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Tuskegee Airmen Research Paper

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Words 1410
Pages 6
Cooper Lynch
Mr. Hills / Mrs. Sehorn
Language Arts / Social Studies
23 February, 2015
The Tuskegee Airmen
You’re flying through the sky in a P-47 during WWII, patrolling an island for enemy activity. It is a peaceful day until a fighter squadron of twelve attacks your squadron of six. Your squadron fights off the enemy and returns to base camp only to be treated like a second-class citizen. This is the life the Tuskegee Airmen chose by becoming aviators in a time of segregation in the military. It started when Japan attacked the naval ships at Pearl Harbor. The president called on every American to help fight in the war including African Americans. The most that African Americans could do at the beginning of the war is join and become foot …show more content…
In the 1940s the U.S. Military would not let African Americans join to become pilots because of the pressure of activists, political groups and Franklin Delano Roosevelt (¨Brief History of the Tuskegee Airmen - Red Tail Squadron¨). The United States started to open flight schools that African Americans could join and learn about flying. The Tuskegee Institute was one of those flight schools at this time it was just a school, not an airfield. The Tuskegee institute had the best scores on the tests, and 1942 the U.S. Military Establishment Appropriation Bill set aside $1,663,057 for the construction of the Tuskegee Airfield. About 2,000 men were sent from the Mckiss and Mckiss Ink to work on the construction of the Tuskegee Airfield …show more content…
They had escorted more than two hundred bomber missions and completed most of them successfully. The Tuskegee Airmen had earned more than one hundred fifty distinguished flying crosses and eight purple crosses and countless other awards in their time serving the military as aviators. Their bravery proved that they were able to fly to the military leaders of the United States and that they were better than some caucasian pilots in World War II. When they were in the war the Tuskegee Airmen earned the respect of many white pilots and most people back in the United States (“Brooks pg

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