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Value Of Sleep Analysis Essay

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Evaluate After tracking my current sleep habits for a week, I’ve noticed that I have a sleep schedule that varies from day to day. My typical schedule for the week is that I have classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, starting at 8 in the morning. Monday and Wednesdays, and noon on Friday. I typically work Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday working night shifts not getting done till 10 at night. After looking at my sleep schedule, I’ve noticed I typically get less sleep on nights that I have class the next day. Overall, my sleep habits are very poor because I am not getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep. I typically need 7 hours of sleep to feel completely awake and rested. There are sleep promoting behaviors that I currently do that help improve my quality …show more content…
Some of these influences affect my sleep, such as work, school, beverage choices. Work affects my sleep because there are days where I don’t get off of work till ten or even eleven o’clock. Also school has an effect on sleep because if I have an exam or paper due I usually stay up late to study or write a paper, which effects how much sleep I get. The last main thing that effects my sleep is my beverage choice. I usually have a Mountain Dew with dinner, which also has a big effect on my …show more content…
M. (2013). Tips for achieving healthy sleep. American Nurse Today, 8(5), 24. Retrieved from
Siegel, J. H. (2001). The REM sleep-memory consolidation hypothesis. (Review). Science, 294(5544), 1058+. Retrieved from

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