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How Does Miss Caroline Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, we are lead through the events of Scout’s life and we see how those events change her. In the beginning she is just a young child who doesn’t quite understand what is going on around her, but as she watches and experiences some of the cruelty of mankind, she begins to understand the good and the evil of the world. She is an intelligent little girl who becomes somewhat insecure as she works to figure out who she is and matures greatly through her experiences. Scout is a very intelligent girl. On her first day of school, she surprises her teacher, Miss Caroline, with her incredible literacy. After having Scout read several different things, Miss Caroline realizes that Scout has already learned to read. Miss Caroline looked at Scout “with more than faint distaste” (Lee 22) because of this. Miss Caroline tells Scout that her father may no longer teach her because it will interfere with her reading, but Scout insists that her father hasn’t taught her anything. Miss Caroline refuses to believe that she …show more content…
Since she was young, she’s assumed Boo Radley was a monster because that’s what everyone made him out to be. Small events throughout the story have shaken Scout’s perception of Boo Radley though. Now, at the end of the novel while standing on the Radley porch, she finally understands the lesson her father has been trying to teach her: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it,” (Lee 39). “Atticus was right...just standing on the Radley porch was enough,” (Lee 374). Now that she has matured, she sees things from Boo’s perspective and realizes that he is nothing like he’s been made out to be. He is truly a good, caring person who has been hurt by society’s cruelty. This is just one of several examples of how she matures throughout the

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...Educational Psychology: Developing Learners This is a protected document. Please enter your ANGEL username and password. Username: Password: Login Need assistance logging in? Click here! If you experience any technical difficulty or have any technical questions, please contact technical support during the following hours: M-F, 6am-12am MST or Sat-Sun, 7am-12am MST by phone at (800) 800-9776 ext. 7200 or submit a ticket online by visiting Doc ID: 1009-0001-191D-0000191E DEVELOPING LEARNERS JEANNE ELLIS ORMROD Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado EIGHTH EDITION ISBN 1-256-96292-9 Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, Eighth Edition, by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Vice President and Editorial Director: Jeffery W.  Johnston Vice President and Publisher: Kevin Davis Editorial Assistant: Lauren Carlson Development Editor: Christina Robb Vice President, Director of Marketing: Margaret Waples Marketing Manager: Joanna Sabella Senior Managing Editor: Pamela D. Bennett Project Manager: Kerry Rubadue Senior Operations Supervisor: Matthew Ottenweller Senior Art Director: Diane Lorenzo Text Designer: Candace Rowley Cover Designer:...

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