Premium Essay

Values and Ethics


Submitted By downgradedstock
Words 665
Pages 3
I am participating in Deb from Home Life Simplified‘s 52 Weeks to Simplify Your Life Challenge. Week 2 asks participants to identify their core values and list their top 5 in order of importance. Here is Deb’s post to explain in greater detail the aim of this week’s task.

I think many of us would struggle with this task as it is, frankly, confronting to recognise and share those values at the heart of who you are. I know I have wrestled with it, trying to whittle down my values and summoning the courage to explain them and share them here.

After much deliberation I have come up with the following core values that I think are the most important to me right now. I could have picked many more but I think these 5 are at the core of who I am.

1. Honesty

I value honesty above everything. At the basest level I can’t handle dishonesty and I find it hard to even cope with dishonesty from my kids – nothing riles me up more than when they try to lie to me to cover up something!

Accordingly, I try to be as honest as I can with everyone else. Anytime I am at all dishonest, I feel sick to the stomach, even if it is the most minor of things. I think I value honesty so much because it goes hand in hand with trust and trust is vital to any relationship, isn’t it?

On a deeper level I want to be more honest with myself and with my feelings and with my desires. Sometimes I’m not completely honest with myself when it comes to acknowledging my own reactions to other people or situations and I need to work on that to find real contentment and happiness.

I wrote recently about my mixed feelings in relation to my blog and how I want to find my truth again. In the end my blog is called My Home Truths for a reason – I want this site to honestly reflect my life as truth and honesty is at the core of who I am. That’s why I think this value is the most important to me.


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