...conducts which are guarded in their implementation to reach objective and collective performance of the company. Recently P&G has introduced an extra $1bn for the purpose of advertising and making total spend was $8.6bn (£5.4bn), that is equal of around 11% of whole sales. Chief executive of P&G Mr. Bob McDonald P&G says: “They are carrying out on all three width of expansion strategy - touching and recovering extra consumers' lives, in new parts of the world and more absolutely."They have made investments in modernization, support of marketing and value of consumer. These have provided go faster unit volume that might increase the profitable market share growth in the near future. Those are very obvious sign in their strategy is operating." (http://www.mad.co.uk/) Marketing planning process strategy for the expansion The P&G has implemented a supply chain innovation and MR. Jake Barr is in charge of this. He is responsible to form out the techniques to obtain the customer commodities like giant's detergents, soaps and personal care products etc. for the people of 5 billion customers in 170 countries more efficiently including USA. This could generate $50 billion for the company that have boasts 13 brands and making more than $1 billion worth of revenue every year. In order to make the equal of a 14th billion-dollar brand—by stocking shelves in stores in the US market additional precisely by replying improved to what people desire. They are attainments are 5,000 retailers and...
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...the shape of their graphs in detail. To rectify this situation, in today’s lecture, we are going to formally discuss the information that the first and second derivatives give us about the shape of the graph of a function. The first derivative of the function f (x), which we write as f (x) or as df , is the slope of the tangent line dx to the function at the point x. To put this in non-graphical terms, the first derivative tells us how whether a function is increasing or decreasing, and by how much it is increasing or decreasing. This information is reflected in the graph of a function by the slope of the tangent line to a point on the graph, which is sometimes describe as the slope of the function. Positive slope tells us that, as x increases, f (x) also increases. Negative slope tells us that, as x increases, f (x) decreases. Zero slope does not tell us anything in particular: the function may be increasing, decreasing, or at a local maximum or a local minimum at that point. Writing this information in terms of derivatives, we see that: • if • if df dx (p) df dx (p) > 0, then f (x) is an increasing function at x = p. < 0, then f (x) is a decreasing function at x = p. • if df (p) = 0, then x = p is called a critical point of f (x), and we do not know anything new about the dx behavior of f (x) at x = p. For example, take f (x) = 3x3 − 6x2 + 2x − 1. The derivative of f (x) is df = 9x2 − 12x + 2. dx At x = 0, the derivative of f (x) is therefore 2, so we know that f (x) is an...
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...for cloth diaper services and $.01 to $.02 for home laundered diapers). 3. 1961- P&G entered disposable diapers indusrty with Introduction of Pampers Pampers: Price $.10 per daiper(Similar price as other firms) 4. 1964-P& G enginners developed technology process which was faster than prior process with minimal process of raw material which cut cost Pamers reintroduce with low price of $.055 per diaper nd national distribution was achieved by 1969. 5. 1960s- Diaper reasearch began at K-C Used feminine napkins to develop product which used fluff pulp in place of tissue. Pulp--- provided better absorbency and competitive cost savings. 6. 1968-- K-C introduced---- Kimbies Kimbies----Parity prices with Pampers(eqal cost to consumers)/ Kc invested it's profit into further development of product which show a high degree of price indiference to consumers 7. Late 1960s--Other companies (scott paper, borden and internation paper-) experimenting with a two -piece disposable diaper systems(Technology developed in Europe) with disposable inner liner and a reusable plastic outer shell(using snaps insted of pins gave these products a distinct advantage over Pampers) 8.1970- Pampers Market Share of 92%/ Other comapnies focused on product innovation which does not translated into market share: Two Reason # Poor marketing communication and inabiliy to reduce manufacturing cost at P&G Level Industry Stakeout...
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...History of Proctor & Gamble William Procter & James Gamble 1837 Neither William Procter nor James Gamble ever intended to settle in Cincinnati. Although the city was a busy center of commerce and industry in the early nineteenth century, William, emigrating from England, and James, arriving from Ireland, were headed farther west. Despite their intentions, however, both men ended their travels when they arrived at the Queen City of the West—William took care of his ailing wife, Martha, who soon died, and James sought medical attention for himself. William Procter quickly established himself as a candle maker. James Gamble apprenticed himself to a soap maker. The two might never have met had they not married sisters, Olivia and Elizabeth Norris, whose father convinced his new sons-in-law to become business partners. In 1837, as a result of Alexander Norris' suggestion, a bold new enterprise was born: Procter & Gamble. On April 12, 1837, William Procter and James Gamble start making and selling their soap and candles. On August 22, they formalize their business relationship by pledging $3,596.47 apiece. The formal partnership agreement is signed on October 31, 1837. 1850 The Moon and Stars began to appear in the 1850s as the unofficial trademark of Procter & Gamble. Wharf hands used the symbol to distinguish boxes of Star Candles. By the 1860s, the Moon and Stars appeared...
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...Product Offerings P&G offers a wide range of products for the customers to choose from. The wide range of products has been developed through organic as well as inorganic growth. P&G has been able to have such a diversified portfolio of products through a number of acquisitions which also increased its profits significantly. The company’s products have dominance in most of the product categories it operates in. P&G touches and improves the lives of about 4.4 billion people around the world with its portfolio of trusted, quality brands. The company’s leadership brands include Pampers, Tide, Ariel, Always, Whisper, Pantene, Mach3, Pringles, Oral-B, Duracell, Olay, Head & Shoulders, Braun, Ambi Pur, Vicks. P&G has tried to establish trust for their products in the consumers by following a strictly laid down scientific assessment policies for safety. It takes care of the safety from the use of products to the disposal to it i.e. the safety of the environment. There has been a case in 1980 where a product of P&G was responsible for toxic shock syndrome among the consumers. As a responsible citizen of the society P&G voluntarily recalled all the SKUs of that brand from the market and notified the consumers of the same. This action of P&G has established an image of a caring and one that does the right thing for the consumers and not only the company. Why Customers Buy Powerful Brands The company controls some of the most highly respected names in...
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...“P&G expands its business in Germany” Paraphrased by Sahar Fatima Germany became an important place for businesses: After World War II, it was 20th century Germany became the most lucrative European location for American direct investment. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group in 2004, they mentioned that the number of investment in Europe was 140 billion euro with 850,000 jobs. This report was published by American Chamber of Commerce. According to study among 100 American companies, Germany was on top in Europe for holding companies and was on 3rd in manufacturing sector in Europe’s eastern part and Great Britain. BCG stated that If Germany would be dealt in shares; American market analyst will suggest buying those shares. The reason behind this is not only the geographic location of Germany in Europe but because Corporate Germany has recently been Americanized. The vocabulary used in head department, management strategies; procedures and accounting are all according to American pattern. Else they’re utilizing their resources efficiently. They have labor force, research potential and a profitable market. American consumer goods Company took advantage of this fact and considered Germany as one of the important market according to sales. The outstanding company P&G was founded in 1837 by the candle maker and the other is soap maker, William Procter and James Gamble respectively. P&G was the most well-liked company of America. According to James Collins...
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...N O V E M B E R 2 0 11 1 Inside P&G’s digital revolution CEO Robert McDonald wants to make the consumer goods giant the world’s most technologically enabled company. Here’s how. Robert McDonald is a CEO on a mission: to make Procter & Gamble the most technologically enabled business in the world. To get there, the 31-year company veteran and former US Army captain is overseeing the large-scale application of digital technology and advanced analytics across every aspect of P&G’s operations and activities—from the way the consumer goods giant creates molecules in its R&D labs to how it maintains relationships with retailers, manufactures products, builds brands, and interacts with customers. The prize: better innovation, higher productivity, lower costs, and the promise of faster growth. McKinsey’s Michael Chui and Thomas Fleming recently sat down with McDonald at P&G’s Cincinnati headquarters to talk about the nature and progress of the company’s digitization initiative, as well as its implications for P&G’s people and culture. An edited summary of the interview follows. In the accompanying article, ‘My leadership philosophy,’ McDonald reflects on how his experiences as a US Army Airborne Ranger inform his approach to leading P&G. 2 November 2011 Real-time insights Our purpose at P&G is to touch and improve lives; everything we do is in that context. With digital technology, it’s now possible to have a one-on-one relationship with every consumer in the world...
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...CULTURE 2 /3 /2 0 1 6 P a tr ic k F o o n g WHAT IS CULTURE? No simple definition “The collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group from another … includes systems of values.” Geert Hofstede “A system of ideas … constitute a design for living” Zvi Namenwirth & Rober Weber 2 /3 /2 0 1 6 P a tr ic k F o o n g VALUES Values: Ideas about what a group believes to be good, right and desirable; shared assumptions about how things ought to be They include a society’s attitude to individual freedom, truth, justice, social obligations, the role of women, love, sex, marriage, etc. They are invested with considerable emotional significance; people argue, fight and even die over values such as freedom 2 /3 /2 0 1 6 P a tr ic k F o o n g NORMS Norms are the social rules that govern people’s actions toward one another based on values It can be subdivided into: folkways and mores 2 /3 /2 0 1 6 P a tr ic k F o o n g FOLKWAYS Folkways are the social conventions of daily life Good social manners, appropriate dress code, eating with the right utensils, etc. Violation of folkways is not normally a serious matter; people may consider violators as weird or eccentric and if you’re a foreigner, you may be initially excused 2 /3 /2 0 1 6 P a tr ic k F o o n g FOLKWAYS Eg attitudes toward time in different cultures ie lateness What is the general attitude toward punctuality...
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...Social and Environmental Accounting Procter and Gambler (P&G) SUSTAINABILITY REPORTS Bara Aji Anggara / 9 / 7A BPKP/ 134060018313 ___________________________________________________________________________ A. Pendahuluan Sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan, akuntansi berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi untuk pengambilan keputusan dan pertangungjawaban. Selama ini perusahaan hanya menyampaikan informasi mengenai hasil operasi keuangan perusahaan kepada pemakai, tetapi mengabaikan eksternalitas dari operasi yang dilakukannya, misalnya polusi udara, pencemaran air, pemutusan hubungan kerja, dan lainnya. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya perusahaan melakukan pertanggungjawaban terhadap sosial dan lingkungan. Atas dasar tersebut maka munculah social and environmental accounting. Social and environmental accounting adalah proses mengkomunikasikan dampak sosial dan lingkungan dari tindakan ekonomi organisasi untuk kepentingan kelompok tertentu dalam masyarakat dan untuk masyarakat luas. Tanggung jawab perusahaan merupakan suatu hal yang penting untuk dibahas sebelum pembahasan mengenai laporan pertanggungjawaban. Akan tetapi, sebelum membahas tanggung jawab perusahaan perlu kiranya membahas perusahaan bisnis. Ada beberapa teori yang dapat menjelaskan keberadaan perusahaan, antara lain concession theory dan agency theory. a. Concession theory Pada dasarnya perusahaan eksis karena konsesi atau hak istimewa yang diberikan oleh negara (Deegan, 2004:193). Dengan...
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...Our Values and Policies 2 P&G Our Values and Policies 1 P&G Our Values and Policies Table of Contents Introduction 2 Letter from the CEO 3 Hierarchy of Company Ethics Principles 4 Our Purpose 5 Our Values 6 Our Principles 7 Our Policies A. Respect of Government and the Law 1. Compliance With Legal Requirements 2. Accuracy of Company Books and Records • Books and Records • Disclosure Controls • Internal Controls 3. Securities Trading 4. Antitrust Policy and Compliance Guidelines 5. Lobbying 6. Political Contributions and Related Policies 7. Transacting International Business 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 B. Respect in the Workplace 1. Behavior in the Workplace 2. Child Labor and Worker Exploitation 3. Wage and Hour Practices 4. Safety, Health and Environmental • Employee Safety • Environmental Quality 5. HIV/AIDS 6. Conflict of Interest • Business, Financial and Personal Relationships • Gifts, Entertainment and Gratuities • Improper Use of Company Assets 7. Employee Privacy 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 C. Respect in the Marketplace 1. Product Safety 2. Bribery and Improper Business Dealings • Commercial Bribery • Improper Payments to Government Officials • Money Laundering and Product Diversion Avoidance 3. Fair Dealing and Fair Competition • Treating Suppliers Appropriately • Treating Customers Appropriately • The Government as a Customer • Treating...
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...Geethanjali Nataraj NCAER, New Delhi For the ICRIER-SABER workshop, 29-30 June p, 2009, New Delhi. Trade Policy in India • Trade Reforms form the crux of the economic reforms in India. • Export Promotion has been and continues to be a major thrust of India’s trade policy • Accordingly, policies have been aimed at creating a friendly environment by eliminating redundant procedures, increasing transparency by simplifying the processes involved in the export sector and moving away from quantitative restrictions, thereby improving the competitiveness of Indian industry and g p reducing the anti-export bias. • Steps have also been taken to promote exports through g g multilateral and bilateral initiatives and giving several incentives to exports to cope with all uncertainties at the global level. Features of Trade Policy Reform in India • • • • • Free imports and Exports Rationalization of tariff structure/reducing tariffs Decanalisation Liberalization of the exchange rate regime. Setting up of trading houses, SEZ’s and Export houses SEZ s promotion industrial parks. • Various exemptions under the EXIM policies to boost exports and imports and make the trade policy regime transparent and less cumbersome. p Towards a more open economy 1990 91 1990-91 Peak Import duties ( Manufactures ) Import Controls Trade goods)/GDP ratio ( %) Software exports ( & billion) Worker remittances ( $ billion) FDI ($ billion) g y Foreign currency reserves ($ billion) 200% plus Tight, Tight detailed...
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...elf fro m a cen t rall y p l ann ed econ o my t o an eco no my wi t h “C hi n es e ch aract eri s ti cs ” o r wh at is k n o wn as t h e s o ci al is t mark et eco n o my i n t h e 1 9 80 ’s . As a res ul t, s mal l an d med i u m -s i zed en t erp ris es fl ou ri sh ed an d ent rep ren eu rs hi p fro m p ri vat e s ect o r co nt ri bu tes s ub st an ti all y t o t h e econ o my e ver s i n ce. Th is p ap er is to ex ami n e th e ch aract eri s ti cs and t h e d is ti n ct i ve at t rib ut es o f p ri vat e en t rep ren eu rs i n t h e P eo pl e’s R ep ub li c o f C hi n a i n th e s ett in g o f a t ran si ti o n al eco no my u n d er t h e co mmu n i s t -co nt rol l ed p ol it i cal en vi ro n me n t . KE Y WOR DS : en t rep ren eu r, C hi n a, man age men t , Co n fu ci an is m, ch aract eri s ti cs , at t rib ut es , gu anx i , fen g s hu i 1 . INTRO DUCTIO N C hi n a exp eri en ced t remen d o u s eco n o mi c gro wt h si n ce th e ti me wh en t h e co u n t ry ad o p t ed a mark et -o ri ent ed p ol i cy t o ward s t h e d evel o p men t o f a mo re “o p en ed ” an d “cap i t ali st ” econ o my i n t h e 1 9 80 ’s . B efo re t h e 1 98 0 ’s, p ri vat e s ect o r p arti ci p at i on i n t h e eco no my was l i mi t ed du ri n g t h e C ul t u ral R evo l u t io n i n t h e 1 9 70 ’s . In t h e l ast t wen t y fi ve years , t h e eme rgen ce o f C h in es e ent rep ren eu rs , i n t h e fo rms o f u rb an an d ru ral to wn s hi p -an d -vi l l age en t erp...
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...China’s structural slowdown, declining commodity prices, a downturn in foreign investment and the need to base growth on domestic demand. The developed countries’ monetary policies are likely to change direction gradually. In our judgment, the Fed will begin liftoff at a moderate pace, bringing its rate to about 1.0% by the end of 2016. Eurozone interest is unlikely to change in 2015 and 2016. Roughly Two thirds of The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G)’s revenue is from outside the United States. In fiscal 2015, net sales of all five-business segments were negatively affected by foreign currency fluctuations due to strong dollar, boosted by recovery of U.S. economy (See the table below). Company Overview P&G The Procter & Gamble Company, or P&G (PG), is the largest manufacturer and seller of household and personal products in the world, headquartered in the United States with market capital about $215 billion. Founders William Procter and James Gamble established P&G in 1837. It is geographically P&G Data Overview | 52-week Range...
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...INTRODUCTION Why &who does CSR? How can we better fight against major global concerns such as extreme poverty, the environment, and education? Probably this is the most pressing question we can ask of civil society in this fast-growing period. Governments are resolving these problems, but one of the major limitations of state-funded intervention is that it is risk-averse, willing to put money only toward proven projects. Risk taking is more to the liking of private individuals, foundations, non-profits, and leading philanthropists. To be sure, this latter group is doing their part. However, the primary weakness of intervention by foundations, philanthropists, non-profits, and private donors is that these groups do not have the technological or personnel infrastructure to extend the influence of those funds. Who does? Corporations do. Some of the leading advocates of corporate social responsibility (CSR) base their argument on the notion that corporations are the best equipped to address the world's greatest concerns because they not only have the funding, but they also have the technological or personnel infrastructure to optimize results. What is CSR? Corporate social responsibility is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR is titled to aid an organization's mission as well as a guide to what the company stands for and will uphold to its consumers. Development business ethics is one of the forms of applied ethics that examines ethical...
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...CHAPTER 10 Aggregate Demand I Questions for Review 1. The Keynesian cross tells us that fiscal policy has a multiplied effect on income. The reason is that according to the consumption function, higher income causes higher consumption. For example, an increase in government purchases of ∆G raises expenditure and, therefore, income by ∆G. This increase in income causes consumption to rise by MPC × ∆G, where MPC is the marginal propensity to consume. This increase in consumption raises expenditure and income even further. This feedback from consumption to income continues indefinitely. Therefore, in the Keynesian-cross model, increasing government spending by one dollar causes an increase in income that is greater than one dollar: it increases by ∆G/(1 – MPC). 2. The theory of liquidity preference explains how the supply and demand for real money balances determine the interest rate. A simple version of this theory assumes that there is a fixed supply of money, which the Fed chooses. The price level P is also fixed in this model, so that the supply of real balances is fixed. The demand for real money balances depends on the interest rate, which is the opportunity cost of holding money. At a high interest rate, people hold less money because the opportunity cost is high. By holding money, they forgo the interest on interest-bearing deposits. In contrast, at a low interest rate, people hold more money because the opportunity cost is low. Figure 10–1 graphs...
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