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Unit 3 Gianluca Homeowner

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Programming Assignment Unit 3 Gianluca Barsaglini

ID: S379733

A.Identify the Actors for the System and Their Goals. Actors: Homeowner: Main user of the system, interacts directly with the garage door and motion detection system. Goals: Easy access, security, and convenience. System: The software-controlled mechanism responsible for reacting to inputs from hardware components and executing necessary actions to control the garage door and lighting.

B.Derive Use Cases Relevant to the System Objective Use Cases: Activate Exterior Light via Motion Detection Description: When motion is detected within a defined perimeter, the system activates the external light. Open/Close Garage Door via Remote Control Description: The homeowner uses a remote …show more content…
Draw the Use Case Diagram for the System Actors: Homeowner Use Cases: Activate Exterior Light via Motion Detection Open/Close Garage Door via Remote Control Open/Close Garage Door via Manual Control Safety Mechanism During Door Operation Relationships: Homeowner interacts with Open/Close Garage Door via Remote Control, Open/Close Garage Door via Manual Control. System manages Activate Exterior Light via Motion Detection and Safety Mechanism During Door Operation. It also participates in the opening/closing operations, both manually and via remote. Use Case Diagram …show more content…
Show the Operation Contracts for the Operations of the Selected Use Case. Operation Name: operateGarageDoor(command) Initiator: System Controller Responders: Motor Controller Electric Eye Sensor Garage Door Preconditions 1. The command is valid (either "open" or "close"). 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? The garage door system is operational. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? The garage door is already in the commanded state (open/closed). Post condition: 1 - 2 pcs. The garage door moves according to the command issued. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? If an obstruction is detected during closing, the door movement is stopped and reversed. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? The new state of the door (open/closed) is achieved unless obstructed. Main Success Scenario 1:. The command to open/close the garage door is received 2. The door motor activates to move the door. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Electric eye monitors for any obstruction. 4. What is the difference between a.. If no obstruction is found, the door completes its motion. If obstruction is detected, the door stops and reverses

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