...term ‘social capital’ was first coined by Pierre Bourdieu who used it to describe the networks of relationships among people in society, and how it allows society to function properly. Bourdieu’s thinking was concerned with the understanding of social hierarchy. He believed that economic capital is at the root of all other forms of capital, and he was interested how economic capital could combine with other forms of capital to create and reproduce inequality (Ihelen, 2005). Although Bourdieu focused more on the terms themselves and how they played a part in society it is clear to see how he influenced the argument of different capitals effect on the class system. As Bourdieu states, looking at other forms of capital from an economic perspective,...
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...THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital AGNIESZKA KANAS Kanas, A.M. The Economic Performance of Immigrants. The Role of Human and Social Capital Dissertation, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Cover illustration: Krzysztof Wodiczko, Goscie/Guests, 2009, instalacja wideo/video installation, 17,17 min./minutes. Dzieki uprzejmosci artysty i Fundacji Profile/courtesy of the artist and Profile Foundation, Warsaw. Cover design: Agnieszka Kanas & Sebastian Gryglewicz Printed by: Wöhrmann Print Service ISBN: 978-90-393-5550-3 © Agnieszka Kanas, 2011 All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrival system of any nature, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electrnically, mechanically, by photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author. THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF IMMIGRANTS The Role of Human and Social Capital DE ECONOMISCHE POSITIE VAN IMMIGRANTEN De rol van menselijk en sociaal kapitaal (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands) Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Utrecht op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. G.J. van der Zwaan, ingevolge het besluit van het college voor promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 28 juni 2011 des middags te 2.30 uur door Agnieszka Małgorzata Kanas geboren op 3 februari 1980 te Trzcianka, Polen Promotoren: Prof. dr. F.A...
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...Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Introduction Displaced people fall on new life struggle by losing their social capital and network due to river bank erosion (Field observation). For this reason, in this study, the research problem was loss of social capital, network and role of safety net of the displaced people by River Bank Erosion (RBE). The main objective of this study was to measure the loss of social capital including network due to RBE, to explore the changing situation (social, economic and political) that displaced people face due to loss of social capital including network by RBE, to discover how do displaced people create new social capital including network and to assess the role of safety net to meet present crisis. In the context of socio-economic, geographical and ecological condition, the social capital including network and safety net is more important tool to meet any natural crisis. In this study village, the displaced people lost their material object as well as social capital and network. That’s why this study has focused on social capital including network and safety net programs in the context of river bank erosion. In this research problem, the word social capital has been considered as relationships, connections, links, and affiliations among displaced people and network has been referred as an informal relationship among persons, individuals and groups and safety net has been referred as the roles/programs of government and non government organizations...
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...Social capital can be manipulated to disseminate or compromise the public good (Woolcock and Narayan 243). This, in many cases, means promoting the majority and discriminating or undermining the minority. In its most simplistic terms social capital refers to the customs and associations that enable people to act collectively (Woolcock and Narayan 226). However, according to The Economist: Economics A to Z social capital is defined as “the amount of community spirit or trust an economy has given it togetherness” thus the greater the social capital the greater the productivity of the economy. Yet, the effectiveness and potential of social capital differs among groups, especially when comparing ethnic minorities. These minorities are many times...
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...HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Human capital is the stock of competencies, knowledge, social and personality attributes, including creativity, cognitive abilities, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value. It is an aggregate economic view of the human being acting within economies, which is an attempt to capture the social, biological, cultural and psychological complexity as they interact in explicit and/or economic transactions. Many theories explicitly connect investment in human capital development to education, and the role of human capital in economic development, productivity growth, and innovation has frequently been cited as a justification for government subsidies for education and job skills training.[1] "Human capital" has been and is still being criticized in numerous ways. Michael Spence offers signaling theory as an alternative to human capital.[2][3] Pierre Bourdieu offers a nuanced conceptual alternative to human capital that includes cultural capital, social capital, economic capital, and symbolic capital.[4] These critiques, and other debates, suggest that "human capital" is a reified concept without sufficient explanatory power. It was assumed in early economic theories, reflecting the context, i.e., the secondary sector of the economy was producing much more than the tertiary sector was able to produce at the time in most countries – to be a fungible resource, homogeneous, and easily interchangeable, and it was referred to simply...
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...are explaining social capital approaches to exaggerate its useful aspects. Quibria, (2003 p.) explained “leads to circuitous reasoning”—and overstatement of the advantages of social capital. Though, social capital has its advantages, however, the same ties that benefit members of a group can result in negative outcomes such as the exclusion of outsiders, excessive claims by insiders, restrictions of individual freedoms, and perpetuation of backwards norms etc. (Quibria, 2003, Eriksson, 2011). Social capital as a function (Coleman, 1988) can establish chances for network members; though, this is normally supported on religion, ethnicity, language, and career....
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...Research Proposal: HUMAN CAPITAL AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY. Background of the Study Human Capital has been recognized globally as one major factor that is responsible for the wealth of nations. According to Smith (1776) and Folloni & Vittadini (2010), human capital refers to the acquired and useful abilities of all the inhabitants or members of the society. Without adequate investment in developing the human capital which is the process of increasing knowledge, skills and the capacities of people in the country, the possibility of sustainable development might be minimal. Investment in the human resource determines the type, quality, availability and productivity of the nation’s manpower. It involves the socio-economic development strategies (European Commission, 2007) critically needed to facilitate sustainable development. One major challenge facing Nigeria as a nation within the global community, is how to achieve sustainable development. According to the IMF (2002), sustainable development is made of three pillars. They are economic development, social development and environmental development. The essence of these pillars are to maintain and enhance the capacity and capability of future generations while meeting the needs of the present generation. To accomplish these multi-dimensional tasks, human capital should be strategically cultivated and positioned for the preservation of both the present and the future economic growth and development of...
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...4. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CHANGING FOCUS 4.1 Introduction The large impact of TFP growth on economic growth (on average 56.5%) found in the previous section provides a sign that there were also other factors, besides physical capital, which were important for economic growth. However, because TFP growth is calculated as a residual, it is unclear which factors are captured by TFP growth. Whether this was technology, as was often assumed, or whatever other factor, could not be decided based on this evidence. This was less a problem in early development economics when development was looked upon as (lack of) physical capital accumulation (see for example Lewis 1955). As physical capital accumulation was inserted in the growth accounting exercise, the TFP growth could simply be interpreted as technological growth. Yet, with the rising importance of other, social, indicators such as health, literacy, and human capital, the growth of TFP could reflect the growth of these social indicators as well. 4.2 A classic view: GDP and physical capital On the basis of per capita GDP data provided by Maddison (2003), we may conclude that the levels of per capita GDP were about equal in India, Indonesia, and Japan around 1800. However, in the course of the nineteenth century they started to diverge. In 1890 Japan was already clearly ahead, having a gap in per capita GDP of 35% with Indonesia and 65% with India (see figure 1.1). Indeed, figure 1.1 shows that from 1870 onward there...
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...The ability for social capital to be harnessed for both positive and negative purposes is especially apparent in the discussion of the “urban crisis.” The issue was brought to the forefront during the 1950s and 1960s during a period when black families began moving into historically white neighborhoods. Homeowners’ associations, community groups, and other neighborhood-based organizations, which seem to be benign groups promoting positive social capital, are criticized by some scholars such as Thomas Sugrue as insidious organizations designed to impose racial order. He argues that racism and aggression, using the negative social capital of white homeowners’ organizations, is the cause of the urban crisis because it forced black homeowners...
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...anthropologist and philosopher whose work has greatly influenced the people of his time and still continues to do so today. He worked during the 1970s and 1980s studying and analyzing the idea of power within a comprehensive “theory of society”. With many years of conducting his own research, he came up with a theory of his own to identify individuals and their relationship with society and their status with power. Bourdieu sought to connect his theoretical ideas with his own life experiences to best relate his work with people of society in his time. While doing so, he managed to create a different set of key concepts to carefully break down and explain how he believes that our social system is made up and why. Although he has many revolutionary concepts, my paper will mainly focus on three of them: habitus, capital, and field. Born in Denguin, a small village located in Southern France on August 1, 1930, Pierre Felix Bourdieu was born to a working class family. Growing up, he was greatly influenced by his father to pursue the best education possible that his country could offer; because of this, Bourdieu ended up getting accepted to one of the best and most prestigious universities in France--the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. This is where he studied philosophy under Louis Althusser a famous Marxist thinker. After finishing school and receiving his doctorate, Bourdieu went to Algeria in 1958 where he obtained a teaching position. During his stay, he performed ethnographic...
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...REALYN PAGILAGAN COOPERATIVES AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BSENT 4-2 In my perception to social capital an economic idea that refers to the connections between individuals and entities that can be economically valuable. Social networks that include people who trust and assist each other can be a powerful asset. These relationships between individuals and firms can lead to a state in which each will think of the other when something needs to be done. Along with economic capital, social capital is a valuable mechanism in economic growth. For example, if you know someone at a company where you are applying for a job and this connection helps you get the job at the company, you have used social capital. Social capital can also have negative effects. For example, if a social network is used for manipulative or destructive purposes that will affect the economy negatively, such as when a group colludes to fix market prices. In my collective conclusion and perception for the defining social capital are defined networks together with Shared norms, values and understandings that facilitate co-operation within or among groups”. In this definition, we can think of networks as Real-world links between groups or individuals. Think of networks of Friends, family networks, networks of former colleagues, and so on. Our Shared norms, values and understandings are less concrete than our Social networks. Sociologists sometimes speak of norms as society’s...
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...Anthony Tallini 11-16-15 Sociology/Prof. Phillips Social Class and Life Chances Stony Brook and Patchogue Village have differing life chances and social classes all based on social and economic differences. Cultural capital and Social capital play a big role in how you will succeed in social stratification, based on Pierre Bourdieu and Max Weber. In this essay I will explain how five social and economic characteristics affect the towns of Stony Brook CDP and Patchogue Village. Then I’ll inform the reader how both mentioned towns differ from each other and the majority of Americans. Finally I will describe what role would social and cultural capital play in your chances of success in life. Educational attainment is a social characteristic that plays a role in success. In Stony Brook the percent of people with a bachelor’s degree or higher was about 54.5 percent of the population as told by the “usbeacon”, likewise Patchogue’s percent of people with a bachelors or higher was only about 23.1%. This trend can also be seen with those with a graduate and professional degree with Stony brook being at 30.98 percent and Patchogue being at 9.89 percent. “The benefits of having a college education are manifold and range from financial to cultural. From common benefits to some unexpected surprises.”{1} College, as said by Jeff McGuire from Collegeview.com, is a good idea in order to take advantage of social growth and learning. The fact that you’ll be building a career for the...
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...INTRODUCTION In New Zealand’s Westland District the closure of the local indigenous timber industry alongside rapid growth of the dairy and tourism sectors has produced dilemmas for families and communities as they attempt to adjust to the social consequences of rapid industry change. Drawing on a social capital perspective and a case study of 12 Westland families, this project examines how rural families bring balance to aspects of the three actions defined by Arendt as being essential to “the human condition”: family, work and community life. The findings reveal significant insights into how social capital is effectively reproduced in times of change. These insights are discussed in terms of their social policy implications. Fifty years ago Hannah Arendt (1958) published The Human Condition. In this work she contended that there are three types of action required to be “fully human”. The first two of these actions, engagement in family life and paid work, are necessary for human existence in contemporary society. The third action she called vita activa, or public life: a life that is actioned within jointly built civil spaces. Within these spaces we are capable of debate, we share actions and we resolve collective dilemmas (Arendt 1958). Arendt reminds us that the absence of, or over-attention to, any one aspect of the human condition is likely to be problematic. A half a century on from Arendt’s original thesis, public policy continues to debate aspects of vita activa...
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...biological entity, but a socially constructed product and ultimately, to gain distinction, a 'body for others.' The body for others “is the visible manifestation of the person, of the 'idea it wants to give of itself', its 'character', i.e. its values and capacities."[2] This manifestation of the body is influenced by the person's 'taste', social field and 'habitus'. Bourdieu defines taste as an incorporated principle of classification which governs all forms of incorporation, choosing and modifying everything that the body ingests and digests and assimilates, physiologically and psychologically.[3] Taste is thus determined by class, according to Bourdieu. This is significant because "People develop preferences for what is available to them."[4] These preferences are formed from a mixture of economic, social and cultural 'capitals' that will be discussed and evaluated later in the essay. A social field is a “network of social relations that follows rules and regularities that are not directly explicit."[5] Society today is composed of many specialised fields that value certain 'bodies' more than others and that value certain social practices more than others. The rules of the field, its regulations and the participation...
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...the normative value of social-reproductive activities,...
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