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Truearth Healthy Foods


Submitted By mjtjrhicks
Words 917
Pages 4
Exhibit 2:
Whole Grain Pizza Concept Purchase Volume Estimate, Year 1 (Excellent) Total Purchase Intent Definitely would buy 18.00%
% of “Definites” who actually buy 80.00%
“Definite” Purchases
%Probably would buy 43.00%
% of “Probables” who actually buy
“Probable” Purchases
% Trial Rate 27.30 c %
Marketing Plan Adjustment Target Households 58,500,000Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers 6,435,000 d Non- Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers 52,065,000 e Customer Awareness 50.00%Non-Customer Awareness 12.00% All Commodity Volume Distribution (ACV) 40.00%
Marketing Adjusted Trial Rate Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers Adjusted Trial Rate 5.46 f %Non- Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers Adjusted Trial Rate 1.31 g %Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers Trial Purchases 351,351 h Non- Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers Trial Purchases 682,051.5 i Total Trial Purchases 1,033,402 j,k Repeat Purchase Inputs Repeat Purchase Occasions 2.00
Repeat Rate, by Product Services Excellent Product 49%
Repeat Volume, by Product Scenario Excellent Product 1,012,733 l,m Total Purchases
n a Definitely would buy x % of “Definites” who actually buy: 80% x 18% b Probably would buy x % of “Probables” who actually buy: 30% x 43% c “Definite” Purchases + “Probable” Purchases: 14.4% + 12.9% d
Target Households x 11%: 58,500,000 x 11% e Target Households x 89%: 58,500,000 x 11% f Trial Rate x Customer Awareness x ACV: 27.3% x 50% x 40% g Trial Rate x Non-Customer Awareness x ACV: 27.3% x 12% x 40% h Target Households x Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers Adjusted Trial Rate: 58,500,000 x 5.46% i Target Households x Non- Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers Adjusted Trial Rate: 58,500,000 x 1.31% j Cucina Fresca Pasta Customers Trial Purchases + Non- Cucina Fresca Pasta Purchases: 351,351 + 682,051.5

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...TRUEARTH HEALTHY FOODS (CASE STUDY SNLYSIS) COMPANY BACKGROUND TRUEARTH was founded in 1993 in st Louis, missori by Gerath Derosa a young entrepreneur and its is providing quality healthy and authentic pastas.DeRosa sourced a particularly high quality durum wheat from North Dakota and was notriosly selective about ingredients for sauce. The product line featured standards pastas such as speghatis,rigatoni and shells and specialty pastas with blended ingredients such as artichoke spinach and saffron.truearth is driven by innovative free willing and entrepreneurial spirits.truearth introduced a 60% as well as 100% whole grain pasta cucina fresca which was a great success. ABOUT CUCINA FRESCA PASTA Cucina Fresca pasta is launched in 2006 with a full range of choices cut pasta, tortalinni, and ravioli as well as accompanying by different sauces as shown in the exhibit 1 of the case. The FRESCA product was designed to be consumed in a single meal for two tapped the growing demand for healthy HMR efficiently. The cucina Fresca product are quick and easy. There is no guesswork for the consumer. The packaging of each product recommends the best sauce option. The cucina fresca line was rolled out nationally in the third quarter of 2006 it grew quickly with $18 million retail sales in 2006 and $35 million in 2007. Competitive threats There is one strong competitor in the market named Rigazzi brand which introduced his own pasta in late 2007.Rigazzi targeted TruEarth...

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True Earth Case Study penetration (5% to 15%), the following forecast was obtained: 3. What can the team at Tru-Earth learn from Exhibit 6 about their customers preferences? Exhibit 6 shows the results of a survey based on attributes and substitution of the pizza category. The survey is based on a 10-point scale, where 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest score. Regarding to the usage attributes, the average respondent considers pizza to be "family oriented" due to the fact of the high ratings of all categories (take-out pizza with 8.9 out of 10 points, refrigerated pizza with 7.1 points, and TruEarth new concept with 8.6 points). Therefore, under the assumption that the typical family size starts with 2 people and then increase, the pizza kit size is properly oriented (servings for 2 to 3 people). However, average respondents also considers convenience is as a major attribute, and TruEarth pizza scores lower than take-out pizza and equals refrigerated pizza, since customers will need time to prepare the meal instead of just picking it up or ordering for delivery....

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...from processed food to healthier options. Cucina Fresca fulfilled this demand. It was prepared from more fresh and superior ingredients and was destitute of “bad carbohydrates”. * The consumers wanted more whole grain in their intake. Cucina Fresca being whole grain pasta conformed to this parameter. * Cucina Fresca fitted the category of “semi-prepared”, “ready to eat” products which were in high demand by time deprived, dual income households. * The product line was varied and was perceived more tasty and healthy than competition. * Demand for refrigerated fresh pastas was growing faster than dry pastas. * The size of the package had the right portion of pasta and sauce making it convenient to cook. * TruEarth enjoyed the first mover advantage in market. * Cooking the pasta was quick and easy. Each package recommended the best sauce option. The consumer did not have to do any guess work. * The package came with instructions to customize the meal if desired, like add grilled chicken or shrimp. Pizza vs. Pasta: Opportunity- | Pizza | Pasta | Market size | $5.8 B | $4.4 B | Customer perspective | Indulgence | Meal | Source of extra revenue | Customer may purchase multiple toppings | Customer will purchase only one sauce for one packet of pasta | Competition | Local pizzerias, National and international chains, Kraft, Nestle | Rigazzi | First mover advantage | Rigazzi was developing a similar concept. So if TruEarth does not act...

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