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Personal Narrative: Sacrifice For A Job

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Living In New York City is a dream to many, but the harsh reality is that in order to live in the lights and the glamour one must make sacrifices. I'm not talking about emotional sacrifices, rather financial sacrifices. New York City ranks number one in cost of living. I come from a hard working migrant family and the the work ethic instilled into me derives from my parents. Being a lower middle class citizen is perfectly fine for me, but money often gets tight when rent is due and seeing stress in the eyes of my parents hurts me knowing I can do nothing about it. This was until my sister advised I looked for a job. The hunt for a job was very difficult, I often found myself on the internet for countless hours just scrolling past job offers until one suited my needs. After applying to approximately 20-25 job offers, I waited patiently for phone calls for interviews. Several days past and I was quickly losing hope that anyone would call me back. Until a local supermarket called me for an interview. My emotions were filled with happiness and anxiety as I quickly responded with “Thank you sir, You won’t regret it.”. I knew working at a Supermarket won’t make me a lot of money, but it will help enough to pay the small bills and hopefully provide some relief to my parents. …show more content…
I spent several day practicing my cheesy line such as “My one flaw is i'm a perfectionist” and “The one reason you don’t want to hire me is I may never leave!”, but once the store manager called my name, my emotions got the best of me. My palms were sweating and my speech became slightly slurred, but it turned out all the preparing I did was a bit “overkill”, because they asked me very basic question like “What kind of work hours would you like?” and “Are you a hard worker?”. The manager noticed how much I prepared for this job and hired me right after the interview. I was so overjoyed that day that words cannot explain how happy I

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