...Instrumentals : A Music Into Our Ears A Research Paper Presented to The Class of Miss Rachelle Lynne A. Rosales Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo High School In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Subject English IV Submitted by: Josh Gabriel Hornilla John Gabriel Celis IV – Gomez Chapter I 1 Introduction Instrumental songs are music that can entertain us and relieved stress. It can also be a fun of everybody when playing an instrument like piano, guitar drums, etc. In this generation, many people likes the genre of Hip Hop, R & B, Rock, Pop, and the famous genre nowadays is Korean Pop (K-Pop). So the researchers want to know if Instrumental songs are important in our everyday ...
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...Jacob Kleintz FYWT Christa DiMarco Research Paper A Culture of Rejection Graphic designer David Carson reflected the grunge culture of the 1990’s through his design of the first issue of the music magazine, Raygun which was published November of 1992. Grunge itself, has its roots in the new music that was emerging as America entered the 90’s. Much of the music shows a disenchantment with society and a sense of entrapment. In 1992, music critic Simon Reynolds said about teenagers in the 90’s, “…there’s a feeling of burnout in the culture at large. Kids are depressed about the future.” By the early 1990's a majority of young adults found the pop music of the time had become too dull and boring. Due to this fact teens turned to a more alternative sound. They found this sound to be produced by college radio and small time record label companies. (Benner). By the start of the 90’s grunge was not only moving to new areas but also began making their own music. Grunge musicians rejected expensive, highly staged performances; most would not use pyrotechnics or other complicated lighting and visual effects during their shows. Grunge ironically arose from a complete rejection of culture (Berman). Carson's style of typography experimentation influenced the development of the deconstructed style of design and a whole new era of designers. The experiments by Carson and other Ray Gun designers were chaotic, abstract and distinctive, but sometimes illegible. The magazine's radical subject...
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...Criticism…………………………………………………………………..…….13 Interpretation of A&F………………………………………………………………..…….16 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………21 Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………..........23 Appendices………………………………………………………………………………...26 i 1 INTRODUCTION Abercrombie and Fitch is a store that targets a specific audience to make their customers feel young and beautiful. The young adult population is lured into stores like Abercrombie and Fitch because of the store’s sex appeal. Young and beautiful adults are ready at the door ready to greet customers (see figure 1). In order to understand the impact of Abercrombie and Fitch on the young adult population, semiotics, the media, research studies and autoethnography will be utilized. Nonverbal and verbal communication is also analyzed throughout this paper through visual aids and marketing tag lines. The persuasive advertising and marketing techniques used by Abercrombie and Fitch suggest the degree to which sexually explicit visual stimuli alter cultural norms. JUSTIFICATION Abercrombie and Fitch was established by David T. Abercrombie in 1892 as highend outfitter of sporting and excursion goods. The store began going downhill in 1960 and was bought by Michael S. Jeffries in 1988. Since...
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...advances. The ideas and inventions which came about during these years were some of the most influential and life changing happenings in American history. Morale was high, and people were given opportunity to work on these new ideas rather than worry about invasions and the possibility of a life built around fear and war. In 1946 a man by the name of John Biggins introduced the first credit card to America. With this new idea, a person would present the card (then only a piece of paper) to a merchant, and the bill for the purchase would be sent along to Biggins’ bank. The bank would then pay the bill, and the account holder would be responsible for reimbursing the bank at the end of the month. This was huge to the American people. As the years progressed consumers were able to purchase more items, and in the 1950’s the credit card was widely responsible for the boom in purchasing consumer goods. Charles Ginsburg invented the first video tape recorder in 1951. Ginsburg led a research team at a company called apex, and was primarily responsible for the bulk of the ideas and production of the device. With this new invention, video cameras images could be captured and stored magnetically on rolls of magnetic “tape”. The invention is one of the most prolific happening in human history, as it allowed moments to be saved and replayed by everyday people. The year 1952 brought with it the invention of the bar code. Joseph Woodland, and Bernard Silver, working for IBM at...
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...Joan Hillary B. Rodrigo IV – St. Rita of Cascia Research, A.Y. 2010-2011 Mrs. Ma. Alon C. Song Meditation as Healing Remedy for Stress “Never underestimate the impact of stress,” goes with heavy sighs and redundant complains of tired students, over-fatigued employees and even exhausted presidents. People cannot escape stress but what are the remedies for it? Simple! There are various types of relaxation exercises that can be the foundation of stress management. One of them is Meditation technique. Meditation is a technique that can relieve the difficulties and problems of each and everyone. It can aid all ages in coping with stress. It can also assist in reinforcing the immune system of the stressed person’s body. Furthermore, meditation can be the true source of concentration and confidence. The aim of this research paper is to broaden the knowledge of each individual on how stress can be handled with the technique called meditation. Meditation can be a very effective tool in stress management. It teaches stressed individuals not only to relax but to focus away from stressful thoughts and feelings. In becoming skilled at the said technique, a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind will be obtained. It will give an advantage for the most part of the emotional well-being and the overall health. With the help of meditation, it can clear away the information overload that rise up day by day and be part of the cause of a person’s stress. Since meditation has been...
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...W. Edwards Deming Quality Culture Mini-Paper IE 361 Dr. Stephen B. Vardeman Maggie Brown Matt Freyer Rod Parayno What follows is a brief look into the story behind and work of William Edwards Deming. Included are a brief summary of his life, his philosophies, and the impact of his efforts. The Life of William Edwards Deming Deming was born on October 14, 1900 in Sioux Falls, Iowa, but spent the majority of his youth in Powell, Wyoming. He was raised on a government granted section of farmland with one brother and two sisters (www.deming.org). The Deming family struggled just to survive. Deming’s parents believed in the importance of an education and stressed this to their children. His mother had studied music and his father, mathematics and law. His mother’s love of music influenced Deming’s interest in music and composition later in life. In 1917, Deming began his own education at University of Wyoming at Laramie. Four years later, he graduated with a degree in electrical engineering. Deming continued with his education, completing his master's degree in mathematics and physics from the University of Colorado, and his PhD in mathematical physics from Yale University (www.deming.org). After receiving his PhD, Deming was offered a position with the Western Electric Company, but decided to pursue work at the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Agriculture instead. It was there that Deming encountered statistics and probability...
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...Virginia Watkin Professor Dave Graham Music 118 November 26, 2013 Rock and Roll has Lost the Ability to Effect Meaningful Societal Change Music has often been said to be the universal language. Rock musicians especially learned to use the power of rock music and lyrics to effect powerful changes in society, most particularly in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The early age of Rock and Roll was an exciting time for the musicians, lyricists and the mass of young people who listened to them. While it may be that rock music in all of its genres of today can still prod listeners to champion for social change, the rock music market has fragmented so dramatically that rock and roll has lost the ability to impact mass sections of the population and has therefore, lost its unique voice and ability to effect real social change in US society. The turbulence of the 1960’s, due to the escalation of the conflict in Vietnam to a full out war, the assassination of both President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and the push for civil rights for all people made for fertile ground for songwriters to encourage change for the better through their music. (Hibbard and Kaleialoha, p 122) Lyricists and composers worked in tandem to write songs to both inform the public and, in some cases, incite the public to take action against what was happening in, around and to the world. Songs such as “Blowin in the Wind, written by Bob Dylan in 1962 and “Ball of Confusion (that’s what the world...
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...THREE MODERN ART FORMS In this paper, I will argue that the arts and the media as a whole project demeaning sex roles for women through the process of stereotyping, in which traditionally feminine characteristics are exaggerated and categorized in order to simplify the interpretation of female characters. These stereotypes fall into three broad categories, those of the Good Housewife, the Scarlet Woman, and the Career Woman, none of which represent a fully mature, fully human form of personality development. In describing these basic categories of women found in the media, researchers have found them to be based on a classic opposition of types. For example, the housewife is characterized as being conservative, loyal, and cooperative, if somewhat out of place in the real world: In addition to the traditionally found housewife stereotype, there exists a strong and quite distinctive stereotype of woman as bunny. Bunny is described as glamorous, good-looking, pleasure-loving, romantic, excitable, passionate, frivolous and sensual... a third stereotype is reserved for women who choose activities which carry them beyond the traditional roles which serve men. These women lose their femininity... (Clifton, McGrath, Wick, l976: 144) In this study, we will compare the treatment of these demeaning stereotypes in several of the media that are not usually considered in sex role studies: contemporary works of art, contemporary popular music, and situation-based television commercials...
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...https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/470989045/voxskool-music-hub-for-better-health-and-happiness?ref=category VoxSkool Music Hub for better Health & Happiness! by Victoria Beebee 0 backers £0.00 pledged of £20,000 goal 27 days to go Back This Project Remind me This project will only be funded if at least £20,000 is pledged by Mon, Apr 18 2016 3:06 AM AWST. Fleet, UK Music In this day & age we feel worn down by so many daily pressures & emotions. We believe MUSIC is the MEDICINE of NOW! Share: Tweet Share Embed Pin Post Victoria Beebee First created | 0 backed voxskool.com See full bio Contact me Campaign Updates 0 Comments 0 Community Back This Project Remind me About this project Hey, I'm Victoria and I've been singing, writing and performing from a very early age and had a life of touring around the world and releasing my own material, which was amazing to experience with lot's of musicians and respected artists, as well as meeting brilliant every day people who loved the music! About 10 years ago I started to coach kids and adults to sing and express themselves through music, as I realised music has the power to change your mood from negative to positive and really aid in the healing of the mind, body and spirit. So I continued to coach and began gaining lots of new students. Each year we would gather everyone, all ages and cultures together and put on a concert for the local community, often...
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...PROBLEMS ON THE EFFECTS OF PEER PRESSURE TO ST. PAUL COLLEGE FOUNDATION INC. IN HAVING VICES Hi-way Road, Bakilid Mandaue City A research paper presented to the Students of St. Paul College Foundation Inc. Hi-way Road, Bakilid Mandaue City, Philippines IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS IN ENGLISH IV By: CLAIRE BLOOM LUMONTAD BRUSETTE CASTAÑOS YASMIN MARIE S. RODRIGO APPROVAL SHEET The research paper attached here is entitled “EFFECTS OF PEER PRESSURE TO ST. PAUL COLLEGE FOUNDATION INC. IN HAVING VICES” prepared and submitted by CLAIRE BLOOM LUMONTAD, BRUSETTE CASTAÑOS AND YASMIN MARIE S. RODRIGO MS. APRIL LOUISE D. AYATON PANELIST MS. K-ANNIE MARIE SAYON PANELIST MS. DONNAHLOU LAO PANELIST MS. COLLEEN B. SOBREVEGA teacher ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We wanted to take this opportunity to give thanks to people who made a great part of this research paper we have conducted. To our dear Parents, for the financial support they’ve bestowed upon us and of course their unconditional love & concern they have showed us while making these. To our adviser, Mr. Reyno Cañas, who never cease to understand us that she To Ms. Colleen Sobrevega, who had provided us the guidelines on how to come-up with this research paper and broaden more our knowledge about this. To the Panelist, Ms. April Louise D. Ayaton, Ms. K-Annie Marie Sayon, Ms. Donnahlou Lao, who exerted time to lend their ears for criticizing our work that made it better. To our respondents, who were...
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...Name: Shady Elkholy Student ID: 11005950 Module Name: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership Module Code: MN5002 Assessment 3: Tutor name: Katy Roberts Table of Contents Introduction 3 The purpose of the report 3 Discussion of the theory 3 Research Question 3 Methodology 4 Data collection method 4 Ethical considerations 4 Analysis and Findings 5 Extension to his personality 5 Need for Independence 5 Need for achievement 6 Growth Orientation 6 Innovation and pro-activity and risk taking 6 Conclusion 7 Appendices 8 Appendix A – Coding 8 Appendix B – The Transcript for the interview 14 Appendix C: Interview consent form 29 References 29 Introduction The purpose of the report This report aims to identify whether Oshi Okomilo the Founder and Managing Director of Guestlist is an entrepreneur or a business owner according to the theories on entrepreneurialism. Oshi Okomilo is the managing director for Guestlist which he describe it in his own words with the multimedia platform dedicated to spreading positive vibrations across the planet in various ways. Discussion of the theory There is an example for Smith and Miner (1983) that was cited at (Wagener et Al, 2010) distinguishing between the traits of an ‘opportunistic’ entrepreneur and ‘craftsman’ entrepreneur where the opportunistic one had a business strategy that promotes innovation and expansion, while the craftsman was more interested in the maintaining the status...
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...This is a free bonus version of 101 Romantic Ideas. Feel free to forward to or make copies for your friends. TheRomantic.com 101 Romantic Ideas 101 ROMANTIC IDEAS by Michael Webb, Founder, TheRomantic.com IDEA # 1 If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear. IDEA # 2 Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed! IDEA # 3 On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says: “I will love you until the last rose fades.” IDEA # 4 Buy the domain name of your partner's name if it is available for example www.TanyaJohnston.com. Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page. TheRomantic.com 101 Romantic Ideas IDEA # 5 Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying “In this mirror you will see the image of the most beautiful woman in the world.” IDEA # 6 Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, underline letters in a section of the book she has...
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...INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE TOURISM SECTOR IN KENYA INTRODUCTION Tourism in Kenya dates back to pre-independence days and history has recorded that as early as the 1930's, overseas visitors and explorers had started coming to Kenya mainly for big-game hunting expeditions while others came in search of solitude and adventure. These expeditions were locally referred to as "Safari" thus lending the travel world literature with a new vocabulary. Among the early visitors were statesmen, royalties and celebrities such as Theodore Roosevelt, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and Ernest Hemingway respectively. At that time, there was in existence a fairly developed but basic tourism infrastructure. The available accommodation was spartan but sufficient for both the visitors as well as the settler community in Kenya. However soon after independence, the Kenya Government realized the enormous potential of the tourism industry and hence undertook to upgrade the existing infrastructure as well as investing in additional facilities. To achieve its goal, the Government encouraged local and foreign entrepreneurs to invest in the tourism and hospitality industries thus paving the way for the future development of the sector. In spite of increased competition from other destinations, Kenya remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. Tourism in Kenya is mainly based on natural attractions, which include wildlife in its natural habitats as well as beautiful beaches amongst...
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...ased on research done in other countries across the world results have shown that the logistics hub have negative impact on the environment in the initial stage but turns out to be beneficial to the economy as it provides jobs, education ,foreign investment and other investment opportunities. This paper seeks to examine the kind of impacts the Logistics Hub would have on the economy and environment if any, where and who will feel the impacts of the Logistics Hub if implemented and how the Logistic hub will be beneficial to the Jamaican Tourism Product. The main objective is to gather all the data in the printed press, all articles and interviews and written documents on the Logistic Hub and appraise the value and correctness of information...
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...Course Description This course introduces the concepts, tools, and first principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. It is concerned with managerial decisions and actions that materially affect the success and survival of business enterprises. The course focuses on the information, analyses, organizational processes, skills, and business judgment managers must use to design strategies, position their businesses and assets, and define firm boundaries, to maximize long-term profits in the face of uncertainty and competition. Strategic Management (BUAD 497) is an integrative and interdisciplinary course in two important respects: 1. The course assumes a broad view of the environment that includes competitors, buyers/consumers, suppliers, technology, economics, capital markets, and government both locally and globally. It assumes that the external environment is dynamic and characterized by uncertain changes. In studying strategy, this course draws together and builds on all the ideas, concepts, and theories from your functional courses such as Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, and Statistics. However, it is much more than a mere integration of the functional specialties within a firm. 2. The course takes a general management perspective. It views the firm as a whole, and examines how policies in each functional area are integrated into an overall competitive strategy. We designed this course to develop...
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