...The popular rebellions during the Tudor dynasty were potentially an extremely dangerous threat to their power. However in practice, the majority of attempts to promote popular rebellion were crushed so quickly and effectively by the monarch that the movements never got the chance to develop into anything more serious. Furthermore very few rebellions ever made it out the county it originated in. That being said it has been argued that there were a select few rebellions that were serious threats to the monarchy… such as `The Pilgrimage of Grace’ a popular rising in Yorkshire in the autumn of 1536, Wyatt’s rebellion in 1554, Tyrone’s rebellion in Ireland (1595-1603). The importance of the people involved in the rebellions was essentially the most important factor in the severity of the rebellions. The difference of having one noblemen or gentry to a rebellion was crucial, as realistically a band of angry peasants with minimal weapons are never going to overthrow an established powerful monarch. The involvement of nobleman brought military equipment, soldiers and financial support to a rebellion along with showing a great deal of discount towards the monarch and therefore making the rebellion more serious. Furthermore a key example of this would be Ketts rebellion regarding taxation in 1549.The Kett rebelion was originally a peasant’s revolt in Norfolk, during Edward vi reign. The revolt was largely in response to enclosure of lands. Beginning at Wymondem on the 8th of July 1549...
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...Back in Tudor period, Wolsey had built a reputation and raised his skill into becoming an ‘Alter Rex’, alongside with Henry VIII on the throne. However, there was lots of argument and discussion towards Wolsey being an Alter Rex, as some people began disliking whilst others were more accepting to his authority. Sources 1 and 2 generally agree about Wolsey being disliked and disapproved by the public and by his King, all the same it was all due to his ‘ambitious’ personality, which led to his very self-obsessed and self-centred self that had made great frustration and annoyed others. On the other hand, mostly Source 3 and a bit of Source 2 disagrees with the view of Wolsey being disliked for his ‘Alter Rex’ actions, compared to his ambitious and ‘full of him’ act. The general disagreement reason is that Wolsey’s role for the King was of being an ‘Alter Rex’, meaning that it was his duty and job to act such matters. But also, without certain actions from his controlled power, there wouldn’t be a greater and more well-being for the English Empire (turning the Cathedral Church). Source 1 most strongly agrees on the idea that Wolsey took the Alter Rex act all to himself, pleasing himself with the power and purposes it has giving him. Although, the Source was written by ‘Polydore Virgil’, who is known for his ‘Anglica Historia’ book, he had a very strong judgment and criticism side to him. That being said, the ‘Anglica Historia’ was remembered for its combination of narrative critical...
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...Daniela Jaimes Saucedo OPVL Enrique XVIII, El Rey y la corte de los Tudor. Origen: La escritora de este libro es una especialista en el campo y es de nacionalidad Britanica por lo que el origen de esta fuente es de valor Propósito: El propósito del libro es mostrar una clara, extensa y acertada visión de lo que fue el reinado de Enrique VIII en una forma cronológica. Esto es de valor ya que el libro proporciona detalles importantes sobre el arte, religión, moda, sociedad y vida diaria de aquella apoca en la corte. Valor: Esta es una fuente de valor ya que el autor es experto en ese de campo de la historia de Inglaterra. Hizo sus estudios en “City of London” y posteriormente empezó a ensañar Historia en “Civil Service” antes de escribir su primer libro. Entre sus más famosos trabajos están: “Las seis esposas de Enrique VIII”, “Eleanor de Aquitaine” y “The Lady Elizabeth” Limitación: Su limitación es tal vez que no podemos encontrar fuentes primarias de aquella época ya que no existían sin embargo en mi opinión su origen no limita su valor ya que la escritora es de origen Británico y especializada en el tema. The Tudors (Serie de Televisión) Origen: El productor no era un experto en el tema, sin embrago se contrataron a varios historiadores expertos en el campo, de todas formas el origen limita su valor ya que algunos hechos fueron cambiados. Propósito: El propósito de la serie era entretener a la audiencia pero también dar a conocer los hechos y la historia del reinado...
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...How far can the rebellions of 1549 be considered a key turning point in the changing nature of rebellion against Tudor rule in England 1485 to 1587? The period between 1485 and 1587 sprouted a large amount of rebellions during the reign of the Tudors. The 1549 rebellions can be seen as significant in the changing nature of rebellion based on numerous factors. Yet were there any other rebellions which contributed more to the changing nature? What may have influenced the changing nature of rebellion was the backdrop of the controversial way the Tudors came to power, leaving dynastic issues within the period. This can be seen in two of the rebellions during the reign of Henry VII. Warbeck and Simnel were deemed as ‘pretenders’ and offered little threat to the King. However these pretenders both received support from the Duchess of Burgundy. This foreign support could have turned from a very small scale movement into a war. This clearly shows that 1549 was not the only mark of change on the Tudor period and that these rebellions started the ‘domino effect’, which could have caused all the rebellions during the Tudor period. Kett’s rebellion involved a large amount of Socio-Cultural issues, and even The Western rebellion held the situation of enclosure as a deep lying cause. Yet after these rebellions very little socio-economic issues were raised and even the small factor raised by Wyatt’s rebellion was constructed to raise a larger participation. Fletcher and MacCulloch support...
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...No desire to involve herself in the details of government in the same way as Henry VII • She took an informed interest in decision-making processes • She was determined to preserve the prerogative powers of the Crown → she wanted to make the most important decisions • She had to overcome the prejudice against female rulers and the inferior woman stereotype The Role of Key Personalities • Most important person: Sir William Cecil, later Lord Burghley, who served for almost the whole of her reign • Robert Dudley: important as a military figure and as a promoter of the Puritan cause Relationships between Elizabeth and her ministers • John Guy: ‘she controlled her own policy more than any other Tudor’ o ‘she knew her mind; her instinct to power was infallible’ • Alan Smith:...
Words: 4415 - Pages: 18
...The Tudors: A Very Short Introduction VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS are for anyone wanting a stimulating and accessible way in to a new subject. They are written by experts, and have been published in more than 25 languages worldwide. The series began in 1995, and now represents a wide variety of topics in history, philosophy, religion, science, and the humanities. Over the next few years it will grow to a library of around 200 volumes- a Very Short Introduction to everything from ancient Egypt and Indian philosophy to conceptual art and cosmology. Very Short Introductions available now: ANCIENT P H I L O S O P H Y Julia Annas THE ANGLO-SAXON AGE John Blair ANIMAL RIGHTS David DeGrazia ARCHAEOLOGY Paul Bahn ARCHITECTURE Andrew Ballantyne ARISTOTLE Jonathan Barnes ART HISTORY Dana Arnold ARTTHEORY Cynthia Freeland THE HISTORYOF ASTRONOMY Michael Hoskin ATHEISM Julian Baggini AUGUSTINE HenryChadwick BARTHES Jonathan Culler THE B I B L E John Riches BRITISH POLITICS Anthony Wright BUDDHA Michael Carrithers BUDDHISM DamienKeown CAPITALISM James Fulcher THE CELTS Barry Cunliffe CHOICETHEORY Michael Allingham CHRISTIAN ART Beth Williamson CLASSICS Mary Beard and John Henderson CLAUSEWITZ Michael Howard THE COLD WAR Robert McMahon CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY Simon Critchley COSMOLOGY Peter Coles CRYPTOGRAPHY Fred Piper and Sean Murphy DADAAND SURREALISM David Hopkins DARWIN Jonathan Howard DEMOCRACY Bernard Crick DESCARTES TomSorell DRUGS Leslie Iversen TH E EARTH Martin Redfern EGYPTIAN...
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...Saint Joseph College of Cavite, Inc. www.sjc-cavite.edu.ph FIELD STUDY 5 LEARNING ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Second Semester 2014- 2015 Cav National High School FS Student- BSED III Mr. Resource Teacher M Department Head English Department Field Study 5- Learning Assessment Strategies EPISODE | RATING | COMMENTS | Form 1 for FS 5Documenting and Assessing Student Progress | | | Episode 1Documenting and Assessing Student Progress | | | Episode 2Assessment Tools in the Learning Environment | | | Episode 3Log Me | | | Episode 4Product Oriented Assessment | | | Episode 5Available Tests and Measurement | | | Episode 6Student Reflection | | | General Reflection | | | FORM 1 FOR FS 5 DOCUMENTING AND ASSESSING STUDENT PROGRESS (answered by my resource teacher) 1. List the procedures you follow to correct different types of student work (e.g. Daily papers, homework, test, projects, etc.) * According to my resource teacher, he corrects class’ homework orally/ on- the- spot to the class, however those essays, he is the one who checks it. And when it comes to checking of projects he prefers using rubrics for checking. 2. List the methods you use to record student progress (e.g. grade book, anecdotal records, progress charts, etc) * According to my resource teacher, he uses the traditional class records in recording the students’ progress. 3. List any time saving tips you have discovered...
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...COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to enrich the students’ experiences in developing and utilizing appropriate technology to facilitate learning. It shall also provide exposure and hands-on opportunities in the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Field Study 3 can be anchored on the following Professional education subject: * Educational Technology 1 * Educational Technology 2 GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1. Select the teaching materials that best suit the needs of the learners 2. Apply the principles of developing instructional materials 3. Develop and utilize instructional materials appropriate to a chosen subject area Acknowledgement I just want to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who were so generous with their time and expertise: To our Almighty God for the knowledge, strength and wisdom. His guidance leads me to select the most desirable way to success. To my parents who provided me their financial support, love, moral values and advices. To Prof. Dominic Dizon,MAEd as my mentor for my Field Study 3. I really appreciate your utmost effort in facilitating and checking my errors. Thank you for molding us to be competent and knowledgeable about Technology in the Learning Environment. I am so grateful to have you as my mentor and I feel so blessed. To Ms. Shienna Mae Eramis for your cooperation and to your students who also gave their cooperation. I wish...
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...-title page -table of contents -student resume -statement of purpose(purpose of portfolio) -organization of entry -personal reflections -comments of the faculty -rubric for the ff. -statement's self-rating competency checklist personal reflections From my observation, I have learned and witnessed a lot of things. The real situation in a classroom can never be predicted. Problems may arise any time of the learning and testing process. In this everyday learning process the students together with their teacher learn things together. Not everyone in that room is the same, especially the students. Most of them may be able to cope up with their teacher’s strategy of teaching but some cannot. Not all of them may lend their full attention with regards to listening to every instruction their teacher say. I can say that being in the real situation like being in a classroom as someone else (not a student but an observer) sometimes worries me. Because I may be able to cause the learning interference in that conducive learning environment. At first I may feel to be very conscious about what would I do next, what would I say if someone asked me this thing or that, how would I act for me to be more professional with this study I am conducting and other more uncertainties. But nevertheless my gratitude being there in that room is incomparable with my other first hand experiences in life as an education student. I am very thankful for the opportunity...
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...Henry VII (before accession known as Henry Tudor, 2nd Earl of Richmond, Welsh: Harri Tudur; 28 January 1457 – 21 April 1509) was King of England, ruled the Principality of Wales (until 29 November 1489) and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor. Henry won the throne when his forces defeated the forces of King Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, the culmination of the Wars of the Roses. Henry was the last king of England to win his throne on the field of battle. He cemented his claim by marrying Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV and niece of Richard III. Henry was successful in restoring the power and stability of the English monarchy after the political upheavals of the civil wars known as the Wars of the Roses. He founded the Tudor dynasty and, after a reign of nearly 24 years, was peacefully succeeded by his son, Henry VIII. Although Henry can be credited with the restoration of political stability in England, and a number of commendable administrative, economic and diplomatic initiatives, the latter part of his reign was characterised by a financial greed which stretched the bounds of legality. The capriciousness and lack of due process which indebted many in England were soon ended upon Henry VII's death after a commission revealed widespread abuses. According to the contemporary historian Polydore Vergil, simple "greed" in large part underscored the means...
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...‘Disputes over the succession to the English throne were the most common cause of rebellion in the period from 1485 to 1603.’ How far do you agree with this view? During the Tudor period (1485-1603), disputes over the succession were a recurring cause of rebellions in England, particularly at the start of the Tudor period but was also prevalent throughout. Succession showed to be a major issue and cause of rebellions, highlighted not only by Henry VII’ reign, but also by Northumberland and Wyatt’s rebellions, as well as the Essex rebellion. However we must also note that in fact other major causes played a large role in the occurrence of rebellions throughout the whole of the Tudor period, such as taxation, economic grievances, and religious and social issues. Evaluation is therefore needed of each cause of rebellion in order to establish which was the ‘most common cause of rebellion’ during the Tudor period. Firstly, it should be noted that 3 out of the 5 rebellions that Henry VII faced during his reign were caused by disputes over succession; Henry VII claimed the throne in 1485 after the Battle of Bosworth, which made his position as king extremely tenuous and weak and consequently open to being challenged. The Yorkists were unhappy with the new Lancastrian hold over the throne, and so from the start of his reign he faced major rebellions in attempt to reinstate the throne to the Yorkists. Within his first year as king, he faced both Lovell’s (1486) and Simnel’s (1486-7)...
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...What were the impacts of Mary Tudor? Not everyone has heard of Mary Tudor, but almost everyone has heard of a Bloody Mary. So who was the famous Mary Tudor? How did her nickname come to be? How did the nickname impact her life? What happened to her? What were her impacts? Who was the famous Mary Tudor? Mary Tudor was born February 18, 1516 to King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. She was born at the Palace of Placentia. Even though being born into royalty, life wasn't easy for her; considering her father wanted a son. She had been baptized into the Catholic life not to long after she was born. In her early childhood her mother and scholars had tutored her. Taking a liking to and excelling in music and language. Only 9 years after she...
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...Cleverly wrought within Tudor poetry exists self-contradictory words and phrases which, upon closer inspection, reveal hidden truths. Renaissance love poetry, seemingly self-evident on the surface, is fraught with paradox. Contradictions such as discord and chaos being defined by harmony and balance is a paradox which is explicated in Tudor poetry. Even further, pleasure being known only by pain and knowing the material only by the immaterial, are two self-imposed contradictions by which Tudor poets express their intended meanings. Both Edmund Spenser and Sir Thomas Wyatt explore the nature of paradox within their poetry. Even further, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey and Sir Philip Sidney use paradox to reveal the complexities of truths being understood only through absurdity. Moreover, Ione P. Couliano explores the nature of phantasma, neo-Platonism, and allegory in his work Eros and Magic in the Renaissance. Importantly, all of these works demonstrate not only the beautiful writing during the Tudor period, but they also illuminate the intricacies and emotional depth of writing during the 14th century. Both Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey are two Tudor poets who have translated Petrarch’s “Rima 140”. Both translations are slightly different, though they both have the same content, structure, and central metaphor. Even further, both translations use paradox in order to explicate love as a warrior and love being known only by the pain of rejection. The central...
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...During the Tudor period in history, the church was a major part of almost everybody’s lives in England. In this time, the church and religion filled every aspect of your life. This is because church organizations provided hospital care, medicines, care for orphans, education and safe lodgings for travelers in the monasteries and convents. Churches were present in small towns and villages so it became a center point of everyone’s lives. By being in such close range to everyone and providing all these facilities to them, the church kept great control. Part of the reason the church maintained such good control is through fear. The fear of the less educated people in the town kept the church popular and very wealthy. The church encouraged any fear or gossip throughout the towns of the supernatural. The Supernatural was part of everyday life during the Tudor period, as the church had a major role in people’s lives and they would let rumours and gossip circulate in the towns as a method of control. Supernatural happenings were very common in this time because they claimed finding lost possessions, recovery from sickness and resumption of egg-laying from hens to be a saintly intervention. These were all proclaimed as miracles and this was a very regular occurrence. The church let these rumours and gossip stay in circulation because it mixed ‘supernatural happenings’ and religious beliefs together. This kept everyone under control, the church rich whilst still confirming people’s belief...
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...Assess the significance of religion as a factor in bringing about change in the nature of royal authority between 1540 – 1642 Between 1540 and 1642 England saw six different rulers; an examination into the religious changes, personality and relationship with parliament will bring about an answer in to the change of nature of royal authority. During 1540-1642 religious change led to rebellions and conflict proved highly embarrassing and potentially fatal to the monarchy ‘The church acted as a bedrock of authority. It had been a source of authority in late medieval society’ says Nicholas Fellows. After the reformation of the church Edward VI had to deal with situation of confusion left from his father. Edward was a firm supporter of the religious reforms and by 1549 England had made a caution step towards Protestantism. The western rebellion 1547 illustrated a strong sense of religious conservatism. The complaints that caused the rebellion were the changes that were thought to have taken place in the baptism and confirmation and the rebels wanted the restoration of many of the old religious practices. Article two’s call for the restoration of the six articles undermined all the work of the Edwardian reformation, they also had a strong desire for the ceremony and ritual of catholism. The rebels attacks communion and both kinds of the new prayer book which were symbolic of the new religion, clearly most of the demands was an attack of Protestantism and furthermore an attack...
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