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Trend Report - Cloud Computing


Submitted By VHERN1218
Words 641
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Trend Report: Cloud Computing

First, information technology is an essential factor in the success of many businesses around the world. Innovation and following currents trends in the market are necessary for a business to stay up float. The big buzz of new technology and gadgets has reached a fever pitch. There is a new wave around cloud computing. Cloud computing signifies a major shift in information technology. Cloud computing is an Internet based computing system where you can share and view software and information anywhere and at anytime with computer devices, such as: Smart phones, tablets, and computers. Many companies are currently using it as the main storage of data so that their employees, partners, and other interested parties can access their data and information. All this data and information is being directly stored all in the web. This cloud provides the storage of software and data without using the same access point, meaning only relying on one computer. Hence, the users do not require knowing the source and specific location of the data. This process enables people can access information over long distances, without acquiring prior knowledge of how and when hat information was stored in the cloud.

Second, in an article by Gartner – an information and technology research company that delivers insight on necessary IT information. They communicate that they are already seeing a massive migration by users to personal cloud computing services. Gmail, Dropbox, Flickr and Amazon's Cloud Player have been widely adopted by users who want access to their media anytime and anywhere. Gartner predicts this trend will pick up speed and, by 2014. By 2015, at least 20 percent of all cloud services will be consumed via internal or external cloud services. Analyst David Cearley states that, “the personal cloud will emerge as the primary hub for users

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