the production side and increasing the shipping and receiving side. Due to this big change, there will be a new position created. Robyn Dugger will be coming from the corporate office to take on the position of Administrative Assistant II. Robyn has a lot of experience in warehousing and will be a great asset to the Warehouse Department. Leadership Style Robyn’s leadership style is more participative. She believes that everyone should work together in order to solve problems. This leadership will be perfect for the team dynamics that the warehouse is currently in. Since just a couple of months ago the production side shut down and 250 people laid off getting the workers involved will help them feel as they are part of a team again. This style of leadership allows employees to come up with ideas of how they think things should do. Ultimately Robyn will make the final decision, she likes to discuss all pros and cons before making the final decision. While it is not necessary to always consult with others, there are advantages in soliciting subordinates advice, namely better decisions and greater acceptance of decisions (Yukl, 2010). Strengths Robyn’s strengths are that she includes all employees that all involved in the department when completing projects...
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...Determining Your Perfect Position Catherine B. LDR/531 December 19, 2011 Eddie Aprile Determining Your Perfect Position Understanding leadership styles is an excellent way for one to understand an effective way to lead others in an organization. Leadership styles have long been an interesting subject for those involved in organizational behavior because it allows people to understand the motivation behind decisions made in an organizational hierarchy. According to Yukl, (2010), “Most definitions of leadership reflect the assumption that it involves a process whereby intentional influence is exerted over other people to guide, structure, and facilitate activities and relationships in a group or organization” (p. 3). Leadership styles can vary based on the individual. Some people are task-oriented, which means one focuses more on getting the job done. Others are person-oriented, which means one focuses more on the emotional element of people than getting the task completed. The ideal person, especially in management and as a leader, is one who is both task and people-oriented; this person cares about how others emotions are as well as how the job is completed. In this paper, the strength and weaknesses of this author’s leadership style will be assessed as well as a brief comparison and contrasting of leadership style will be examined. The author’s personal leadership style will be looked at in an organizational setting and what position would be perfect for the author in...
Words: 1466 - Pages: 6
...Determining Your Perfect Position LDR/531 December 24, 2012 Stefanie Hopson Determining Your Perfect Position The development of an organization within the construction industry is a continual process influenced by the economy, client demands, technological and social change, and globalization (Yukl, 2010). I am a 7 year veteran employee of the United States Infrastructure Corporation. Although I have the most tenure, at 26 years old, I am the youngest manager in this organization. I began my career in 2005 as a dispatcher. When the company dissolved the local dispatch function, opting for a centralized dispatch at our corporate office instead, I transitioned to an administrative position. Shortly thereafter, the company lost a major contract, resulting in the loss of many administrative jobs and my lateral transfer into a field position as an outdoor field locator technician. I did well in the field. I was team leader, consistently exceeding my individual quality and productivity goals. In 2009, the district manager sought an experienced lead tech for the Claims Coordinator position and eventually recruited me. The purpose of this paper is to determine the position I would best fit within the company assuming USIC is again expanding and restructuring (University of Phoenix, 2012). In my current role as a Claims Coordinator, I determine financial liability for damages by reviewing the damage files submitted...
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