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Translate Poems Into 21st Century English


Submitted By happyandjoy12345
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Assignment: Translate the poems into 21st century English

In All God’s Chillen had Wings all the slaves had power if they simply just believed that they could fly. They didn’t understand that if all of them pulled together and had faith in the Old man that they could escape the Master, and the driver and all the beatings. I took from this faith and believing was important. In Big Talk it sounded more like what goes around comes around. I took it as both slaves were picking with each other and you should watch what you listen to and not be so gullible. In How to Write a Letter I interpreted this as no matter how educated you are don’t forget where you come from. In this story the daughter was able to go off to school and receive an education and when she came back home it seemed like she maybe forgot the little things that actually mattered in her upbringing like her father’s sounds that he wanted her to write I took it as don’t take anything for granted. Ah’ll Beatcher Makin Money in this story it just showed the greed in the master, how he was willing to sacrifice anything and everything to make money and greed placed him in a place where he didn’t want to be which was dead. Talk Too Much, Anyhow in this story the slave should've known better but the lesson in this story was that some things are just better left unsaid and don’t play with fire. The slave should have thought a little bit more about the consequences in case the frog didn’t speak in which he didn’t so he could have saved him a beating. Brer Rabbit Tricks Brer Fox Again was about trickery. It makes me think to keep my friends close and enemies closer because you never know what they are up too and it made me think that it’s not ok to just think about yourself because you don’t know who’ll you’ll need to get you out of a messed up situation. In The Wonderful Tar- Baby Story it was another trickery story don’t trust everybody. In Strange Fruit it was compared to bodies possibly a slave’s body I took it as bitter sweet that the body was dead by maybe a master and that’s sad but it was given back to the earth and could be dinner for the animals so they could survive. In all these stories the theme would probably be lesson learning all of these stories taught a very different but very important lesson for life.

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