...NT1330 Unit 4 Assignment 1. AD Design Replication Scenario AD Design Replication Scenario To whom it may concern: I am the IT Administrator for the company and I have been asked to give my recommendations for the Active Directory Replication Design of the two new Branches. The first I can recommend for you is that all the information that is needed for each new site is correctly documented and added to the Root Active Directory through the Active Directory sites and services. This is done because the Root AD automatically builds the inter-site replication topology based on the information provided about the new site connections. Each new site’s AD will have one each domain controller that is known as the inter-site topology generator and they are assigned to build the topology at their sites. To add two new branch offices we will need to find a strategy to design a replication process. To implement this we will need to use inter-site replication. Inter-site replication is needed when adding domain controllers located in different sites. We will also need a site link (Site link is a logical, transitive connection between two sites that allows replication to occur) protocol of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) over Internet Protocol (IP) which is the preferred choice for the replication process. This allows you to communicate with network services on various computers and also keep data secure when being transmitted by using both encryption and authentication...
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...Assignment List of actions: Visit the website. Fill out the Book Now form on the homepage using the parameters and click Search. For this step, the user will not be able to know what the next step will be. The only thing the user knows is that the website is going to search for the flight based on the information that the user provided on the Book Now form. The user will be able to see the control as the control is a big button at the bottom of the Book Now form. The control is also labelled as “Search” so the user can understand and expect the search for flights to happen if the user click on it. The user will also be able to see the progress being made toward solution of the task, based on the fact that the website responds and redirect the...
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...PA018 ADVANCED TOPIC IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECURITY ASSIGNMENT-2, PART 1 1.1 Describe a system of your choice (can be a standalone computer with peripherals or small network) so that this description can be used for further discussion of risk assessment and choice of countermeasures. Solution: The system which we can consider for this description is Hospital’s Patient’s Data Management System. INTRODUCTION In medical practice patients are required to share their health information(data) regarding their symptoms, conditions, and past and present risk behaviors. Based on this information the doctor’s provide necessary treatments. These information(data) provided by the patient and the treatment provided by the doctor is required to...
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...1. Order item a.) Clicking on the “CART” button allows the user to go to the shopping cart page. b.) When the user clicks on the text field of Item ID, the condition “must be positive integer” will appear below the text field. c.) When the user clicks on the text field of Quantity, the condition “must contain digits” will appear below the text field. d.) The user can order an item by keying in the item ID and quantity and then clicking the “ADD ITEM” button. e.) If there are no error messages, then the order item will be saved in the shopping cart. f.) If the user does not key in any text for any text field and proceeds to click on the “ADD ITEM” button, the text field will change colour and the “*” will appear behind the text...
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...CS 2205 Web Programming 1 Unit 2 Discussion Assignment Our second DF question is "What are the best practices recommended by web professionals for content layout, menu structure, and other areas of web sites?" Review professional blogs, web design companies' sites, and YouTube content. Much on best practices in Web Design has already been published. Sometimes professionals do not agree on all aspects of web design. Please make sure to cite your sources. According to the given instruction to complete the unit 2 discussion, I have seen or reviewed some of the professional blogs, web design companies’ sites and including youTube content. With regard, this topic almost every professional has agreed and have some common understanding. This is including some basic and...
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...In this project, I learned a lot of things both on the dataset and on data visualization through my contribution to the project. The works in both the first and second stages of the project were divided equally and efficiently among the three group members. For the stage 1 of the project, we first met together to brainstorm all of our ideas, find an interesting dataset to be used for the next parts and divide all the work load equally. One other group member and me contributed to the database design using star schema and the planning of data visualization in the second stage. Furthermore, in the second stage of the project, through a group meeting, we again divided the work equally among the three of us and discussed the visualization types that we are going to use for our data. To make it equals, each member chose one type of visualization method to discuss in the report. In this part, I did the part to whole visualization method, where I used it to visualize two important data of the dataset through a...
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...1. In our rapidly globalised world it is difficult to find a sense of identity and a place to ground yourself. Personally, I have found mine through my online community and my family. Consequently, It is through my computer and the internet that I am most connected to the global world. As someone who spends most of my free time utilizing this through video games, online chats and social media the internet, and my ability to connect to it is crucial to me. A typical night finds me at my desk space chatting with friends, drawing and posting on social media. a) One of the programs I use the most is called Discord. Discord is a messaging program similar to Skype, marketed towards people who have often have multiple programs running at a time created by programmers located in San Francisco. I use Discord to connect me to my friends who live all across the world. Discord has both a chat option and a voice chat function as well. In the diagram above you can see the voice chat function in use, as it connects me to two of my global friends....
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...Summers worked on the curriculum and supplemental materials. Online courses aiming for cross-cultural participation must be designed to enhance culturally inclusive learning (Simpson, 2007). Many Asian cultures and Egypt often enjoy a more social-interaction approach compared to static texts read out of the course room (Hassanein, 2015). The curriculum was re-designed to incorporate more interaction between teacher and student. Assignments were lessened in favor of more discussions between students, and teachers, in the course room. Regular online meetings through university media or associated technologies such as Skype, which has multiple language options, were added as well. The mixture of social interaction with vocal communication is also designed to help ease student resistance to the idea of online courses and their participation within (Huang, Lin, & Huang,...
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...I tried to group the text into slides that coincided with the questions that the club members asked at the previous meeting. I tried to somewhat build-up to the actual event by stating what he had to do and what dangers he faced to build suspense. For the slides, I inserted the information in the text boxes and left them in the alignment that was already set it. I decided to keep theme font of Impact (Heading) and Gill Sans MT (Body) for the text. However, I did increase the font size of all the text so that the audience will be able to view it better. For the title slide, I used WordArt to emphasize the title and topic of the presentation. The titles of the text slides were preset with a particular WordArt choice and I decided to keep those styles since they matched the theme colors and emphasized the titles. I also decided to include WordArt on the closing slide to stand out from the dark colors of the background. For the pictures, I decided to include actual photos of the record-breaking skydive. Nonetheless, I still used a generic photo and cliparts photos to fit in with the overall theme of skydiving. The styles on three actual photos were chosen because they accomplished my goal of making the photos appear to be in a scrapbook. For the generic photo, I got the idea to add effects onto the photo to give it a sense of a picture in a scrapbook also while appearing to lay at an angle on a table. I also decided to decrease the brightness and increase the contrast for that picture...
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...Digital Technologies AS91074 External Assessment Section 1 - Algorithms Describe the key characteristics and roles of Algorithms Programs and Informal instructions The key characteristics of algorithms are, precision, finiteness, effectiveness, input and output. Precision mean that the algorithm needs to be clear and precisely defined so that a computer can follow the steps. Finiteness means that the algorithm has to finish. The algorithm needs to stop after it has executed all the steps set. Effectiveness means that the algorithm needs to be effective, such as that the algorithm can be done to its precise steps and done in a finite length of time, computer programming language independent. Input means that the algorithm has zero or more...
Words: 1521 - Pages: 7
...1. Overview 1.1 This agreement describes the terms and conditions that govern your use of this website. 1.2 Before you become a user of this website, you must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this agreement and our policies, including our Privacy Policy (Policies). You agree that the Policies, which may change from time to time, form part of this agreement. These terms, conditions and Policies are referred to collectively as Website Terms. By accepting this agreement you agree to be bound by all the Website Terms. 1.3 We may, at our sole discretion, vary or modify the Website Terms from time to time. The amended Website Terms will be posted on this website. Any subsequent access to, or use by...
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...with */. This kind of comment is a documentation which is translated as an official record on how the class and its open strategy work. Case in point
* These are utilized to concentrate documentation from the Java source. */
7.4.4 Code logic for Modules
//for existing system module
public class ExistingSystemCalculation {
public static int count =Processors.processors.size();
public static int i=0;
public static double getTheTotalEnergyConsumption(List groups) {
double energy = 0.0;
Processor p = Processors.processors.get(i%count);
double executedCycles = 0;
for(Group g: groups) {
for(Task t:g.tasks){
executedCycles = executedCycles + (t.burstTime + p.CPI);
double power = (executedCycles * EnergyConsumption.energyConsumption(1, 220, p.frequency));
energy = energy + power;
return energy;
// for getting tasks with highest priority
private Task getTaskWithHighPriority() {
Task priority = null;
double min = 99999;
for(Task t : group.tasks) {
if(t.remainingTime!=0) {
if((t.deadLine - t.burstTime)
Words: 1468 - Pages: 6
...Picture of Masautso Chiwamba Re: Discussion Assignment 7 by Masautso Chiwamba - Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 5:19 AM I have found this week’s discussion assignment a little bit challenging to my part. I am yet to learn from peers about this one. Here is what I am currently thinking of. For option 1: First of all, after running the program we have: Menu 1.FIFO 2. LRU 3. LFU ENTER YOUR CHOICE: 1 enter no. of buffers (available buffers in the pool): 2 enter the no of pages (items to be stored): 6 enter the page value (an item to place in a buffer): 5 5 5 10 20 5 buffer :5 -1 buffer :5 -1 buffer :5 -1 buffer :5 10 buffer :20 10 buffer :20 5 As shown from the results, the heuristic used in menu option 1 is that of “First In First Out” considering the fact that “the buffer at the front of the queue is used next to store new information and then placed at the end of the queue” (Shaffer, 2011). In fact, this heuristic will not be efficient when the processing does not move along the file at some steady pace in roughly sequential order....
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...Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Evidence 1. What is a stakeholder? A stakeholder is a person who is either directly or indirectly affected or involved in an organisation or event. Direct stakeholders have a defined and measurable role in the operations, procedures and policies of the organisation. They can either control or direct an operation or procedure or are impacted in some way by it. Examples include directors and managers, employees, clients and customers, and suppliers. Indirect stakeholders are those who are impacted in some way by the organisation, event or operation, but do not influence procedure or directly participate. Examples include government departments, future or potential employees and clients and other community members. 2. In your own words, explain what is an administrative system? An administrative system is a set of rules, policies and procedures designed to assist with the efficient operation of a business or organisation. The system can be designed to work separately or in conjunction with other systems, both internal and external. An effective system must be cost effective, simple to understand and operate, and designed to suit the needs of the organisation. It must also be flexible and adapt to changes in technology. 3. Why would staff be reluctant to implement a new...
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...Priya Pershad Ms. Saccone HIT 100 Assignment 3 4 April 2018 A true medical coder should constantly respect and follow the rules of coding because patients, providers and payers all depend on the job being done right. All HIM professionals’ including medical billing and coding specialists, should strive do the right thing at work and should not peek into and access information which is outside their span of work. I am aware that a coder handles sensitive information of the patients which should not be disclosed and accessed without their authorization. By deviating from the rules and regulations, a medical coder gets into the risk of losing the job and lands into legal and ethical violation. The terms “minimum necessary” and “authorization”...
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