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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

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You can write off Martial Arts styles like Tae Kwon Do and most forms of karate right away -- they are simply not effective when it comes to defending yourself in the real world. Spinning and high flying kicks may look cool in Hollywood movies and in the dojo, but try using any of these in the street and you will find yourself on your back in a pool of your own blood before you figure out what hit you.

When it comes to real life self-defense, MMA style striking combining Muay Thai and western style boxing has proven the best for stand up, while Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (also know as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) has proven to be the best overall and when on the ground. With over 90% of real life fights ending on the ground, it is clear that the opponent who is the best at ground fighting will ultimately have the upper hand.

During your life there may definitely be some situations where you may prefer to try and stay on your feet and rely on your MMA striking skills, such as facing multiple opponents in a bar. However, experienced Gracie Jiu-Jitsu practitioners like Jean Jacques Machado and Chad LeBrun of The Lab Mixed Martial Arts Academy in Fredericksburg, VA, have proven that Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is the most effective fighting style against multiple attackers and even armed assailants. …show more content…
First, you must achieve control of your opponent and eliminate the threat as quickly as possible. Second, you must be able to do this against any sized assailant and possibly someone that is physically stronger than you are. This is what makes Gracie Jiu-Jitsu the best Martial Art for real life self-defense. At elite Martial Arts schools like The Lab in Fredericksburg, VA you will learn to quickly and efficiently take down any would-be attacker anywhere, and diffuse the threat with as little effort as

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