...Unit 3: Introduction to Marketing Pass 1 Marketing is the activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences by using slogans, packaging design, celebrity endorsements and general media exposure. The four 'Ps' of marketing are product, place, price and promotion. Mini cooper It is determined that Mini’s marketing strategy has shifted in terms of targeting and brand positioning. As previously it was an affordable iconic British car, now it has become a cool luxury car dominantly for a young segment. Its international marketing strategy is differentiated in a way that a brand is built up on the historical iconic image of Mini for the UK and associated market. The business strategy of the mini is based on having a powerful brand image. This strategy forms the foundation of the success of the mini Group. Mini believes in maintain core values as technology, innovation, performance, quality, reliability, exclusivity and customer satisfaction. The company slogans of mini in English i.e. “The Ultimate Driving Machine” and “Sheer Driving Pleasure” give us an overview of the marketing strategy it adopts. The strategy of mini is clearly defined on the homepage of the company i.e. “Identify potential and encouraging growth. Knowing what we represent. Recognizing where our strengths lie and making...
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...BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in HOSPITALITY [pic] Smithills School Pride and Respect Unit 2 Unit code: D/600/9933 HOW THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY IS SUPPORTED BY OTHER INDUSTRIES [pic] Assignment 2 ASSIGNMENT BRIEF |Name: | |Form | | |Unit: |2 |Title: |How the Hospitality Industry is Supported by other Industries | |Assignment No: |2 | |Date Issued: | | |Critique Date: | | |Submission Date: | | |Credit Value: 1 |Guided Learning Hours: 10 | |Assessment Criteria to be covered in this assignment...
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...STUDENT: Clare Quinn |Unit Code |Learning outcomes and Assessment criteria |Assessor comments |Pass/ Refer/| | | |Provide rationale for judgements against each |Fail | |3PRM | |assessment criterion and identify areas for development| | |1 Identify and assess 4 | Explain the organisational benefits of a | | | |factors that affect an |diverse workforce | |PASS | |organisation’s approach | | | | |to both attracting talent| | | | |and recruitment and | | | | |selection. Identify and | | | | |explain 3 organisational | | | | |benefits of attracting | ...
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...ACC305 – Auditing and Professional Practice Unit Outline – 2015 Unit Coordinator: Dr Chun Jiang (PhD, FCPA) 1|P age Introduction Welcome to Elite Education and ACC305 – Auditing and Professional Practice. This document provides you with information relevant to successful completion of this unit; including schedule of lecture topics, prescribed texts, assessment policies, assessment tasks, examinations, academic and administrative contacts and online learning support facilities. Student Handbook and Administration Office The Elite Student Handbook provides valuable general information for students and a printed copy will be provided to you. In addition, the Institute staff are available to assist you personally during office hours. Office Contact Details: Elite Education Institute 1 James Place, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9212 2120 Unit Overview This unit introduces the major conceptual and technical aspects of auditing and assurance services. Accordingly, the unit provides critical insights into the auditor's legal and societal role, the underlying conceptual theory of auditing, professional auditing techniques, and contemporary auditing issues. The core theme of this unit is the external audit of corporations, from initial planning to final reporting in the context of a professional environment. Assumed Knowledge Prerequisite: ACC101 – Fundamentals of Accounting I, ACC102 – Fundamentals of Accounting II, and ACC204 – Advanced...
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...Level 3 Diploma in Meat Hygiene and Inspection May 2006 1070 Guided Learning Hours Description: The qualifications within the diploma are designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and understanding to enable them to work as members of the teams that carry out the official controls within meat plants specified in the Community Regulation 854/2004. The Level 3 Diploma in Meat Hygiene and Inspection meets the requirements for the professional qualifications of Official Auxiliaries (meat hygiene inspectors) specified to Annex 1, Section II, Chapter IV, B of 854/2004. It should be noted that these regulations stipulate that candidates for assessment must have received at least 500 hours of theoretical training and at least 400 hours of practical training covering the areas specified in the regulations The Level 3 Diploma award is broken into 8 units: Unit 1 Introduction to food safety management Unit2 Regulations and responsibilities in meat processing Unit 3a Post mortem inspection of poultry (boilers and hens) Unit 3b Post mortem inspection of poultry (turkeys) Unit 3c Post mortem inspection of poultry (ducks and geese) Unit 3d Post mortem inspection of poultry (game birds) Unit 4 Meat hygiene and regulation Unit 5 Aetiology, pathology and welfare in poultry Unit 6 Aetiology, pathology and welfare in red meat animals Unit 7 Post mortem inspection of red meat Unit 8 Principles of hygiene and HACCP regulatory auditing ©2008 RSPH Level 3 Diploma in Meat Hygiene and Inspection...
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...Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to recruitment and the importance of ensuring that the best people are selected to work in organisations. Learners will study selection and recruitment techniques and will set up, and take part in, a selection interview. Unit introduction Recruiting the right people is the key to the success of many organisations. These organisations ensure that the processes and procedures involved in recruitment and selection meet their needs and are legal. In this unit, learners will develop an understanding of the impact of the regulatory framework on the recruitment process. Potential applicants may decide to apply for a post based on the quality of information that they receive. Details of the post will usually be the first communication they have with the organisation. It is important that the organisation makes a good first impression on potential applicants to ensure that they attract sufficient applicants of the right calibre. Learners will develop their knowledge of the types of documentation used in an interview process. A structured and planned selection procedure is crucial to the success of the selection process. The impression a business makes may determine an applicant’s decision to accept an offer of appointment. Staff conducting the interview will also be forming their impressions of the applicant. It is important that interviewers are well organised and prepared. They will need to be familiar with the...
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...Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 February 2006 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 600–8–10 Leaves and Passes This rapid action revision, dated 4 August 2011-o Implements the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 in the area of policy for payment of accrued leave by deleting all references to separation for homosexuality or homosexual conduct (rescinded paras 2-4h(1)(d) and 24h(2)(c)). Makes administrative changes (app A: corrected form title: HHS Form CDC 731; obsolete publication marked). o Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 February 2006 *Army Regulation 600–8–10 Effective 15 March 2006 Personnel–General Leaves and Passes States, and the U.S. Army Reserve unless otherwise stated. Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is Deputy Chief of Staff, G–1. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulation. The proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity’s senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded...
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...Tutor feedback form |Name of learner: |Jackie Mathers |Programme: |L2 Business & Administration | |Unit number: |Unit one |PASS |Yes |RESUB | | |Date: |28/07/15 |Tutor |S van Kooten |Signature: |S van Kooten | |Total time: |20 mins | |Type of contact (please circle) | |Face to face |Telephone |E-mail |RWF/Assessment |Other | |Introduction | | | |Hi Jackie | | | |Thanks for resubmitting your first assessment for your...
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...a. List the Student Learning Objectives (psychomotor, cognitive, affective domains) of the overall unit. List four objectives for EACH domain. Psychomotor domain: • As a result of participating in a basketball dribbling lesson, after demonstration of the steps involved in a basketball dribble, students will demonstrate how to properly do a basketball dribble by correctly dribbling a basketball down the court. • As a result of participating in a basketball passing lesson, after demonstration of the chest, overhead, and bounce pass, students will demonstrate how to properly do each pass by correctly passing the ball to one another. • As a result of participating in a basketball-shooting lesson, after demonstration of the lay-up, 3-point...
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...Exercise A.1 : Oil Demand and GDP Relationships Exercise A.1 : Oil Demand and GDP Relationships Regression Statistics | Multiple R | 0.973261851 | R Square | 0.947238631 | Adjusted R Square | 0.946414235 | Standard Error | 611.7650139 | Observations | 66 | | | | Coefficients | Standard Error | t Stat | P-value | Intercept | -7.962621221 | 83.69853866 | -0.095134531 | 0.924505216 | GDP Data (USD $M) | 0.001155711 | 3.40948E-05 | 33.89703095 | 1.32639E-42 | Table 1. Oil Consumption and GDP GDP regression analysis results Table 1 above shows that 94.7% of the 2010 oil demand of selected countries can be explained by the explanatory variable (2010 GDP growth of those countries). The remaining 5.3% of the oil demand in 2010 is unknown and cannot be explained using the linear regression model Oil demand = 1 + (2*GDP) + Residual. Additionally, a $ USD 1,155.71 increase in a country’s GDP will lead to a 1,000 barrel per day increase in that country’s oil demand, assuming all other variables are held fixed. Figure 1. Oil consumption by country The graph above shows the predicted vs. actual oil consumption by country using GDP and oil consumed (‘000 barrel per day) data for 2010. Based from the above, the U.S. was the top oil consumer in 2010. It consumed 16.7 M barrels per day - exceeding the benchmark result from the regression analysis by 15% or 2.4 M barrels per day. Other countries observed to have exceeded their benchmarked oil consumption...
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...|Assignment brief – QCF BTEC | |Assignment front sheet | |Qualification |Unit number and title | |BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Engineering |Unit 14 :- Secondary machining techniques | |Learner name | Assessor name | |Abdulrahman mohamed |Adrian Ilsley-Morris | |Date issued | Hand in deadline |Submitted on | |3/6/15 | 29/6/15 |29/6/15 | | | | |Assignment title |Using Secondary Machining Techniques Safely | |In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence...
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...------------------------------------------------- BTEC Level 3 National Diploma: Course Outline Welcome to the sixth form and the Business Studies department! The qualification is structured into mandatory units (M) and your choice of optional units (O). The BTEC Level 3 National Diploma has four mandatory units and eight optional units to provide a total of 120 credits, which is equivalent to two GCE’s. The Units you will be completing are as follows: Unit: | Name: | 1 | The Business Environment (M) | 2 | Business Resources (M) | 3 | Introduction to Marketing (M) | 4 | Business Communication (M) | 5 | Business Accounting (O) | 10 | Market Research in Business (O) | 12 | Internet Marketing in Business (O) | 13 | Recruitment and Selection in Business (O) | 15 | Development Planning for a Career in Business (O) | 16 | Human Resource Management in Business (O) | 29 | Understanding Retailing (O) | 36 | Starting a Small Business (O) | Assessment and Grading: In BTEC Nationals all units are internally assessed. All assessment for BTEC Nationals is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction: * To achieve a ‘pass’ a learner must have satisfied all the pass assessment criteria * To achieve a ‘merit’ a learner must additionally...
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...Williams College Managing Activities to Achieve Results Name of Student: Student ID: Course: HND Business (Management) Unit: 15 Managing Activities to Achieve Results QCF Level: 5 Credit Value: 15 Teacher: Date of Issue: Internally Verified: Yes Internal Verifier: George Reginald Anokye Date : 15/11/11 Date of submission: 05/01/2011 To be signed by Student I declare that all the work produced as a response to this assignment is all my own work. I understand the college policy on plagiarism. Student signature showing understanding of plagiarism notice To be filled by Lecturer Guidelines: 1) R: Referred P: Pass M: Merit D: Distinction 2) Feedback: Please put comments depending upon grade, for example if R- what can be improved and if P – you could give positive feedback. Circle as appropriate LO 1 Evaluate the interrelationship between the different processes and functions of the organisation Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives Evaluate the output of the process and the quality gateways P M D R P M D R P M D R Feedback for LO1: LO 2 Design plans which promote goals and objectives for own area of responsibility Write objectives, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based to align people and other...
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...International Marketing Management Unit Outline – 2014 (Semester 1) Unit Coordinator: Dr. Nigel Hardiman Introduction Welcome to TOP Education and TMKT402 International Marketing Management. This document provides you with information relevant to successful completion of this unit; including the schedule of lecture topics, prescribed texts, assessment policies, assessment tasks, examinations, academic and administrative contacts and online learning support facilities. Student Handbook and Administration Office The TOP Student Handbook provides valuable general information for students and a printed copy will be provided to you. In addition, TOP staff are available to assist you personally during office hours. Office Contact Details: TOP Education Institute Suite 1, Biomedical Building, 1 Central Ave Australian Technology Park Eveleigh NSW 2015 Tel: 02 9209 4888 Unit Overview This unit deals with key international marketing concepts, analytical methods and decision tools necessary for understanding the dynamic nature of international marketing situations facing different organisations, and to make international marketing decisions to deal with such international marketing situations. Its objective is to enable students to acquire relevant knowledge and techniques to deal with the various international marketing challenges, and to develop meaningful solutions to overcome such challenges. The unit offers students a practical...
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...Semester Period Unit No 103 Units Covered Unit Name Further Mathematics for Engineering Technicians Electrical and Electronic Principles Data Communications and Networks Analytical Methods for Engineers Engineering Science Telecommunication Principles Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Electrical and Electronic Principles Business Management Techniques for Engineers Computer Programming Techniques Radio Communication Engineering Electronic Principles Principles and Applications of Microcontrollers Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits Management of Projects Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation Personal and Professional Development Work-based Experience Credit Hours 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 15 15 15 15 20 15 15 Unit Level 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 Semester 1 (10 weeks) September- November 2014 101 119 001 Semester 2 (10 weeks) December- February 2014 002 118 059 Semester 3 (10 weeks) March - May 2014 005 007 112 Semester 4 (10 weeks) June - August 2015 120 039 113 Semester 5 (10 weeks) September-November 2015 117 037 Semester 6 (10 weeks) 003 December 2015 -February 2016 027 029 Industrial Training March 2016 - September 2016 UNIT 1: ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERS Unit 1: Unit code: QCF level: Credit value: Analytical Methods for Engineers A/601/1401 4 15 • Aim This unit will provide the analytical knowledge and techniques needed to carry out a range of engineering...
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