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Trial Essay


Submitted By NicoleLaw
Words 749
Pages 3
Asses the view that education in modern industrial societies is meritocratic

Not all theorists agree that in modern industrial societies education is meritocratic. Although functionalists argue that education is meritocratic and allows person earn what they work for, the Marxists present another argument; that meritocracy is a myth. This essay will show how meritocracy is true to a certain point however it is not always seen.
Functionalist argues that modern industrial societies have to perform a range of functions ad as a result a sophisticated mechanism is necessary to select individuals according to their talents and train them for jobs best suited to their talents. Parsons agrees stating that schools are a neutral filtering mechanism allowing the most talented and suited persons to filter through the education system. Through this way only those who are hard working will be able to succeed. Parsons has seen an increase in specialized jobs in modern industrial societies and he argues that this reward system is necessary as it allows only qualified persons to fill those positions.
Davis and Moore agree that education is a process by which selection and role allocation takes place. They argue that not everyone is as equally talented and therefore education and society need to offer high rewards for those persons so as to motivate them to work harder and therefore excel. Education is a proving ground for students to prove their worth to society and through this society sifts and sorts the students according to their ability. As a result the best students are able to gain the best grades and go unto higher educational institutions and therefore fill the important roles in society.
However, Marxists see meritocracy within education as a “myth”. They argue that educational attainment to a large extent is based on “ascribed status”, that is the education system

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