...No longer expected to simply perform as a mechanism for the consumer market place, marketers are now tasked to produce a message that satisfies the public’s growing demand for a company that not only provides value in a product/service offerings, but one that does so in a socially responsible manner (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Even more so, simple acts of socially responsible behavior do not guarantee a positive reception by the public. In many cases, attempts to convey the results of a company’s social efforts have often been met with criticism and reserved skeptical acceptance (2012). TOMS and People Water are two examples of for-profit businesses that have constructed socially responsible practices as the very framework of their business DNA. Founded in 2006, TOMS was created by Blake Mycoskie in response to his interaction with impoverished children in Argentina. During his participation in the television reality show, The Amazing Race, Blake became aware of the fact that large segments of the world’s adolescent population do not have access to shoes to protect their feet. In an attempt to address the monumental need, Blake developed TOM’s One-for-One business strategy that provides one free pair of shoes to a child in need with every consumer purchase. Further developing the brand through efforts in cause marketing, “any type of marketing effort for social and/or charitable causes, including in-house marketing efforts by non-profit organizations” (Tribby, 2014), TOMS...
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...group attitude towards the case | | Theory | Literature, theoretical references | | Discussion | Different perspectives, alternatives, advice or solutions | | Total: | | | 1) Ahold N.V. started in 1887 as a small family business that further became a management-control firm with aggressive growth goals. The CEO, Pierre Everaert, launched the aggressive acquisition strategy that actually accelerated the corruptive situation. When in the 2003 the first announcement of accounting irregularities appeared, it disclosed the frauds of previous years. That made a hint to so many lawsuits and litigations that even after establishing “Road to Recovery” strategy, company remains to be not trust worthy. The most important ethical issue that can be seen during the whole processes of litigations, that no one connected with irregular accounting admitted his fault in the case. The most recent statement used in the case : “…got caught being involved in the corrupt environment of Ahold and didn’t benefit personally…” 2) a) History (the main facts) Started its existence in 1887 with the founding of an Albert Heijn grocery store in Oostzaan, the Netherlands. Went public in 1948. Albert Heijn became the largest grocery chain in the Netherlands. In...
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...business idea in tact through the company’s sales approach and emphasis on customer service. Dell has an evolving business strategy that combines the concept of working directly with the customer through established distribution channels in an effort to reach consumers around the world. Today the mission of Dell is to fully integrate environmental awareness into the business of providing quality products, service, and customer experience at the best value (Holzner, 2006). They are not only trying to keep environmental awareness at the forefront of business practices but they are also looking to help enhance the lives of people around the world. Aspects of Dell that set the foundation for its growing success include their structure, culture, and management. Incorporating this type of framework in the company with Michael Dell’s vision allows Dell to take pride in their accomplishments, continue to establish partnerships, and provide benefits to those who have a stake in the company’s success. Organizational Structure Leading Dell is Chief Executive Officer, Michael S. Dell. The company’s organization structure is led by an Executive...
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...The ethical dimension of human resource management Human Resource Management Journal London 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Diana Winstanley Authors: Jean Woodall Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Pagination: 5-20 ISSN: 09545395 Subject Terms: Studies Human resource management Business ethics Classification Codes: 9175: Western Europe 9140: Statistical data 6100: Human resource planning 2400: Public relations Geographic Names: United Kingdom UK Abstract: The relative absence of debate about ethical issues within the area of human resource management is addressed. IT is argued that ethics is not about taking statements of morality at face value; it is a critical and challenging tool. The discussion starts with what should be familiar terrain: ethical arguments that uphold a managerialist position, such as ethical individualism, utilitarianism, and "Rawlsian" justice. Other theories are then introduced that broaden the field of ethical concern in an endeavor to be more socially inclusive: stakeholding and discourse theory. Copyright Eclipse Group Ltd. 2000 Full Text: Until very recently the field of business...
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...Table of Content Executive Summary 5 Situation Analysis 6 Company 6 Organizational Structure 6 Corporate Goals 12 Internal SWOT Analysis 12 External SWOT Analysis 13 Internal Processes and Capabilities 14 Industry Financial Structure 14 Customers and Current Situation 15 Value Proposition 15 Current Core Target Market 15 Change in behavior, attitudes or buying trends 16 What are they purchasing from our company? 19 Why are the customers buying our products/services? 19 What differentiates our products/services 20 External Environment 21 Industry 21 Economic 22 Technical 22 Societal 23 Legal 23 Competitors 24 Nestle 24 Pepsi 26 Tyson Foods Inc 28 Kewpie 30 Financial Ratio Analysis 31 Growth Strategy 34 Our new Idea 34 Goals & Objectives 34 Description of Growth Strategy 35 Market Selection 37 Segmentation 37 Targeted Customer Segments 38 Positioning 38 Product 39 Goals 39 Product Description 39 Processes 40 Outsourcing 42 Life Cycle Stage 43 Services 43 Place 43 Goals 43 Distribution Plan 44 Channel Responsibilities 45 Supply Chain System 46 Promotion 48 Goals 48 Promotional Blend 49 Web Based Promotion 49 Social Media Promotion 50 Billboard Promotion 50 Promotional Budget 51 Price 51 Value Proposition & Customer price sensitivity 51 Pricing Strategy 52 Breakeven Analysis 53 Expected Financial Analysis 54 Internal/Sustainable...
Words: 18091 - Pages: 73
...Behavioral Aspect of Accounting: The Need to Emphasize on Ethics ------------------------------------------------- Ahmad Zubair Chedi ------------------------------------------------- Abstract Accounting plays a vital role in providing information that permit economic decision, therefore the information has influence on its users. The financial statements that serve the basis for the economic decision are drawn up, not by the users, but by the enterprise’s accountants under the authority and control of the enterprise’s management. Ideally the preparers should take as their objective the fulfillment, (to the best of their ability) of the users’ needs. However the preparers have their own objectives, which often are quite different from those of the users. The financial statements can play a very important role in helping the enterprise’s management to achieve its objective. If the accounts show that the enterprise is doing well, the shareholders will be happy also the market price of the company’s shares will remain high. Since the accounts are prepared under the direction of the management there is a temptation for the management not to present the full truth about the enterprise in the financial statements, particularly when the company is doing badly. The paper examines the behavioral aspect of accounting with emphasis on the need of ethics; the methodology used is purely content analysis, using secondary data. The study reveals that unethical behavior is less...
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...Jashldkahsdkhalksdlakjsldkjasjdlkajlskdjlkajksjdlkajsd Asdj;ajsdkjakjsdkjaksjdkajskdjajsldkja jkajsldkjalkjsldkjlakjsdlkjalkjsdkakjsdkajlksjdlkajlskdx Collins, Ellen I have attained two undergraduate degrees in European studies and law and a Masters degree in trade, corporate governance and European law; in highly recognisable UK universities. Currently I am undertaking a full time Masters degree in Business law in one of the best UK and world universities. I am an experienced researcher and I have worked on different research projects demanding law elements from UK and other jurisdictions. In addition I have more than a year's legal work experience providing the law firm's clients with high quality legal research documents. I have an eye for perfection. It will be a pleasure to work for you. Sample Do the UK Combined Code on Corporate Governance and the legislative framework regulating Listed PLC's in the UK effectively address the problems revealed by the corporate scandals of recent times? Introduction> In UK there are the sole trader, the partnerships, the companies and the joint venture, structure businesses. For the sole trader and the partnerships because the businesses are controlled by the owners and they work for the benefit of the owners, it has not been necessary to have increased measures for the protection of the owners benefit. In the companies though that it is a different legal entity, not related to the persons that initially established it, there is...
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...SCOPE OF GOVERNANCE A. Meaning of corporate governance According to Sir Adrian Cadbury, “Corporate Governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. The corporate governance framework is there to encourage the efficient use of resources and equally to require accountability for the stewardship of those resources. The aim is to align as nearly as possible the interests of individuals, corporations and society. Corporate governance is therefore about what the board of a company does and how it sets the values of the company, and is to be distinguished from the day to day operational management of the company by full-time executives. Corporate Governance is to conduct the business in accordance with owner or shareholders’ desires, which generally will be to maximize shareholders wealth, while conforming to the basic rules of the society embodied in law and local customs” ( laureate Milton friedman) According to OECD( organization for economic cooperation and development) Corporate Governance is a set of relationship between the company ‘s directors, its shareholders and other stakeholders. It also provides the structure through which the objectives of the company are set and the means of obtaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined. NOTE THAT: there is a difference between corporate governance and management, the latter refers to day-to-day running of a business , while the former refers to rules, regulations and best practices. The...
Words: 13667 - Pages: 55
...Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA First edition 2009 Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (144) (0) 1865 843830; fax (144) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http://elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN–13:...
Words: 89973 - Pages: 360
...Q1) What is Ethical analysis and discuss its Application: in Corporate Decision making? Ethics is unique among disciplines in that practitioners often cannot agree on a common definition of their topic. Ethics Scoreboard can't solve that problem, which is many centuries old. Here it attempts to put forth definitions that explain what words mean when they are used on this website.] Values: Those qualities of behavior, thought, and character that society regards as being intrinsically good, having desirable results, and worthy of emulation by others. Morals: Modes of conduct that are taught and accepted as embodying principles of right and good. Morality: A system of determining right and wrong that is established by some authority, such as a church, an organization, a society, or a government. Ethics: The process of determining right and wrong conduct. Ethical System: A specific formula for distinguishing right from wrong. Unethical: An action or conduct which violates the principles of one or more ethical systems, or which is counter to an accepted ethical value, such as honesty. Non-ethical considerations: Powerful human motivations that are not based on right or wrong, but on considerations of survival and well-being, such as health, security, love, wealth, or self esteem. Concepts Non-Ethical Considerations: Defined above, non-ethical considerations are important because they are often the powerful impediments to ethical conduct, and the cause of many conflicts...
Words: 25626 - Pages: 103
...National Human Resource Standard Competencies Framework & Body of Knowledge PEMBANGUNAN SUMBER MANUSIA BERHAD 2014 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 1 THE STANDARDS ~ AT A GLANCE ................................................................................................... 2 THE FIVE DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 3 THE THREE LEVELS OF HR PROFESSIONALS ............................................................................... 4 HR COMPETENCIES .......................................................................................................................... 6 HR CORE COMPETENCIES ............................................................................................................... 7 HR FUNCTIONAL COMPETENCIES .................................................................................................. 8 HR COMPETENCIES FRAMEWORK.................................................................................................. 9 HR COMPETENCY LEVELS ACCORDING TO DIMENSIONS......................................................... 10 HR BODY OF KNOWLEDGE............................................................................................................. 19 CONCLUSION .....................................
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...i STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ii For free online support material please go to the Kogan Page website: www.koganpage.com/strategichrm Password: SHRM53756 iii STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT A GUIDE TO ACTION 4TH EDITION Michael Armstrong London and Philadelphia iv Publisher’s note Every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, and the publishers and author cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, however caused. No responsibility for loss or damage occasioned to any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the editor, the publisher or the author. First published in Great Britain and the United States in 1992 as Human Resource Management: Strategy and Action Second edition published as Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action 2000 Third edition 2006 Reprinted 2006 Fourth edition 2008 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers...
Words: 74350 - Pages: 298
...The Good Governance Standard for Public Services The Independent Commission for Good Governance in Public Services The Independent Commission for Good Governance in Public Services, chaired by Sir Alan Langlands, worked throughout 2004. Through two rounds of consultation, the Commission drew on the views of a wide range of people with experience of governance, and of service users and citizens, to produce the Good Governance Standard for Public Services. The Standard presents six principles of good governance that are common to all public service organisations and are intended to help all those with an interest in public governance to assess good governance practice. The Independent Commission for Good Governance in Public Services was established and supported by the Office for Public Management (OPM®) and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), in partnership with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The Good Governance Standard for Public Services The Independent Commission on Good Governance in Public Services Good Governance Standard for Public Services © OPM and CIPFA, 2004 OPM (Office for Public Management Ltd) 252b Gray’s Inn Road London WC1X 8XG tel: 020 7239 7800 fax: 020 7837 5800 email: office@opm.co.uk web: www.opm.co.uk CIPFA (The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) 3 Robert Street London WC2N 6RL tel: 020 7543 5600 fax: 020 7543 5700 web: www.cipfa.org.uk ISBN: 1 898531 86 2 This book may not, in part...
Words: 11986 - Pages: 48
...See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/241730557 Defining Strategic Communication ARTICLE in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION · MARCH 2007 DOI: 10.1080/15531180701285244 CITATIONS READS 112 457 5 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Kirk Hallahan Betteke van Ruler Colorado State University University of Amsterdam 37 PUBLICATIONS 894 CITATIONS 36 PUBLICATIONS 513 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Dejan Verčič Krishnamurthy Sriramesh University of Ljubljana Purdue University 102 PUBLICATIONS 742 CITATIONS 44 PUBLICATIONS 712 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. SEE PROFILE Available from: Betteke van Ruler Retrieved on: 10 April 2016 This article was downloaded by: On: 8 September 2010 Access details: Access Details: Free Access Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 3741 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK International Journal of Strategic Communication Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t775653701 Defining Strategic Communication Kirk Hallahana; Derina Holtzhausenb; Betteke van Rulerc; Dejan Verčičd;...
Words: 14817 - Pages: 60
...BELHAVEN UNIVERSITY Jackson, Mississippi A CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES FOUNDED IN 1883 CATALOGUE 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2014 Directory of Communication Mailing Address: Belhaven University 1500 Peachtree St. Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 535 Chestnut St. Suite 100 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Belhaven University 7111 South Crest Parkway Southaven, MS 38671 Belhaven University – LeFleur 4780 I-55 North Suite 125 Jackson, MS 39211 Belhaven University 15115 Park Row Suite 175 Houston, TX 77084 Belhaven University Online 1500 Peachtree St. Box 279 Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 1790 Kirby Parkway Suite 100 Memphis, TN 38138 Belhaven University 4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd. Suite 130 Atlanta, GA 30319 Belhaven University 5200 Vineland Rd. Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32811 Traditional Admission Adult and Graduate Studies Admission – Jackson Atlanta Chattanooga Desoto Houston Memphis Orlando Alumni Relations/Development Belhaven Fax Business Office Campus Operations Integrated Marketing Registrar Student Life Security Student Financial Planning Student Development Online Admission Online Student Services (601) 968-5940 or (800) 960-5940 (601) 968-5988 or Fax (601) 352-7640 (404) 425-5590 or Fax (404) 425-5869 (423) 265-7784 or Fax (423) 265-2703 (622) 469-5387 (281) 579-9977 or Fax (281) 579-0275 (901) 896-0184 or Fax (901) 888-0771 (407) 804-1424 or Fax (407) 367-3333 (601) 968-5980 (601) 968-9998 (601) 968-5901 (601) 968-5904 (601) 968-5930 (601) 968-5922...
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