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Hemp In America In The 1930's

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In the year 1937 in the month of December, the bill to criminalize marijuana/hemp was passed into law and history shows that the media played a major role in this act. But how did the media influence the perception of marijuana/hemp in the past? Why in the 1930’s, was marijuana/hemp the “Assassin of the Youth” and in 1996 and beyond has it been decriminalized in several states and now has medical uses? With the aid of books, movies, news articles and journals, this paper will discuss how the media has influenced the public’s perception of marijuana in the 1930’s until 1996 and beyond.
Hemp, America’s versatile crop, pre-criminalization
Hemp, pre criminalization, was used legally by the United States of America since the early 1600 through 1890. …show more content…
The only thing it would do is displace imports of raw material and manufactured products, and will provide thousands of jobs for Americans. As for the farmers that were interviewed for this article, they also glorified this “easy to grow” crop. Framers claimed that hemp could be grown “in any state of the union” and that it has a short growing season. This means that hemp can be grown long after the planting of corn, wheat or oats and would be ready in time for harvest. Besides its ability to sprout quickly, the long roots penetrate and break the soil which leaves the ground in prefect condition for next years crop. On top of that, hemp, because of its dense stock of leaves eight to twelve feet above the ground, it chokes out …show more content…
imported over $50,000,000 worth in the first six months of 1937. But Popular Mechanics wasn’t blind to the side effects of growing hemp,

“Another obstacle is that the blossom of the female hemp plant contains marijuana, a narcotic, and it is impossible to grow hemp without producing the blossom.” They believed that the connection between hemp and marijuana was a bit exaggerated. During that time the “bud” of the hemp plant could be found growing on wild hemp in vacant lots and along railroad track in every state. The article ends by saying, “If federal regulations can be drawn to protect the public without preventing the legitimate culture of hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.”

Use of hemp recreationally wasn’t acted upon by Americans until the conclusion of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. After the revolt, Mexican immigrants flooded into the U.S. introducing into American culture the recreational use of marijuana. The word marijuana is a Mexican “Sonoran” colloquialism or slang term; the actual Spanish word for hemp is canamo. This slight detail was used, through the media, to change the public’s view of the hemp

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