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Types of Fraud


Submitted By howdygirl
Words 805
Pages 4
Types of Fraud
This paper will discuss fraud as well as differentiate between the different types of fraud. It will explore the reasons why people commit fraud, the types of people that are committing fraud, and the motives for people to commit fraud. Second, this paper will also discuss the fraud triangle along with the importance. Third, it will discuss some of the controls that prevent and detect fraudulent behavior. Finally, an exploration of whether rationalization contributes to fraud.
Financial Fraud
According to Albrecht, Albrecht, & Albrecht (2006), fraud is defined as embracing “all the multifarious means which human ingenuity can devise, which are resorted to by one individual, to get an advantage over another by false representations. No definite and invariable rule can be laid down as a general proposition in defining fraud, as it includes surprise, trickery, cunning and unfair ways by which another is cheated. The only boundaries defining it are those which limit human knavery.” In other words, fraud involves intentional deception, false confidence, and reckless trickery. (Albrect, Albrect & Albrect, 2006)
Different Types of Fraud
What are the different types of fraud? Types of fraud include employee embezzlement, management fraud, investment scams, vendor fraud, and customer fraud. Employee embezzlement is simply the employee stealing from the employer. Investment scams involves fraudulently tricking investors into investing money into fraudulent investments. Management fraud is usually committed through misrepresentation in financial information. Vendor fraud is performed when organizations overcharge for goods or services while customer fraud is committed by deceiving sellers into charging less or giving them something they should not have. (Albrect, et al., 2006)
Types of People Committing Fraud
Any type of person can commit

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