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Unit 14


Submitted By ixkromedxi
Words 1350
Pages 6
For this one I will be discussing type 2 diabetes and how different practitioners and services work together to benefit the individual. First off depending on the dire of the situation of the patient he will either be sent into the hospital or the local GP, but for this we will be going with the GP first as they are usually the first one to discuss the diabetes with the patient, first off the GP does his own examination of the blood work of the service user and if he deems that the patient does indeed have type 2 diabetes then, the results of the examination is then sent to the Doctor for a review of the tests, however they don’t always send the service user to the hospital, the GP could either send you a dietician to help make dietary changes in your life as to combat the diabetes, send the patient to a diabetes specialist care team where their main practice is the care for people who have diabetes. If they do send the patient to a doctor, then the doctor himself would have to test the patient as well, doing their own examinations making sure there are no complications, after which they will inform the patient with information on the symptoms and how to combat. After this the doctor would refer them to a podiatrist for foot care, receiving ample amounts of care on how to better take care of your feet. Due to the diabetes there is a risk of amputation of the feet if the care is not properly administered, after which they are sent to an optometrist because people who are suffering from diabetes have a risk for diabetic retinopathy, a condition which can lead to sight loss. The optometrist would ask you to have eye screenings once a year to check your eyes. If the doctor also deems it necessary you may be sent to the dietician or special diabetes care team.
Alzheimers Dementia

For Alzheimer’s the patient is reviewed by carers, the carer’s job being both

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...This plan will be illustrating the care pathway for the 2 physiological disorders and the roles of the practitioners involved. The two physiological disorders are eczema and nephrotic syndrome.  The practitioners involved in eczema are the GP and pharmacist. General Practitioners (GP): GPs look after the health of people in the local community and deal with a wide range of health problems. They take into account physical, emotional and social factors when diagnosing treatment and recommending the required treatment (AGGAS, 2013). If a GP is unable to deal with a problem themselves, the usually refer the patient to a hospital for tests, treatment, or to see a consultant with specialist knowledge (NHS Choices, 2013). For example in eczema, if the GP sees that the condition is not getting any better, or is worsening, the will refer the patient to see a dermatologist. Also, they assess, plan, implement and monitor the progress and response to treatment; and provide advice and counselling to the patients (AGGAS, 2013). Goal/Objective Completion Date Action to be taken To identify the physiological disorder Immediately 1) Baseline assessment i.e. medical history to identify clinical background and to identify and themes, patterns etc. 2) Assess baseline measurements: pulse and respiration; and observe the affected area i.e. inner elbows. 3) Confirm diagnosis and identify any potential allergies. To successful control the disorder On-going 1) Prescribe mediation i.e. 2) Refer...

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Unit 14 P1

...P1, Explain the nature of two named physiological disorders. P2, Explain the signs and symptoms related to two named physiological disorders. P3, Describe the investigations that are carried out to enable the diagnosis of these physiological disorders. M1, Asses possible difficulties involved in the diagnosis of the disorders from the signs and symptoms. P1, Parkinson’s disease Nature of disaster Causes, Parkinson’s disease is caused by a loss of nerve cells in the part of our brain and this is called substantia nigra. Also the nerve cells in our brain are responsible for producing a chemical and that is called the dopamine. However the dopamine acts like a messenger between the parts of the brain and then the nervous system that helps to control and to co-ordinate body movements. If our nerve cells gets damaged then the dopamine in our brain is reduced, and this shows that the part of our brain controlling movement will not work as before. It will cause the movements and abnormal to become slow. It is not known why the loss of nerve cells associated with Parkinson's disease occurs, currently; it is believed that a combination of genetic changes and environmental factors may be responsible for the condition. changes to the relevant physiology of the body systems, how the person moves, including...

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Mgmt 280

...MGMT  280 Business  Communica3ons Class  3 Tuesday, January 15, 13 1 But  first.... A  story  about   Love Communica3ons And Rela3onships Tuesday, January 15, 13 2 Tuesday, January 15, 13 3 A  Review  of  the  Basics 1/3  of  the  class  did  not  follow  direc7ons Tuesday, January 15, 13 4 (I  am  trying  to  help  you  get  prepared  for  the  real  world) 1.  All  email  goes  to  this  email  address  only: 2.  Meet  the  deadlines.  One  email  message  said,  “Hey   professor,  sorry  I  was  traveling.”   3.  Save  papers  with  your  name,  class  name,  and  assignment   name  in  the  file  name.  Example:  John  Doe,  MGMT  280,   Nonverbal  Assessment. Do  not  save  your  papers  with  file  names  such  as: “paper”                                                    “first  paper”                          “MGMT  280”                             “nonverbal  paper”            “280  paper” 4.  All  email  messages  must  have  an  email  signature. Tuesday, January...

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