Traumatic Stress Disorders In Cheryl Lawhorne's Post-T
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Imagine such a tragic event that could scar a person for life. Some events may include robberies, pranks, or injuries. However, conceive of a horrific event such as a bombing, deaths, gunshots, war, etc. Soldiers who fight for our country face these traumatic events every day. For example, in the text, “Combat-Related Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD a Resource and Recovery Guide” by Cheryl Lawhorne and Don Philpott, it states,
“The destructive force of war creates an atmosphere of chaos and compels service members to face the terror of unexpected injury, loss, and death. The combat environment (austere living conditions, heavy physical demands, sleep deprivation, periods of intense violence followed by unpredictable periods of relative inactivity, separation from loved ones, etc.) is itself a psychological stressor that may precipitate a wide range of emotional distress and/or psychiatric disorders.” (Lawhorne and Philpott 12).…show more content… Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of many mental disorders caused by such events. According to the text, “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Perspectives on Diseases and Disorders)” by Cengage Learning and Carrie Fredericks post-traumatic stress disorder is defined as, “a debilitating psychological condition triggered by a major traumatic event, such as rape, war, a terrorist act, death of a loved one, a natural disaster, or a catastrophic accident.” (Cengage Learning 15). PTSD is a serious disorder that not only affects the brain but a soldier/former soldier’s life and relationships with friends and