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Universal Health Coverage & Quot Analysis

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I’ve always been around medical professionals while growing-up my mom was a raspatory therapist and my dad an x-ray tech this issue hits home for me.
Because I’ve heard horror stories while living vicariously through my parent’s stories whenever they discuss the issue of universal health coverage and why it should be an important national goal.
It is my firm belief that no one should fear about finances while going to the doctor’s office.
I find the fact we don’t have a national single payer program grotesque. 62% of al bankruptcies should not be due to people going to see a doctor.
This system leaves 20,000 people dying a year from lack of access and 30,000 people a year dying from too much access.
We spend more on health care …show more content…
This makes America less competitive in the global marketplace and causes financial stress for firms because this archaic system has been continued.
This is going to become more and more problematic.
From 2005-2015 94% of job growth in the United States was from what’s being called the gig economy where people are temping, contracting, etc. instead of working for a company in a traditional 9-5 capacity making themselves in eligible for benefits which means less and less people are gaining coverage the traditional way through an employer.
The simplest way to fix our medical system would be the introduction of a national single payer program.
Americans would spend 1.3 trillion dollars a year less on care and we wouldn’t have to worry about the 30,000 people who die each year due to too much care and the 20,000 people who die from lack of access either. It would be a great equalizer for our system where everyone is treated the same as it should …show more content…
He wrote about the deficiencies and ways in which to try to solve them in his book Rural Health and Medical Care. He found out doctors in rural areas typically were taught at subpar medical schools, had limited access to proper facilities, and that doctors were not attending trainings to learn about best practices. This is because Doctors move to the best zip codes trying to earn themselves the best possible living, but if we lived in a world with single payer they wouldn’t have to care where they lived and how much they can pay for

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