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Unpaid Care Work Research Paper

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Unpaid care work and its correlation to other social, political, and economic forces
Gender inequality in unpaid care work is the missing link in the analysis of related to gender gaps in labor outcomes in three areas: gender gaps in labor force participation rates, quality of employment, and wages [Esquivel, 2013].
Unpaid care work and female labor force participation
Firstly, the amount of time devoted to unpaid care work is negatively correlated with female labor force participation. In countries where women spend an average of five hours on unpaid care activities, 50% of women in the working age-population are active, i.e. employed or looking for a job [Esquivel, 2013]. However, in countries where women spend three hours on unpaid care …show more content…
Because providing care has a major impact on people’s lives
For many people, caring is a valued source of self-esteem and social legitimacy [Chant 2002; Molyneux 2007 cited by Esplen, 2009], rather than an injustice. But for others – particularly the poorest people – the time, effort and other resources used in providing care can violate their right to health and undermine their quality of life and well-being.
There may be particular points during the life cycle or particular circumstances which markedly increase the care workload [Esplen, 2009]. For example, the impacts of providing care may be felt most intensely in households caring for young children, frail older people, or people with chronic illnesses or disabilities. Impacts are also severe in contexts of declining agricultural productivity and food insecurity, or conflict and disaster – where women and children have to travel greater distances to find water and fuel, for example [Esplen, …show more content…
Impacts can be physical, such as headaches, backaches and physical exhaustion, as well as the added risk of infection for those caring for people with infectious diseases [Akintola 2006 cited by Esplen, 2009]. These impacts may be particularly debilitating in cases where carers are themselves very young, elderly, HIV-positive or suffering from other forms of ill-health. Impacts can also be emotional and psychological, including high levels of stress. For those caring for chronically ill people, feelings of guilt and anxiety about the state of the person they are caring for are common, particularly in contexts where carers lack appropriate support such as access to necessary medicines and equipment [Esplen,

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