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Understand Your Role

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Understand Your Role
1.1a As a part of the Corner Lodge Ltd., housekeeping department, it is our duties and responsibilities to (1) work in accordance with the objectives of the company, build harmonious relationship to our co-workers and patients etc. (2) participate and work as a team, (3) engage in activities to improve our skills, especially in caring for clothing and laundry supplies, and (4) protect the confidentiality of the company, people and the elderly patients with dementia. We will not divulge any confidential information to people not engage in the company.
1.1 b The list of codes of conduct related to our role as a part of the housekeeping includes, accountability for our actions or lack of actions, promoting the health and …show more content…
Work in Ways that Have Been Agreed With Your Employer
1.2 a As an employee in the Corner Lodge Ltd. and based on Act 1974, and The Health and Safety at Work, it is our rights to work in environment friendly organizations that does not discriminate or harass their employees. It is our rights to receive basic salary and benefits, tools and equipment needed to do our job as a laundry assistant. We also have the rights to speak out our needs or grievances, especially in workplace safety. In return it is our responsibilities to follow the rules and regulations set by our employer and the company.
1.2 b The aim and objectives of the company is to offer high quality care, and to deliver person centered approach in intervention, especially for the elderly patients suffering from dementia. The core value of their service is focused on strong commitment to serve, and related to improving the lives of their patients/residents and …show more content…
It should be discussed with our supervisor or manager depending on the company’s whistle blowing procedure.
12 f. It is very important to discuss all things that matters with full honesty, to tell the error or illegal activity of a person. It is a reflection of concern and loyalty of an employee; it can also reduce danger and errors in our workplace and provide solutions to such an error before it gets worse. Honesty is definitely the best policy.
1.3 a Being a part of the housekeeping or any other department, it is our responsibilities to support others and work as a team, it is my responsibilities to support our team, especially the new ones to teach them the basic procedure in our department, such as the basic cleaning and safety measures, and the rules and responsibilities so that they also become confident and productive in our work with less errors. In the future they will do the same with other

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