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Ups Consumer Behavior


Submitted By laceyharris91
Words 739
Pages 3
Consumer Behavior – Week Two
Keller University

Introduction Since 1907, UPS was known for being a business of small package transportation and delivery. They decided to expand its business offerings by being more than what they were known for. In order for the company to get the message out about its repositioning, they purse an integrated marketing communication. Their goal was to shift their consumer’s mindset of what they thought about the company, and to be known as a synchronized commerce. They changed their logo, discovered the color brown as a way of personifying their brand, and delivered a consistent brand message across all significant media and events. UPS now print labels, track shipments, order a pick-up, and provides many other services.
UPS’ Decision to Pursue Integrated Marketing Communications

UPS was led to pursue an integrated marketing approach because they were expanding their business offerings. For years the company was mainly known for small package transportation and delivery, by majority of their customers. They knew the only way to help their consumers see them as a synchronized commerce, they had to effectively communicate for it to be relevant and memorable. They conveyed their brand message consistently across all significant media and events.

Promotional Objective The promotional objective for UPS, was to build awareness to their four primary audiences. They were repositioning itself as a synchronized commerce to build on their core competencies to provide other value services. They are building awareness to the decision makers, front office decision makers, small business decision makers, senior level decision makers, and the end consumer. They help build awareness by communicating the new services they provide such as managing inventories, outsourcing transportation, and printing labels,

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