Tototia is a sub continent located in the Araman sea, with Ravibha as its capital. It is a sea faring peninsular nation. Tototia was formerly under the colonial rule of Saxenia who had introduced and popularized their native tongue-Janon, in the country. Janon is the most widely spoken language in the world. Tototia gained independence from Saxenia in 1948 and adopted its own Constitution in 1950. The framers of the Constitution drafted it with the ideals of integrity and fraternity. It is a secular and democratic republic. There is great diversity in matters of language, religion and practices of the population of the country.
Around 100 other languages and their respective dialects are still spoken across the Tototian territory. In…show more content… 5
16. During the negotiations, Providence submitted that it was because of its efforts that Sanga had successfully made the profits that it had anticipated. Further, its watch-crew had tried to seek the opinion of Captain Haddok. However, apprehending danger, they had to act fast. It was also argued that Providence was entitled to reimbursement despite having acted in a manner that may have protected its interest; in fact, this was evidence enough to show that the act of dousing the flames was not of gratuitous nature. It was also submitted that there was no requirement in law for the enrichment to be unjust to entitle Providence for such reimbursement. 17. After another 40 days of negotiation, there was a dead-lock which could not be resolved.
Thus, Providence filed a civil suit in the High Court of Karpush at Kailana under its original jurisdiction. Arguments were advanced on several grounds including Contract Law. A division bench of the High Court passed a ruling in favour of Providence ordering that
Sanga reimburse Providence for its services. Aggrieved by the decision, Sanga filed Special
Leave Petition No. 945902 in the Supreme Court of Tototia at Ravibha. The Supreme