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Unpaid Internship Case Studies

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The Case of Unpaid Internship
An internship is a great opportunity for students to gain practical work experience. Typically, schools require internship credits for a student to graduate and it is a prerequisite to landing a job. It can be an excellent time for a student to apply his or her theoretical knowledge in the desired field, or to see if it is a career path that they might want to stay in. Internship provides an opportunity for a student to experience the things that he or she had learned inside the four corners of his or her classroom in a real life setting. Depending on the company that they had chosen for their internship, interns do various tasks such as running errands, administrative work, and even considerable contributions …show more content…
Unpaid internship programs can greatly benefit interns when properly structured. The more these provide the intern with skills that can be used in multiple employment settings, the more likely the intern would be viewed as receiving training. It is fundamental and necessary that the intern and the employer clearly understand that there is no expectation of compensation, nor is there guarantee of a job position, right at the beginning. Clearing this areas right from the start will give both parties a solid understanding of what they can offer within their capacity. This is not only ethical, but also a good filter for the company as they will know who among the applicants has the commitment to the internship. Free labor is a commitment. Offering services without the assurance of compensation is a form of sacrifice. Here, the primary objective is for the students to have the exposure that could help them out as they look for their future jobs after their graduation. Monetary compensation is unsure because it still depends on the budget allocation of the company or if they have the capacity to provide

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