Title: Violence in the media affects teens
General purpose: To persuade my audience to start reacting against violence in media.
Specific purpose: pros and cons of violence in the media affecting teens. INTRODUCTION
I. The effects violence in the media has on children and teens' brains. After exposing adolescents with both aggressive and nonaggressive behavior to large amounts of media violence, researchers found a decrease in brain activity among all exposed to the violence.
II. Today I want to urge you to don’t allow your children to watch any program on television that contains violent material. BODY
III. Individuals exposed to large amounts of violence are using less brain function, causing a decrease in attention span and an increase in aggressive behavior.
A. Aggressive behavior within society may drive the desire for violence on television.
B. media violence exposure may be associated with alterations in brain functioning whether or not trait aggression is present
IV. Both sides in the debate agree that the most influential effect on teens is the example set in the home. A. Homes with more abuse set forth an example of violence that has lasting affects on the children of those homes. B. Children who witness family violence are affected in ways similar to children who are physically abused.
V. Setting examples and boundaries is the most effective defense against violence. A. Not allowing teens to watch wrestling, boxing and video games that contain violence. B. never talk about sensitive issues at home. CONCLUSION
VI. Individuals exposed to large amounts of violence are using less brain function, causing a decrease in attention span and an increase in aggressive behavior.
VII. Both sides in the debate agree that the most influential effect on teens is the example set in the home.VIII. Setting examples and boundaries is the most effective defense against violence.