Twilight is a vampire romance novel written by Stephanie Meyer. It was published in 2005. Twilight is the first book of the twilight series. The main characters' in this book are, Isabella "Bella" swan, Edward Cullen, Charlie, Renée, Jacob Black, and James. Twilight is about Bella a seventeen year old girl who moved away from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to wet and rainy Forks, Washington. Bella moved away from phoenix where she lived with her mother Renée and stepfather Phil. Phil enrolled in a baseball camp in Florida, and Renée wants to go with Phil but Bella didn't want to. So instead she moved in with her biological father Charlie in forks. isn't so bad in fact it has its perks. Her father bought her first truck that she really liked, she has her own room, and her father doesn't hover over like her mother did. Bella's new school isn't too bad either, she made friends easily and the boys seemed to like her a lot in fact they would try and catch her attention every chance they could. But Bella was not interested in any of the boys at school accept from one and his name was Edward Cullen. And it turns out that he liked her but for all the wrong reasons. The only thing he was interested was her blood.
After a few weeks Bella figured out that Edward was a vampire so she decided she was going to confront him and so she did. So when she saw him arriving at school she walked into him then looked up and walked away into the woods and Bella said to him
“ I know what you are”
“what am i”! exclaimed Edward
“say it” shouted Edward
“out loud” whisperer Edward
“ vampire” whisperer Bella after that conversation Bella and Edward ended up being a couple and that was the start of something big and dangerous.
After a few months of Bella and Edwards relationship it all started to go pair shaped when 3 new vampires came to town and they were after Bella.
So I think twilight is a brilliant book and I would defiantly recommend it to anyone, but twilight is not just a book it is also a movie but befour you was the movie you should read the book.
By Zoe Nash