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I Love Dogs Research Paper

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Dogs, we all love them right? I mean most people, at least, do. Sometimes people have bad experiences with dogs and that might cause them to be scared of them. I have a dog and I love her to death. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. She and I have had some memorable times together, some good, some bad, and some scary. She is always teaching me something.

I remember one winter, there was a lot of snow on the ground and my dog loves to chase squirrels. She will let anything walk across the yard, but when they start to run, she will go after whatever it is. This squirrel did not really understand that. He was also lucky that there were little snow piles around the yard. The squirrel would start to run so my dog would go after it. Once it saw that the dog was coming after him, he would duck down behind a snow pile. My dog, Pepper, would then lose the squirrel. The squirrel would wait some time and then get up and start running again. So Pepper …show more content…
I have this mama cat that has lots of kittens. I am talking about 33 kittens in 3 years. She is a very good and protective mom. She usually has her kittens in a heated box that we have on the deck for them. She used to love my dog Pepper, but after that first batch of kittens, she changed and not for the best. We had the kittens on the deck and Pepper loves to be on the deck. Mama kitty was not having that. She would just go and attack Pepper anytime she tired to get on the deck. It got worse and she would go out of her way to attack Pepper. One time, my dog was under the deck minding her own business, probably sleeping. Mama cat went under the deck and just attacked her. Usually when they get into a fight they do not really get hurt. This time, Pepper came out from under the deck with a bloody nose. To this day, she has scars on her nose from the cat and Pepper and the mama cat do not get along, even if there are no

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