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Types of Network Topology


Submitted By kink88
Words 341
Pages 2
A Star Network Topology is best suited for smaller networks and works efficiently when there is limited number of nodes. One has to ensure that the hub or the central node is always working and extra security features should be added to the hub because it s the heart of the network. this topology is best for smaller network and work fine the is not much or limited number of nodes. the heart of the network is central node that always working and extra security features.

Mesh Network is a network where all the nodes are connected to each other and is a complete network. In a Mesh Network every node is connected to other nodes on the network through hops(hops is names for every node that connected to other node in mesh topology . Some are connected through single hops and some may be connected with more than one hope.
While the data is traveling on the Mesh Network it is automatically configured to reach the destination by taking the shortest route which means the least number of hops. Data travels by hopping from one node to another and then reaches the destination node in a Mesh Topology Network.
An example of a Mesh Network is the Mobile Adhoc Network or MANet. The entire Mesh Network is continuously connected. Being completely connected does not mean that Mesh Network is dependant on each and every node of the network. Even if one node fails in the Mesh Network the network finds an alternate route to transfer the data. It is called the self healing technology where it receives data one way or the other.
The Mesh Network is based on a very sensible concept and has lesser chances of a network breakdown. There are so many possible combinations of routes and hops a data transfer can take that it will reach the destination one way or the other. It is highly unlikely that all the nodes in a single Mesh Network will break down at any given point of time.

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