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Transition Theory

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Transitions theory is a middle range nursing theory that centers on the process of individuals’ transitions (Meleis, 2010). Transitions theory is both descriptive and predictive as it describes the processes that individuals go through when they transition and it is predictive in that it states factors that determine if an individual undergoing a successful transition (Im, 2009; Meleis, 2010). The transitions framework is centered on five major concepts which include types and patterns of transitions, properties of transition experiences, transition conditions, process and outcome indicators, and nursing therapeutics (Meleis et al., 2000).
DNP Integration All adolescents eventually transition from pediatric to adult healthcare; although …show more content…
The first major theme of transitions theory is the types and patterns of transitions (Schumacher & Meleis, 1994a). Meleis describes four types of transitions that individuals face: developmental, health and illness, situational and organizational (Meleis et al., 2000; Meleis, 2010; Schumacher & Meleis, 1994a). When they transition to adult care, CSHCN experience transitions in all four of Meleis’ types of transitions. The combination of all the transitions types increases the complexity of CSHCN’s transition as well as increases the difficulty of creating a program that improves upon transitional outcomes. A successful transitional care program that acknowledges the various transitions types that are occurring in the lives of adolescents should, according to transitions theory, have better outcomes (Meleis, …show more content…
Meleis identified five interrelated properties of the transition experience: awareness of the transition experience, engagement in the transition, changes that occur related to the transition, time span of the transition and the critical points that mark changes in the transition experience (Meleis et al., 2000). Transitions theory asserts that all five properties are present in transitions, albeit some to a greater degree than others depending upon the transition (Meleis et al., 2000). Understanding the properties of transitions helps to differentiate between individuals going through a transition and individuals experiencing a nontransitional change (Schumacher & Meleis, 1994a). CSHCN encounter all five properties as they transition to adult care, the properties of transitions in transitions theory supports the concept that CSHCN are undergoing a major transition in their lives. Understanding the properties of the transition experience further explains the problem of poor outcomes in CSHCN transitions as it definitively categorizes the changes that CSHCN encounter as a

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