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Tybalt In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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As Tybalt walks away after killing Mercutio, Romeo has a decision to make. Should he let the Prince kill Tybalt for his actions or should he do the killing himself?
After thinking long and hard about, Romeo decides to talk to Benvolio about what just happened so together they can make a plan on what to do next.
After talking for 30+ minutes about what Tybalt’s consequence should be, they finally figured out a solution. They will let the Prince do the sacrificing of Tybalt. Romeo asks, “We agree? The Prince will kill Tybalt for his actions?” and Benvolio responds, ¨Yes, my friend. Wait! I can hear something coming in the woods.” Romeo’s confused look leads to a slow response. “What do you mean, you hear something?” Romeo asked. Before Benvolio could clarify someone pops out of the woods. “Tybalt?” Benvolio and Romeo ask at the same time. …show more content…
Romeo and Benvolio exchange glances with each other, before telling the Prince exactly what had just happened.
“Long story short your highness, Tybalt killed Mercutio. The reason why he did that, was because Mercutio just wanted to talk about everything that was going on between our two families, but once Tybalt refused, they both used their swords to solve the talking part.” confessed Benvolio. “Which way did that sneaky Tybalt go?” ordered the Prince. Romeo chimed in, “he went in the forest sir, to find himself a great wife.” The Prince didn’t waste any time at all, he immediately ordered everyone who came with him, to march through the forest and find the man who murdered Mercutio, Tybalt. Tybalt, however didn’t make it very fast, he was found lying alongside a short stream inside the forest. Supposedly, Tybalt heard the Prince coming, and heard the conversation he was having with Romeo and Benvolio. Tybalt decided to kill himself, due to his

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