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Men In Sparta

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Sparta is located in the southern part of ancient greece. But now it is located in Laconia, Greece.
Sparta was surrounded by three rugged mountains and rough terrain.
Spartan’s used a Oligarchy type of government, in fact they were the only city-state that use an oligarchy type of government. Sparta was ruled by two kings that shared power.
A group of oligarch’s declares military force for taxes so people pay their taxes. That means if people pay their taxes they will be guarded with military force.
The role of men in sparta was going out in war or training for war.
Women in sparta were famous for having more freedom than any other greek city-state, They also had a reputation for promiscuity controlling their husbands. They also had to …show more content…
The top of the pyramid is the Spartiates, they were full time soldiers, people that can place votes in the office, and people that owned land.
The middle was the Perioeci they were people that didn’t have spartan parents, an untrained adult spartan, people who can’t vote or own land, and people that were artisans and merchants.
The bottom was the helots they were the slave class, they worked on others land and they could have little personal properties.
Sparta’s patron gods and goddesses are Artemis, Athena, Zeus, and Apollo. They’re the patron gods and goddesses a because they are the symbols for Strength, Victory, Wisdom, and Skill.
They had a festival called the Hyakinthia. They celebrated it for 3 days, they ate only special cakes and wore no flowers and sang no poems then they went quietly to their homes. The second day was filled with festivity. Poems and praises were sung to apollo. Horse races were held and national songs were sung. The day ended with local women riding on a chariot.
They had another festival celebrated from 6th to 10th of june in honor of Apollo, Artemis, and Leto, it was called The Gymnopaedia.
Sparta was known for being a superior greek city-state and for their strong armies and

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