...Global Economy News: U.S. Tells Berlin To Spend More Url:http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303393804579307722825726640?mod=WSJ_economy_LeftTopHighlights BERLIN—The U.S. Treasury renewed its criticism of the German economy's dependence on exports, just as new data showed that the country's trade surplus swelled in November. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, visiting Berlin, urged the German government to do more to boost lackluster domestic demand, which the U.S. and others argue is partly to blame for the anemic economic growth in the euro zone as a whole. Do Tax Cheats Solve the U.K.’s Productivity Puzzle? URL:http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2013/10/22/do-tax-cheats-solve-the-u-k-s-productivity-puzzle/?KEYWORDS=productivity abstract: Economists in Britain have long been scratching their heads over the nation’s troubling “productivity puzzle.” Now Markit, the financial information provider that publishes the purchasing managers’ indexes used to gauge activity in the global economy, has tentatively suggested that former tax cheats might be muddying the waters. Britain has a bigger workforce than it did before it tipped into recession in 2008 yet is producing far fewer goods and services. This mismatch between output and jobs has led to a collapse in productivity, a measure of how effectively an economy uses its resources that’s an important driver of future growth prospects. Bank of Mexico’s Carstens: Inflation to Move Above 4% URL:http://blogs.wsj...
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...Course: Name Monetary System In The U.S. And In Foreign Countries Yours Name Professor’s Name [optional] DOS: University Table of Contents Introduction 3 Types of Monetary Policies 4 Different monetary terms that were used and are still used 4 Federal Reserve System and concerned problems 6 The problems with the system 7 Conclusions 8 References 10 Introduction The U.S. Government provides money in a country's economy with the help of a set of institutions known as monetary system. To facilitate international trade, global investment and generally the reallocation of capital between nation states the term international monetary system came into existence. Which help buyers and sellers to communicate more effectively by providing the acceptable means of payment. Now getting towards US monetary system, the United States dollar used to be backed by gold, but in 1971 the US officially withdrew its promise to convert dollars into gold. The US dollar is now considered fiat money because the value of the dollar is derived from legal tender laws that require people to accept dollars as payments of debt. There is no physical limit regarding the amount of unbacked dollars that can be created, because of which there is very little preventing inflation of the US money supply. The Continental Congress issued the first unified currency during the Americal Revolution, which was declared redeemable in gold and silver. Because of excessive printing of notes...
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...|ELECTRONIC ASSIGNMENT COVERSHEET |[pic] | |Student Number |32477916 | |Surname |Helliwell | |Given name |James Maxwell | |Email |Jhel8204@uni.sydney.edu.au | | | | |Unit Code |BUS290 | |Unit name |International Financial Markets and Institutions | |Enrolment mode |External | |Date |10/4/2014 | |Assignment number |1 ...
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...Tools of Monetary Policy In the chapters describing the structure of the Federal Reserve System and the money supply process, we mentioned three policy tools that the Fed can use to manipulate the money supply and interest rates: open market operations, which affect the quantity of reserves and the monetary base; changes in discount lending, which affect the monetary base; and changes in reserve requirements, which affect the money multiplier. Because the Fed’s use of these policy tools has such an important impact on interest rates and economic activity, it is important to understand how the Fed wields them in practice and how relatively useful each tool is. In recent years, the Federal Reserve has increased its focus on the federal funds rate (the interest rate on overnight loans of reserves from one bank to another) as the primary indicator of the stance of monetary policy. Since February 1994, the Fed announces a federal funds rate target at each FOMC meeting, an announcement that is watched closely by market participants because it affects interest rates throughout the economy. Thus, to fully understand how the Fed’s tools are used in the conduct of monetary policy, we must understand not only their effect on the money supply, but their direct effects on the federal funds rate as well. The chapter thus begins with a supply-and-demand analysis of the market for reserves to explain how the Fed’s settings for the three tools of monetary policy determine the federal funds rate...
Words: 9295 - Pages: 38
...SUBSCRIBE NOW and Get CRISIS AND LEVIATHAN FREE! Subscribe to The Independent Review and receive your FREE copy of the 25th Anniversary Edition of Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government, by Founding Editor Robert Higgs. The Independent Review is the acclaimed, interdisciplinary journal by the Independent Institute, devoted to the study of political economy and the critical analysis of government policy. Provocative, lucid, and engaging, The Independent Review’s thoroughly researched and peer-reviewed articles cover timely issues in economics, law, history, political science, philosophy, sociology and related fields. Undaunted and uncompromising, The Independent Review is the journal that is pioneering future debate! Student? Educator? Journalist? Business or civic leader? Engaged citizen? This journal is for YOU! SEE MORE AT: INDEPENDENT.ORG/TIROFFER SUBSCRIBE to the The Independent Review NOW and q Receive a FREE copy of Crisis and Leviathan OR choose one of the following books: Beyond Politics The Roots of Government Failure By Randy T. Simmons The Challenge of Liberty Classical Liberalism Today Edited by Robert Higgs and Carl Close Lessons from the Poor Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit Edited by Alvaro Vargas Llosa Living Economics Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow By Peter J. Boettke q q q q q YES! Please enroll me with a subscription to The Independent Review for: q Individual Subscription: $28.95 / 1-year (4 issues)...
Words: 2612 - Pages: 11
...Treasury Market ------------------------------------------------- -Fixed income project key words FISCAL, DEBT CEILING, TREASURY, THE FED, CHINA Written by Gong Li 1155019071 Jiang Peng 1155038183 Yang Mengdi 1155020855 Zhang Yiwen 1155010794 Zheng Qianfei 1155038175 Written by Gong Li 1155019071 Jiang Peng 1155038183 Yang Mengdi 1155020855 Zhang Yiwen 1155010794 Zheng Qianfei 1155038175 CONTENT Executive Summary 1 1, The US Fiscal Outlook 3 -Recent and historical fiscal outlook 3 -The US debt ceiling and recent crises 4 -Financial cliff (2013) and its impacts to the US economy 5 -The US fiscal future 6 2, Fiscal Situation and Treasury Market 9 -The role of US department of the treasury 9 -The role of the Federal Reserve 9 -The US treasury market 10 -The Fed, the interest rates, the QE and the taper 12 -The prediction of the future interest rate 13 -Summary 14 3, China’s involvement in the US Treasury market 15 -China’s Ownership of US Treasury Securities 15 -Reasons of China’s preference for the US Treasuries 16 -The Symbiosis between China and the US in Terms of US Public Debt Holdings 18 -Our Suggestion on China’s Future Position in the US Treasury Market 20 References 22 Executive Summary The state and local governments continue to face fiscal challenges in the short- to medium-term term. According to the Government Accountability Office, the fiscal situation in the US has just returned to the level preceding the year of 2007...
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...Chapter 27 Multinational Financial Management ANSWERS TO BEGINNING-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS Most of the questions are illustrated in the BOC spreadsheet model. 27-1 A purely domestic firm does not have to deal with exchange rates, different laws in different countries, transferring funds between subsidiaries in different countries, having to communicate in different languages, and so forth. All of these factors create complications and challenges for multinational firms. In spite of these challenges, there is a strong trend among corporations to “go global.” The primary motivation is profit—many firms can increase their rates of return on investment, and their stock prices, by going global. Some do it primarily to get raw materials; oil companies are an example. Others go global to expand their markets, which helps them cover huge development costs; this is true for producers of movies like Lord of the Rings. Others go global because production costs are lower overseas; this is true for most electronics firms. Still others buy from foreign suppliers; Wal-Mart and Nike are examples. Finally, banks, accounting firms, and other service companies are going global because their customers are doing so, and they must follow their customers or lose them. 27-2 (See the BOC model for data and examples of exchange rates.) From a U.S. perspective, an exchange rate tells us: a. Direct quotation: Number of dollars required to buy one unit of a foreign...
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...Reaction to Federal Reserve Policy? Ben S. Bernanke Kenneth N. Kuttner∗ February 7, 2003 Abstract This paper analyzes the impact of unanticipated changes in the Federal funds target on equity prices, with the aim of both estimating the size of the typical reaction, and understanding the reasons for the market’s response. On average over the May 1989 to December 2001 sample, a “typical” unanticipated 25 basis point rate cut has been associated with a 1.3 percent increase in the S&P 500 composite index. The estimated response varies considerably across industries, with the greatest sensitivity observed in cyclical industries like construction, and the smallest in mining and utilities. Very little of the market’s reaction can be attributed to policy’s effects on the real rate of interest or future dividends, however. Instead, most of the response of the current excess return on equities can be traced to policy’s impact on expected future excess returns. JEL codes: E44, G12. 1 Introduction The reaction of the stock market to monetary policy is clearly a topic of intense interest both to market participants and policymakers. Those holding equities would obviously like to know how possible Federal Reserve actions might affect the value of their portfolios. Similarly, an estimate of the likely effect of policy on asset prices is an important ingredient in assessing the transmission of monetary policy through the “wealth effect.” The size of and of Governors of the Federal Reserve...
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...Threat of fiscal dominance? A BIS/OECD workshop on policy interactions between fiscal policy, monetary policy and government debt management after the financial crisis Basel, 2 December 2011 Monetary and Economic Department May 2012 Papers in this volume were prepared for the joint BIS and OECD workshop on “Policy interaction: fiscal policy, monetary policy and government debt management”, held in Basel on 2 December 2011. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BIS or the central banks represented at the meeting. Individual papers (or excerpts thereof) may be reproduced or translated with the authorisation of the authors concerned. This publication is available on the BIS website (www.bis.org). © Bank for International Settlements 2012. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced or translated provided the source is stated. ISSN 1609-0381 (print) ISBN 92-9131-135-9 (print) ISSN 1682 7651 (online) ISBN 92-9197-135-9 (online) Preface The massive expansion of central bank balance sheets to contain the worst financial crisis in living memory raises questions about the theory and practice of monetary policy. The persistence in many advanced countries of large fiscal deficits and the prospect of high public debt/GDP ratios for many years is likely, at some point, to create policy dilemmas not only for central banks but also for public debt managers. Some countries have already had to cope with higher...
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...FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO WORKING PAPER SERIES Macro-Finance Models of Interest Rates and the Economy Glenn D. Rudebusch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco January 2010 Working Paper 2010-01 http://www.frbsf.org/publications/economics/papers/2010/wp10-01bk.pdf The views in this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Macro-Finance Models of Interest Rates and the Economy Glenn D. Rudebusch∗ Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Abstract During the past decade, much new research has combined elements of finance, monetary economics, and macroeconomics in order to study the relationship between the term structure of interest rates and the economy. In this survey, I describe three different strands of such interdisciplinary macro-finance term structure research. The first adds macroeconomic variables and structure to a canonical arbitrage-free finance representation of the yield curve. The second examines bond pricing and bond risk premiums in a canonical macroeconomic dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. The third develops a new class of arbitrage-free term structure models that are empirically tractable and well suited to macro-finance investigations. This article is based on a keynote lecture to the 41st annual conference of the Money, Macro, and Finance Research Group...
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...How Capital Markets Enhance Economic Performance and Facilitate Job Creation BY WILLIAM C. DUDLEY US CHIEF ECONOMIST GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. BY R. GLENN HUBBARD DEAN COLUMBIA BUSINESS SCHOOL NOVEMBER 2004 How Capital Markets Enhance Economic Performance and Facilitate Job Creation BY WILLIAM C. DUDLEY US CHIEF ECONOMIST GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. BY R. GLENN HUBBARD DEAN COLUMBIA BUSINESS SCHOOL Introduction Our main thesis is that well-developed capital markets generate many economic benefits, including higher productivity growth, greater employment opportunities, and improved macroeconomic stability. To focus on these significant benefits, we examine three issues: (1) the importance of capital markets in facilitating superior economic performance, (2) how the capital markets foster job creation, and (3) the necessary preconditions for the development of well-functioning capital markets. Our analysis focuses on two particular sets of comparisons. First, within the United States, how has macroeconomic performance improved over time as the capital markets have become more dominant? Second, across countries, can one explain the superior macroeconomic performance evident in recent years in countries that have well-developed capital markets such as the UK and the US relative to countries such as Germany and Japan, in which the capital markets are much less developed? We highlight the impact of capital market development on the economic performance of the United States...
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...in 2008–2009 as the global crisis hit revenue from tourism, migrant labor remittances, the Suez Canal, export revenues, and investment. The severity of the crisis and its uncertainties demonstrated the need for urgent action to restore financial stability, lead the economic recovery and secure a sustainable future for the country. This paper therefore critically discusses the current global financial crisis and its impact on Egypt. It presents an overview of the Egyptian economy prior to the crisis, followed by an assessment of the depth and impact of the crisis on sectors of the Egyptian economy. Additionally, the paper highlights the actions taken by the Egyptian government to weather the effects of the crisis and concludes with some policy recommendations for the Egyptian economy to cope with this crisis. Financial Subprime Mortgage Crisis Causes Securitization And The Subprime Crisis What started as a mortgage crisis in the United States in the latter half of 2007 has now developed into a global economic crisis, bringing with it unprecedented labor market and social challenges...
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...Answers to Textbook Questions and Problems CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics Questions for Review 1. Microeconomics is the study of how individual firms and households make decisions, and how they interact with one another. Microeconomic models of firms and households are based on principles of optimization—firms and households do the best they can given the constraints they face. For example, households choose which goods to purchase in order to maximize their utility, whereas firms decide how much to produce in order to maximize profits. In contrast, macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole; it focuses on issues such as how total output, total employment, and the overall price level are determined. These economy-wide variables are based on the interaction of many households and many firms; therefore, microeconomics forms the basis for macroeconomics. 2. Economists build models as a means of summarizing the relationships among economic variables. Models are useful because they abstract from the many details in the economy and allow one to focus on the most important economic connections. 3. A market-clearing model is one in which prices adjust to equilibrate supply and demand. Market-clearing models are useful in situations where prices are flexible. Yet in many situations, flexible prices may not be a realistic assumption. For example, labor contracts often set wages for up to three years. Or, firms such as magazine publishers change their prices...
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...THE GREAT RECESSION Since publication of Robert L. Hetzel’s he Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve (Cambridge University Press, 2008), the intellectual consensus that had characterized macroeconomics has disappeared. hat consensus emphasized eicient markets, rational expectations, and the eicacy of the price system in assuring macroeconomic stability. he 2008–2009 recession not only destroyed the professional consensus about the kinds of models required to understand cyclical luctuations but also revived the credit-cycle or asset-bubble explanations of recession that dominated thinking in the nineteenth century and irst half of the twentieth century. hese “market-disorder” views emphasize excessive risk taking in inancial markets and the need for government regulation. he present book argues for the alternative “monetary-disorder” view of recessions. A review of cyclical instability over the last two centuries places the 2008–2009 recession in the monetary-disorder tradition, which focuses on the monetary instability created by central banks rather than on a boom-bust cycle in inancial markets. Robert L. Hetzel is Senior Economist and Research Advisor in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, where he participates in debates over monetary policy and prepares the bank’s president for meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee. Dr. Hetzel’s research on monetary policy and the history of central banking has appeared in publications such...
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...century while others stay mired in poverty? Why do some countries have high rates of inflation while others maintain stable prices? Why do all countries experience recessions and depressions—recurrent periods of falling incomes and rising unemployment—and how can government policy reduce the frequency and severity of these episodes? Macroeconomics, the study of the economy as a whole, attempts to answer these and many related questions. To appreciate the importance of macroeconomics, you need only read the newspaper or listen to the news. Every day you can see headlines such as INCOME GROWTH SLOWS, FED MOVES TO COMBAT INFLATION, or STOCKS FALL AMID RECESSION FEARS. Although these macroeconomic events may seem abstract, they touch all of our lives. Business executives forecasting the demand for their products must guess how fast consumers’ incomes will grow. Senior citizens living on fixed incomes wonder how fast prices will rise. Recent college graduates looking for jobs hope that the economy will boom and that firms will be hiring. Because the state of the economy affects everyone, macroeconomic issues play a central role in political debate.Voters are aware of how the economy is doing, and they know that government policy can affect the economy in powerful ways.As a result, the popularity of the incumbent president rises when the economy is doing well and falls when it is doing...
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