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Acceleration Lab

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During this lab, motion of objects moving at a constant velocity and at a constant and at a constant acceleration was observed. The purpose was to find the changes in position and velocity to determine a better understanding of velocity and acceleration of an object as time progresses. Thi slab was trying to find out how the data plotted will relate to velocity and acceleration on a position time graph, and how data plotted on a velocity time graph related to acceleration. In this lab, a cart was pushed down a track, as the cart was moving down the track, the time was taken, when it reached certain intervals, those times were then recorded. As a result of this lab, by finding the position and time, it equaled the velocity of the …show more content…
The position time graph related the velocity because, velocity is the same as speed. To find the velocity, the distance is divided by the time. The first data table and graph support the hypothesis because it include the displacement and the time, and by graphing the points of the different times and displacements, all together it shows the decreasing speed of the cart. The graph showing part II, velocity vs time, is supports the hypothesis that velocity time relates to the acceleration of the cart. The graph shows the tracking of the movement of the car which is the acceleration. During this lab, there were some unexpected results. These errors were made when timing the cart moving, the stopwatches were not reset, or started at the wrong time. Another place where errors could have been made were during the upward downward trial, the cart could not have been pushed hard enough so it might not have made it all the way to one of its markings to be timed. More experimental errors that could have been made where that the cart ay not ahve started all the way at the end, or that the timer may have stopped the timer when it was not exactly at the specific

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