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Personal Narrative-Sacrifice

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Two years ago on a bright morning I woke up to get ready for school. Once I had gotten dressed I went downstairs to eat breakfast and then made my lunch. As soon as I was ready my mom drove me and my sister to our school, Finley Farms Elementary. The day went by like any other day, but then, towards the middle of the day the fifth graders had to go to an assembly. This assembly, however was different from any other assemblies we had gone to, it was just for the fifth graders. When we got downstairs our teachers led us to a room which we later learned was the band room. We all sat down wondering what was going on. Then a woman called Mrs. Sopeland entered the room and told us that in fifth grade we all were given the choice to play in our school’s band. She then had some high school students come and introduce their instruments and play a little bit on them. Some instruments everyone knew, others I had never seen in my life before. After all the instruments had been played, Mrs. Sopeland and the high schoolers started to pass out sheets of paper to everyone …show more content…
As I listened I heard not only beautiful music but the faint notes of a clarinet. The notes seemed magical and that night I slept very soundly. When I woke up after I had gotten ready I realized that I had extra time, so I thought to myself to make sure that I had gotten all of my homework done. I had gotten it all done but there was that pesky instrument paper that I still needed to fill out and was due and a couple of days. I sighed but then a smile struck my face because I remembered that I did actually know what instrument I wanted to play. As I filled out the paper the music that I listened to that night replayed in my head as I wrote down clarinet as my first instrument of choice. As my mom signed it though I began to get worried, what if I couldn’t play the clarinet

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