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Turn The Ship Around Chapter Summary

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Turn the Ship Around The theme of this book is the change in leadership approach introduced by a Retired US Submarine Captain to get away from the blind obedience that results from a highly-directive leadership style, typical of the armed forces. His experience turned a poor-performing unit into a leading performer measured by several relevant indicators. The key message of the book is that “Leadership should mean giving control rather than taking control, and creating leaders rather than forging followers”. This is the author’s essential tenet, and it is something he terms ‘the leader-leader model’. After highlighting the poor scores in various metrics of employee engagement in the US economy (mirrored by similar levels of disengagement …show more content…
When he refers to clarity he is raising the issue of organizational purpose: as decision-making authority is pushed further down an organizational hierarchy, it becomes increasingly important that everyone understands what the organization is about.
Competence is built up via learning and we learn all the time. We learn by doing and do this everywhere, all the time. An increase in competence allows divestment of control. One wonders if you’d want anything different – incompetence breeds all manner of dysfunction. Learning increases competence which allows confidence for control to occur where the information is. Certification is another mechanism (the book is interspersed with numerous mechanisms of which I’m covering a few here). So, it’s not just a meeting or a brief. To certify means that we are ready for the job and failing certification is less costly than bungling a task. Study to learn and be responsible for their jobs became an omnipresent atmosphere amongst the sailors aboard the ship. Meeting briefs became a thing of the past. Repetition is a well-known mode of human learning, and therefore there is no redundancy in constantly repeating a message. Continually and consistently repeat a

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