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Scopes Monkey Trial Essay

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The Scopes Monkey trial of 1925 is considered a success for the teaching of biology in the United States. Although John T. Scopes was found guilty and the christian plantiffs won, the spokemen for the case were labeled as silly in their explaination of concepts in the book of Genesis, such as Adam and Eve and Noah's Ark. Even after the violation of the Tennessee law, other states were less willing to propsing laws similar to the Butler Act (Cornish,2007,para.3). The trial was just the beginning of a century-long war between creationalists and scientists. The conflict also turns into a christian vs atheist debate, due to the overwelming amount of atheists who support the theory of evolution. After reading Randy Moore's article, I was surprised by the number of Americans who want creationalism to be incooperated in a biology curriculum. Based on statistics provided by Randy Moore, while half the U.S. Population support …show more content…
Changes to a population like mutataions, genetic drift, and gene flow causes both the promoton and inhibition of evolution (France,2011,p.49). Sexual reproduction causes genes to be tranferred from from population to another. Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees, we share common ancestors with them, the Australopithecus afarensis (France,2011,p.52). The climate was not stable in Africa at the time and food was limited. Different methods of survival was needed to survive; this led to tool making, the use of fires, and eventually the development of advanced civilizations. The problem that may religions have with evolution is that it means that the creations of god is not as believable. Evolution shows that humans are animals that evolved from other animals, despite the natural belief of separating the two. Humans like to think of themselves has the superior species, so some deny the evolution theory out of the disbelief of sharing ancestors with a

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