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Umhb Bmkt3311 Syllbus


Submitted By jiake92814
Words 1534
Pages 7
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Contact Information Instructor: Office: Office Phone: E-mail: Term A Office Hours: Dr. Chrisann Merriman Parker Academic Center Office 144 254.295.4647 Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 10 am – 11 am Monday: 1 pm – 4 pm Tuesday: 5 pm – 6 pm Thursday: 9 am-1 pm Other times by appointment

Description of the Course Course Name, Number and Section: Principles of Marketing, BMKT 3311 01 Term: Spring 2013 Catalog Description: Introduces students to basic concepts, practices, and techniques of contemporary marketing. Time/Location Course Meets: MWF @ 11:00-11:50 pm in PAC 222 Course Objectives: By to end of this course you should have accomplished the following learning objectives (LO): LO1: Define, explain and differentiate between the four strategy elements of marketing (4Ps), as well as explain how they work together in the "marketing mix" LO2: Define marketing including such concepts as product/service development, efficient distribution and consumer segmentation LO3: Explain why marketing decision-makers must be aware of the constant flux of the mix variables and the dynamic nature of environmental forces LO4: Explain the differences between the various approaches to marketing Credit Hour(s): This is a traditional, 3-credit hour course. Each credit hour earned in this course requires at least fifteen (15) contact hours, as well as a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework. Textbook and Materials: 1. Marketing: An Introduction. Armstrong ISBN 978-0-13-274403-4 Copyright 2013 Publisher Pearson Edition 11 with access to MyMarketing Lab 2. Periodicals including Wall Street Journal and Business Week. 3. All other materials assigned throughout the semester.

Academic Honesty: The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor policy on academic integrity applies to all courses. UMHB expects the highest standards of academic integrity among all members of the campus community. All acts of plagiarism or violations of academic honesty are considered serious offenses and may result in failure of the assignment. My motto: “When in doubt; cite it out.” Special Accommodations: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your professor and the Accommodation & Student Assistance Program office in the Robert & Linda Black Center for Counseling, Testing & Health Services, Mabee Student Center, Suite 310, as early as possible in the term. Assignments and Grading: Assignments should include everything listed below. Course Requirements follow, along with how each assignment is used and weighted to determine a grade. Assignments In-Class Activities Quizzes (5 @ 40 points each) Case Studies (4 @ 50 points each) SuperBowl Project Final Exam MyMarketingLab Assignments Bonus Course Requirements and Due Dates: In-class activities: 30% of the grade. These activities will include group assignments, problembased activities as well as in-class case studies. Please see calendar at the end of this document for tentative dates for the in-class assignments. To earn credit for in-class assignments, you must earn at least a 75% on the activity. No exam or quiz reviews will be provided. Please keep up to date on all content within the course. In-class activities will require you to prepare for the activities outside of class. Case Studies (post on Four case studies will be assigned throughout the semester. 20% of the course grade. Each student is required to complete these case studies. The case studies will be posted on MyCampus. The case studies will include case questions that need to be answered. The student must include references to our textbook material and at least two external resources within each case study question answer. The paper must be properly formatted in APA 5.0 format. Case studies will be posted on MyCampus under handouts Online Quizzes (MyCampus Coursework) There will be 5 online quizzes throughout the semester. 20% of the course grade. These quizzes are to be completed individually. Quizzes can be found under the MyCampus Coursework tab. You will be provided randomly selected computer generated questions to answer per quiz. You will have 40 minutes to complete each of these quizzes. Please check the Coursework tab or the online course calendar for due dates and content focus on the quizzes. Grading 300 200 200 100 100 100 30

Final Examination: (10% of grade) The final exam is worth 10% of your total grade. Test questions could include multiple-choice, application exercises, short answer and essay. The questions will be generated from assigned textbook readings, lectures, and guest speaker presentations. The final exam is cumulative. No exam review will be provided. Please keep up to date on all content within the course. There is no make-up exam in this course. Once an exam has begun, students may not leave class and return until the exam is complete. Final exam is schedule for Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 10:30am – 12:30 pm. Super Bowl Commercial Project 10% of the course grade. (Post paper on; post PowerPoint on MyCampus) Identify one positive commercial, and explain why you believe this (based off of material from class), and identify one negative commercial, and why you believe this. Write a one-page paper, single spaced, stating your reasoning and logic behind each identified commercial. Prepare a five minute presentation, based off your findings (you are allowed to use outside resources) and be prepared to show each commercial in class/provide links. Alcohol commercials are excluded from this project. February 11, 2013 MyMarketingLab Assignments: Throughout the semester, you will be assigned MyMarketingLab assignments. These assignments include online simulations, videos, as well as case studies. 10% of the course grade. Bonus Assignment (Forums) You have the opportunity to earn 30 points on your final grade with this optional bonus assignment. You need to identify a product that is usually consumed/use by humans, but will now be marketed for animal use. You will create a print advertisement that you can upload in pdf format to MyCampus Forums. Past examples include Colgate White Strips for dogs or multivitamin package for fish. Be creative and have fun with this assignment. Late Work Policy: No late assignments will be accepted for a grade. I will review and provide feedback on your assignment, if it is submitted via email within 24 hours of the original due date and time. If you opt to submit a late paper, please note your late paper review and feedback will be completed once all on-time papers are graded. As a reminder, your late assignment will not receive a grade. Evaluation Grading Procedures The following is the grading table for the course. Points earned Letter Grade 910-1000 A 810-909 B 710-809 C 610-709 D Below 610 F

Academic Decorum The learning process involves an exchange of ideas and an exploration of concepts between faculty and students and a certain level of decorum facilitates this process. Supportive actions include: (1) Coming to class prepared including reading all assignments. (2) Being attentive and responsive in class. (3) Respecting the course instructor and fellow students (opinions and ideas). (4) Contributing to the class by making topic-specific comments. (5) Offering critiques and alternative ideas in a non-condescending manner. (6) Providing a fair share of work to group projects and team activities. Examples of disruptive behaviors to avoid include: (1) Talking, sleeping, or otherwise distracting members of the class. (2) Using electronic devices for personal use. (3) Exhibiting argumentative or attention-seeking behavior. (4) Failing to show respect or act with civility. Attendance Policy: Class attendance is viewed by the instructor as critically important and imperative to success in this course are expected to be present at all class meetings. Absences are counted from the first class session of the term. Students who accumulate absences, including university excused absences, equaling 25% or more of the total class days scheduled during the semester, will earn an automatic failure for the class. If you are absent, you have a responsibility to submit work that is due for that class period by a) sending it with another person in class, or b) turning it in personally to the professor prior to the due date. The assignment must be posted as received no later than the beginning of the class time on the date it is due. Additionally, you have a responsibility to inquire of other students in class for notes, materials, and assignments from classes you miss. Please note that there are forty-two MWF class days (25% = 10.5 days). For attendance purposes, either as a tardy to class or leaving class early results in a ½ absence. Overview Class Name: SP2013 Principles of Marketing Class Code: 5929611 Enrollment Password: marketing will be used in this class to help host assignments as well as allowing student to peer review other student’s paper work. Students agree that by taking this course, all required papers, exams, class projects or other assignments submitted for credit may be submitted to or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. A description of the services, terms and conditions of use and privacy policy of is available on its web site:

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