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Submitted By yukim17
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Pages 2

I am Romel Joshua V .Tanseco, I lived at Brgy.26-C,Lizada St. Davao city. My mother’s name is Rowena V.Tanseco, she is a sales person, My father’s name is Melecio V. Tansecoa bus driver, I am studying at Our Lady Of Fatima Academy, I am a grade VII student and my section is OLMM and I have many friends, they are some good and some are bad friends but still they are my friends so I am grateful that I have them, I love to eat foods such as apple, mango, orange, pineapple, durian and
I love to eat sweets such as candy, chocolates, and many more. I love to watch anime too like shingeki no kujin, Another, SAO, Shakugan no Shana, Watamote, Naruto, and many more, I want to have many friends so I am being active in the social and important networking sites such as facebook, yahoo, google, and many more, but I want to be a soldier, because they fight against the bad people ! , I thought that computer class is just a game but it’s not so I made myself more serious about taking those exams of mine, I made this project to prove to many people and specially to Ms. Melody she taught me many things and I should show to her that I can be a good student even if this project is late I can still prove her the things or the challenges she gave to us I might not be able to pass but Ill try my best.!

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