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Upward Glaeser Case Analysis

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In triumph of the city Edward glaeser outlines why he finds cities to be our best bet to create a more perfect and integrated society. In this he dives into issues of urban sprawl and the issues it creates along with with growing necessity of upward growth. Upward growth tends to help mitigate poverty by allowing for more affordable housing and personal interaction within cities. glaeser finds poverty to be a sign of a flourishing city, while this may seem odd , it makes more sense than one would think, large scale poverty can be caused by many things but in large cities since the late 1940’s poverty has been typically linked to an increased decline in industry. In situations like this it stems from the city in question having a one industry economy where are subsquent industires exist solely to contribute to the main industry of …show more content…
The Santo André neighborhood of Sao Paulo is remnicesent of the situation of detroit currently. While the neighborhood moves from an industrial based economomy the wealthy have moved into the nicer neighborhoods closer to the center of the city while the poor have been left to pick up the pieces and transition to a service based economy with the rest of their city. Unfortunately with high poverty rates comes high crime rates and Sao Paulo has both in spades. The government doesnt do enough to help these people though. the residents of slums are on their own in terms of carving out a new prosperous version of their city. Yet for everyone trying to build something new and good there are those who resort to violence and with this comes unrest from the police who instead of trying to clean up the favelas through The justice system have turned to just slaughtering those who stand in their way. It’s nothing short of all out war between the police and legions of poverty ridden citizens of sao

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