...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Vanessa Velasquez MGT/449 - Global Business Strategies Facilitator: John Quesnel August 30, 2011 Total Quality Pioneers Paper Quality is a notionpresent in daily life. Activities such as grocery shopping, eating in a restaurant, purchasing a vehicle, clothing, or booking a hotel room involves the perception of quality. The meaning of quality differs depending upon circumstances and perceptions. When dealing with tangible products versus the perception of a quality service, the concept of quality changes. Quality is determined when purchases or services meet or exceed an individual’s expectation. The subject of this paper is to define quality and its elements, describe how a quality pioneer’s use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful, and explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment. Definition of Quality Quality is defined as “a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value” (Goetsch & Davis, 2010, p. 5). Quality is considered a ‘dynamic state’ because it often changes with time and circumstances. Elements such as the products, services, people, processes, and environments are significant components of quality because of competition. Two competitors may produce the same product with a comparative quality; however, the competitor who looks beyond the quality of the finished product...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper LaShawn Smith Quality Management and Productivity MGT/449 March 14, 2012 Professor Gilbert Tillman Total Quality Pioneers Paper This paper will discuss quality, elements and the pioneer William Edwards Deming. Also this paper will discuss how quality pioneers use total quality elements and became successful. An explanation on why elements of quality are used in today’s environment, and finally a conclusion and what is foreseen about the future of quality. Quality is the described as the state that is in connection with the products, services, people, processes, and environments that’s meet or exceeds the expectations of the customer and helps produce superior value (UOPX ebook Ch.1 p.5). Elements in relation to quality are what assist in the structure of quality, what helps the supreme value to be sufficient with quality. Many people contributed to the various concept of total quality, however there were three main contributors, Joseph M. Juran, Philip B. Crosby, and William Edwards Deming. W. Edwards Deming is the best known out of the three. Mr. Demings work has become he most influential proponent of quality management. (UOPX ebook Ch.1 p.13). Deming is also known for the Deming Cycle, the 14 points for management, and his put together the production of the product and the consumer needs, but focus on the resources of all the departments, which conduct...
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...Total Quality Pioneers University of Phoenix Daisy Keys September 5, 2011 Instructor: Professor Raul Enciso Japan’s net worth was negative in 1950, and natural resources were not significant. Also Japan’s consumer goods were cheap, and badly made. However, Japanese management was receptive to new ideas and realized quality was the way to improve their economy. Today Japan manufactures top quality products and is the envy of the world. However, their management approach of resources is unique from the American traditional approach. This paper will attempt to define quality and its elements as well as describe how quality pioneers’ use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful. Also attempts to explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment and discuss what is foreseen about the future of quality. According to Goetsch (2010) quality is a standard or level of something as measured against another thing of a similar kind, the degree of excellence of something, for instance, the quality of life. Also quality is an interpretation of superiority or the non-inferiority of something. Customers and consumers value quality in everything in life whether expected or perceived. However, the elements of quality are useful in the environment today because without quality many products may fail. Looking at what consumers or customers need or expect to fulfill their wants or needs, quality is necessary. Good quality is necessary to achieve...
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...Running Head: Total Quality Pioneers Paper Total Quality Pioneers Paper xxxx MGT/449 Quality Management and Productivity June 29, 2011 xxxx Total Quality Pioneers Paper In this paper Philip Crosby will be discussed as one of the pioneers of total quality. Quality and its elements will be defined and also total quality elements will be discussed as to why they helped the pioneer in his success. Finally it will be explained why the elements of quality are useful today’s business and what the future quality might look like? In today’s world the majority of consumers require that all of the products and services will have quality. Quality for a manager, consumer or laborer might have different standards or meanings that are why quality has several definitions. Quality is performance to the standard expected by the customer, meeting customer needs the first time and every time, doing the right thing right the first time (Goetsch2010). Quality is made up of elements which are the dynamic state element, products, service, people, processes, environmental elements, and superior value element. The Dynamic states that what is quality nowadays will change in the future as time goes on. While the superior value states that quality is a key element in providing superior value, superior quality, costs and services (Goetsch2010). In order to answer the question on the pioneer’s success total quality has to be defined. Total quality is the customer focus which can be internal or...
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...Total Quality Pioneer Paper Virginia Rackins MGT/449 Bill White October 3, 2011 Quality is something every customer wants in a product he or she is buying. As consumers, we value quality in everything we purchase and expect in life. Quality is something every human need to fulfill his or her wants and needs in life. In this paper, I will try to make the readers understand on how important quality is to our environment and will break down the different elements for quality. “Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes and environments that meet or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value” (Goetsch and Davis, 2010). Quality simply means that a consumer needs are being met when a product has no defects or deficiencies in it and when the service, people, and the overall experience are handled with the best quality. What is considered as today’s standards may change as time passes. In order for a business to succeed in the business world the consumer has to continually get quality service provided by the employees and the management of the business. Total quality definition has two elements which include: what and the how of total quality. The how element of total quality has eleven components which include: strategically base, customer focus, making quality the #1 focus, scientific approach, hard work and dedication, teamwork, continual process improvement, education and training, freedom through control, unity...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Vanessa Quality Management and Productivity/MGT 449 September 13, Total Quality Pioneers In this paper, quality and elements will be defined, a description on how the quality pioneer’s use of total quality elements made the pioneer successful, explanation on why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment, and the foresee future of quality. Quality can mean different things depending on the industry being discussed.” Quality can be defined as a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environment that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value”(Goetsch&Davis,2010). Elements important to an organization are vision, mission, objectives, customer focus, obsession with quality, commitment, continual improvement, education, and training. The elements assist organizations with creating a new foundation and maintaining a structure that may allow an organization to be successful if the elements are utilized and there is continual improvement. There are three well-known quality pioneers known for the use of total quality elements. The pioneers are W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, and Philip B. Crosby. The United States and international countries did not warmly welcome Deming and the United States dismissed Deming as the United States believed there was little competition with international countries and his opinion was not needed. After World War II, Japan had to make...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper By: Alton Lee May 17, 2011 MGT/449 Thomas Ach In this paper I will attempt to define quality, explain why the elements are useful in today’s society, explain what I think the future of quality is and show how the use of the elements made a quality pioneer successful. Quality is a factor that consumers eagerly refer to when describing a favorable or unfavorable good, service, or experience. As a consumer, it is hard to give a definition of what quality is, because quality differs depending on the individual. Quality can be summed up as when the consumer’s needs are met or surpassed when overall experiences. Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value. (Goetsch & Davis, 2010). Kaoru Ishikawa knew that the way people was thinking about work and wanted to that. He pushed for manager to refuse to accept being satisfied with just improving the quality of a product, but be adamant on taking that quality improvement one step further with continuous customer services. Ishikawa believed that a company’s overall quality control should have continued customer service. This means that when a customer purchase a product their service will extend beyond the store and they will still receive the good quality customer service even after receiving the product. Mr Kaoru Ishikawa believes that good customer...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Quality is something that everyone puts a premium on regardless what is being considered. Quality is considered from simple things as coffee pots to more extravagant items such as Rolex watch and complex micro chips that fuel modern day computers. Additionally, quality is placed on intangibles like service. Quality is important to both customers and business owners. If businesses do not provide quality services or products, then customers will not use that business or service. According to Smith (2012) “Most organizations have no idea of their total cost of poor quality. The cost of poor quality is defined as the costs that would disappear if systems, processes and products were perfect“ (p. 10). This paper shall define quality, describe how a quality pioneer used it to be successful, look at some elements of quality that are useful in today’s environment, and look at the future of quality. What is Quality Quality means different things to different people. Also, different people place various levels of worth on quality whether it be for a product or for a service. Therefore it may be difficult to accurately define quality. However, one thing is clear. One may not be able to define quality, but one knows it when he or she sees it. “Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value” (Goetsch, & Davis, 2010, p. 5). Quality...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper Danyiel Brown University of Phoenix MGT/449 Demetrius Holt June 21, 2012 Total Quality Pioneers Paper Some individuals will define quality as the most excellent product available on the market, such as a luxury item, but quality is all about an item being the best fit for a particular situation. A quality item is one that will met the customer’s need and perhaps even surpasses what they are expecting the product to be like. “There are several different elements of quality that a company should focus upon to ensure that they are delivering a quality product to their customers. These elements include taking a long term approach to the strategy of delivering a quality product, being focused on those internal and external customers, taking a scientific approach, focusing on teamwork, getting employees involved so that they can assist with improving quality, continuing improvements on quality and never stopping to think about improvements that can be made by the organization. Joseph M. Juran’s use of the total quality elements made him very successful in being able to spot where companies could improve upon themselves. During a visit to Japan, Juran was able to examine the way that the Japanese were handing quality and determined that they would surpass other countries if they did not learn from the Japanese. According to Stephens and Juran (2005), “Juran came more or less directly from a visit to Japan, highly impressed by the way the...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper February 21, 2011 MGT/449 Total Quality Pioneers When thinking of quality, it is easy to assume that one is speaking in terms of a product that he or she may have bought or received. The quality of an item is usually what many people base his or her judgments; what is forgotten is that quality is not only the product but also the organization and employees that one deals with purchasing an item or when receiving an item. Quality keeps the global markets competitive and keeps organizations working as hard as possible to keep consumers happy. Total quality is the key reason that the products that are manufactured are products that succeed the expectations of even the hardest critics. Quality and Its Elements Quality can be judged in many different categories. One can judge the quality of a product or the quality of services rendered and one can judge an organization base of these two prior judgments. When attempting to completely understand quality, one must understand the key elements of total quality. There are 11 key elements to total quality that must be examined. These key elements are strategically based, customer focus, obsession with quality, scientific approach, long-term commitment, teamwork, continual process improvement, education and training, freedom through control, unity of purpose, and employee involvement and empowerment (Goetsch & Davis, 2010). In regards to strategically based, Goetsch and Davis (2010) stated that for...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Quality is essential to providing products to and generating loyal customers. Quality encompasses customer expectations, the value of the product or service, and that what is considered quality may vary depending on the times, the region, or the environment. Echoing the words of Goetsch and Davis (2010), "quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value." (p. 5). Quality and Elements Total Quality attempts to increase continuously the competiveness of an organization by working to improve the quality of products, services, people, processes, and environments. The key elements of total quality consist of strategically based, customer focus, obsession with quality, scientific approach, long-term commitment, teamwork, continual process improvement, education, training, freedom control, unity of purpose, employee involvement, and empowerment (Goetsch, Davis, 2010). The Strategic base element states that the company would need to have a mission, vision, broad objectives, and activities that need completing to achieve set objectives (Goetsch, Davis, 2010). External and internal business functions should focus on customer satisfaction. Obtaining a goal of 100% customer satisfaction involves teamwork from every department within the organization. This teamwork aids in the continual process improvement; continuously working to improve systems...
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...Individual Top Quality Pioneers Paper Norma Torres University of Phoenix MGT/449 Quality Management and Productivity Dr. Vernon Wooldridge June 21, 2012 Top Quality Pioneers Paper To administer effective quality management, understanding the big picture and specific details encompasses the practical elements of quality management. The first portion of this paper will define what quality means and what elements entail. Followed by describing the quality pioneer’s use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful. In addition, explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment. The final portion of this paper will cover what to foresee about the future of quality. According to Geotsch and Davis, 2010, “quality may be viewed differently from a consumer’s perspective; it means meeting or exceeding customer expectations. Total quality is an approach to doing business that attempts to maximize an organization’s competitiveness through the continual improvement of the quality of its products, services, people, processes, and environments” (Geotsch & Davis, 2010 p. 4). A clear focus on customer needs is to continually improve and innovate all processes, services, and products. Such as effective empowerment and recognition of individuals under a team involvement approach. Sound planning for quality with fact-based decision making, variability reduction, defect prevention (Wadsworth, Stephens, & Godfrey, 2002, p. 31). In essences...
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...Total Quality Pioneers Paper In this paper I will discuss the total quality pioneers mentioned in Chapter 1 the textbook Quality Management for Organizational Excellence and my objective is to define quality and its elements. Describe how the quality pioneer’s use of the total quality elements made the pioneer successful, explain why the elements of quality are useful in today’s environment and what do I foresee about the future of quality? The first objective is to define the quality and its elements. Total quality is not just one separate model. Quality is many different concepts that are put together to create a wide-ranging approach to doing business. The quality pioneer became successful using the elements listed such as creating constancy toward the improvement of products and services in order to become competitive, stay in business, and provide jobs. Another concept is to drive out the feat that all can work effectively, remove quotas and the superiors. Remove obstacles that take away the gratification of the work they create or do for their employer. Make available educational and self-improvement program for employees to foster a learning environment. Making employees feel they are a part of the process is always empowering individuals that are part of the solution and not just part of the workforce. The elements are important today because the work environment has not changed. It’s important. After researching quality business, I came across an...
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...MGT 449 COMPLETE CLASS MGT 449 week 1 Individual Assignment Total Quality Pioneers Paper MGT 448 week 1 DQs MGT 449 week 2 Individual Assignment Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper MGT 449 week 2 DQs MGT 449 week 3 Team Assignment Strategic Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction Paper MGT 449 week 3 DQs MGT 449 week 4 Individual Assignment Quality Textiles International Scenario MGT 449 week 4 DQs MGT 449 week 5 Team Assignment Quality Improvement Implementation Paper MGT 449 week 5 DQs Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MGT 449 COMPLETE CLASS in order to ace their studies. MGT 449 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mgt-449-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MGT 449 COMPLETE CLASS MGT 449 week 1 Individual Assignment Total Quality Pioneers Paper MGT 448 week 1 DQs MGT 449 week 2 Individual Assignment Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper MGT 449 week 2 DQs MGT 449 week 3 Team Assignment Strategic Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction Paper MGT 449 week 3 DQs MGT 449 week 4 Individual Assignment Quality Textiles International Scenario MGT 449 week 4 DQs MGT 449 week 5 Team Assignment Quality Improvement Implementation Paper MGT 449 week 5 DQs Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MGT 449 COMPLETE...
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...Total Quality Pioneers paper Zamzam Elmi University of Phoenix Quality Management and Productivity 449 Patricia Moser March 11, 2012 Total Quality Pioneers paper In various stages of history, there were numerous pioneers that defined the “term “total quality, and its basis on success in the business world. Edward Deming is a pioneer who wrote a book on the subject total quality. In his book, out of the crisis, Deming describes that quality is in the eye of the beholder; in other words, quality can be defined differently depending of the setting of the business function and its needs and utilization. A quality with strong elements includes the consumers to the equation always and forever. According to Deming, “there are different criteria of quality and how it’s used and these criteria are changing contentiously; this is important to measure consumer preferences and to re-measure them frequently as needed (Goetscht & Davis, 2010, p. 5). Thus, Deming is talking about the fact that consumers’ needs are always changing; which means businesses need to change how they meet these demands in order to survive in the market. During Deming’s era of discovering the importance of quality, there were other rising competitors that were also researching and making the importance of quality available for use to corporations. Deming is very famous for using cycle points by connecting the production of goods to the demands of customers. “The greatest contribution that he is known...
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